D&D 5E Best Third Party (not WotC) D&D Adventures?

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Here's my choices. I even reviewed a few of them! These are just the ones I've read; I may include more as I continue combing through my library.

Dungeons of Drakkenheim: Cosmic horror sandbox in a ruined capital city. Is well playtested, has interesting and atmospheric locations, various factions and outcomes to allow for the adventure to go in many different directions.

Adventurer's Guide to the Bible: Historical fantasy sandbox set during the years of Jesus' ministry. Authors did their work with research on the era, there's a lot of side quests and various ways to approach the main quest, doesn't fall for the trap of prioritizing "the message" over good game design that other religious RPGs struggle with.

Unbreakable Volume 1: A cool collection of 10 Asian-themed adventures. Covers all tiers of play and various playstyles.

Shamless plug

I wrote it for a adventure contest Bryce Lynch was running and definitely did not come close to winning. Which was a forgone conclusion as it was for 5e and a Lair Raid.

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