D&D 5E Best Way to Challenge this Sorcadin, without high level spells


and since EK is in PHB it was intended to be used on AC of 21
Says you.

It’s simple. In my games when shield is used on AC 20+ characters, a conversation is had. It doesn’t happen again.

Problem solved. It amazes me that more seemingly irreconcilable problems don’t get solved with an honest conversation. So instead DMs contort themselves into a pretzel to try and ‘fix’ the system. When the simple answer of ‘stop trying to break it’ should suffice.

5e is pretty flexible and pretty robust but it isn’t a Stretch Armstrong.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Says you.

It’s simple. In my games when shield is used on AC 20+ characters, a conversation is had. It doesn’t happen again.

Problem solved. It amazes me that more seemingly irreconcilable problems don’t get solved with an honest conversation. So instead DMs contort themselves into a pretzel to try and ‘fix’ the system. When the simple answer of ‘stop trying to break it’ should suffice.

5e is pretty flexible and pretty robust but it isn’t a Stretch Armstrong.
I would be very hesitant to continue playing with a DM who thought "armored character + shield spell" warranted a conversation about banning.


Says you.
Says PHB, not me.
It’s simple. In my games when shield is used on AC 20+ characters, a conversation is had. It doesn’t happen again.
good to know, so only AC19 characters are viable in your campaign?

Problem solved. It amazes me that more seemingly irreconcilable problems don’t get solved with an honest conversation. So instead DMs contort themselves into a pretzel to try and ‘fix’ the system. When the simple answer of ‘stop trying to break it’ should suffice.

5e is pretty flexible and pretty robust but it isn’t a Stretch Armstrong.
does that apply to regular shields also?

shield only works with light and medium armor and not with heavy?

what about warforged or forge clerics or artificers?


Registered User
I was partly joking, but also partly not. I've never banned Silvery Barbs but man I have considered it.

I was going to describe the big issue with Silvery Barbs but you nailed it, it is just so disruptive. As the DM you see the roll, start narrating result, only to get thrown off completely because some player yells out Silvery Barbs!! as you are already describing the result. Lucky feat has the same problem, although at least often times the player calls that out before the DM starts narrating since it is their roll they are reacting to.

This is the biggest reason I don't like Silvery Barbs. It doesn't support the emerging narrative at the table, in fact, it just serves to interrupt play. It's all mechanical effect - there's nothing inspiring about the spell itself, IMO.


As long as i get to be the frog
This is the biggest reason I don't like Silvery Barbs. It doesn't support the emerging narrative at the table, in fact, it just serves to interrupt play. It's all mechanical effect - there's nothing inspiring about the spell itself, IMO.
When my wizard would cast it when an ally was crit or would otherwise fall to being hit they loved it and it wasn’t in itself OP at all.


This is the biggest reason I don't like Silvery Barbs. It doesn't support the emerging narrative at the table, in fact, it just serves to interrupt play. It's all mechanical effect - there's nothing inspiring about the spell itself, IMO.
I agree 100% with you, but mechanically it's OK, and it's the same as all other dice manipulations abilities.


Sure. But not currently in the game as is today.
yup, but we played all those feats and racial spells that way.
it's just addition to your spells known/prepared.

I would make it even more streamlined for usage.

You learn one 1st level spell.
You gain one 1st level spell slot.

Voidrunner's Codex

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