D&D 5E Best Third Party Adventures

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Could I ask you to expand a little as to why you like this campaign?

It's for 1st to 20th PCs.
We are also playing this. We are on page 107 of about 172.
The creator has captured the feel of the Moonshaes,and you get to visit lots places.
You get to face a vast array of foes.
It does suffer from some curses of self published stuff ( as does my own level 1 to 20 published campaign): some poor edits, repetitive words, dodgy free art, poor maps and lots white space!
There is way too much treasure, I am cutting it by 90%, and buckets magic items.
The chapters are all very short which is ok, a lot of similar quests, and small dungeons ( which I do like).
Some encounters seem quite scary on paper ( a dungeon for level 10 pcs had 4 CR 16s in it), but and this is good, you can talk your way through a lot of the encounters.

The party are heavily tied to the isles in their backgrounds.

I am enjoying running it.

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