Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)

16 treasures/art (250gp each) = 4000gp
11 gems (100gp each) = 1100gp
2 Healing Potions(already distributed)
3 Lesser Radiant Orbs(already distributed)
Gp Total: 6550

Orb of Insurmountable Power +2(Level 8) Yishim
Iron Armbands of Power(Level 6) Kaz
Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2(Level 9) Fredrock
Accurate Staff of Ruin +2(Level 9) Scarm
Imposters +2 Finemail(Level 6) Toeto
Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2(Level 9) Eithal
Iron Armbands of Power(Level 6) Fredrock
Strongheart Tattoo(Level 8) Eithal

Time GP
February 1st to March 20th = 48 days

Level 4: (48 / 365) * 2100gp = 277gp
Level 5: (48 / 365) * 2330gp = 307gp
Level 6: (48 / 365) * 3756gp = 494gp

Toeto: 277gp
Kaz, Scarm, Fredrock, Yishim: 307gp
Eithal: 494gp

Grand Totals
Toeto: 1915gp, Imposters +2 Finemail(Level 6)
Kaz: 1945gp, Iron Armbands of Power(Level 6)
Scarm: 1945gp, Accurate Staff of Ruin +2(Level 9)
Fredrock: 307gp, Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2(Level 9), Iron Armbands of Power(Level 6)
Yishim: 1945gp, Orb of Insurmountable Power +2(Level 8)
Eithal: 494gp, Cloak of the Walking Wounded +2(Level 9), Strongheart Tattoo(Level 8)

Note: Since Fredrock and Eithal each got an extra item, I distributed the other gold evenly amongst everyone else.[/sblock]

[sblock=XP]Skill Challenges:

Infiltrating the Warrens
(Level 5, 3 round Composite Skill Challenge): 50xp x 6 PCs x 3 rounds = 900xp
Twisting Tunnels(Level 5, 3 round Composite Skill Challenge): 50xp x 6 PCs x 3 rounds = 900xp
Escape!(Level 5, 1 round Composite Skill Challenge): 50xp x 6 PCs x 1 round = 300xp

Skill Challenge Total: 2100xp x 2 = 4200xp.


Warrens Ambush:

2 x Rerisen Dead Mob(Level 5 Elite Brute, 400xp) = 800xp
2 x Rerisen Hungerer(Level 4 Brute Swarm, 175xp) = 350xp
11 x Burrow Worms(Level 4 Minion Skirmisher, 44xp) = 484xp
7 x Rerisen Dead(Level 1 Minion Brute, 25xp) = 175xp
Total: 1809xp

The Dark Temple:
x Avatar of Ravens(Level 5 Solo Artillery, 500xp) = 500xp
1 x Ravenchanged Cale(Level 5 Soldier(Leader), 200xp) = 200xp
1 x Ravenchanged Livia(Level 5 Artillery), 200xp) = 200xp
Total: 900xp

Combat Total: 2709xp x 2 = 5418xp


Infiltrate the Dark Temple(Level 5, Minor, 300xp) = 300xp
Destroy the Avatar's Crystals(Level 5, Minor, 300xp) = 300xp
Destroy the Raven Gods(Level 5, Major, 1200xp) = 1200xp
Disrupt the Ritual(Level 5, Minor, 300xp) = 300xp
Rescue Cale(Level 5, Minor, 300xp) = 300xp

Quest Total: 2400xp x 2 = 4800xp

Scarm: Bonus XP(story): 50xp x 2 = 100xp

Adventure Total: 14418xp / 6 PCs = 2403xp

Time XP
Level 4: (48 / 365) * 1752xp = 231xp
Level 5: (48 / 365) * 2004p = 264xp
Level 6: (48 / 365) * 2502gp = 330xp

Grand Total:
Toeto: 2634xp
Kaz, Fredrock, Yishim: 2667xp
Scarm: 2767xp
Eithal: 2730xp[/sblock]

[sblock=DM Credits]48 days = 1.5 months = 3 DM Credits.[/sblock]


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OOC: Bookkeeping post for Scarmiglione.

Scarm sells magic dagger +1 @ 20% of 360 gp = 72 gp
Sells accurate staff of ruin +1 @ 20% of 680 gp = 136 gp
Buys siberys shard of the mage (heroic) @ 680 gp.

OOC: Wow! What a show! This has been absolutely the best adventure I've done. I second Ronakshah2000 in praising your use of terrain, and also your skill challenge system (which I hope to shamelessly plagiarize in my own adventure).

Thanks for the loot and XP!

Eithal is now at Level 7!



GM: Thanks TwoHeads! Can someone here give him an xp for me? I have to "spread them around some more".

Thank you for your comments everyone - nothing more gratifying to a DM than to have his players enjoy themselves in his games!
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