If you guys wanted to stick together, you could request and adventure for the group - it's been done in the past. It would be a shame to see you all split up.
Fredrock levels to 6. Sounds like a good idea--count me in..have been having great fun! Also would like to say you've been a great DM, Iron Sky..will look for your adventures in the future as well.
Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 6
Passive Perception: +17, Passive Insight: +22 Senses: Low-Light
Init +2, Speed:5
AC:23, Fort:19, Reflex:19, Will:23
HP 64/64, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left:13/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 4/4
Powers- Blurred Steplink Battlemind Demandlink Mind Spikelink Bull's Strengthlink Iron Fistlink Mist Weapon link Second Windlink Battle Resiliencelink Telepathic Challenge link Psionic AmbushLink Aspect of Elevated Harmonylink Beckoning Strike link Beckoning Strike attack
Item powers Dwarven Scale armor link Manifestor Weaponlink
MBA +12 vs AC, 1d10+8 (brutal 2)
RBA +2 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
Excellent adventure, IronSky! I really love the combat encounters you've been giving us. It's nice to see environmental hazards, attacks on multiple fronts, mixed unit tactics, and so forth. It all adds up to be, uh, really difficult, lol.
Toeto levels to 6 as well. I wasn't convinced the multi-target healing from a shaman would work out, but it's turning out to be pretty powerful, I think.
I'm all for keeping the group together. If we want an adventure hook, Toeto's people are indeed afflicted by some mysterious, insanity-causing plague of doom. Though I would feel a little guilty about stealing the spotlight (especially with a character as unheroic as Toeto, until she develops a little anyway). Maybe we can discuss it at the tavern?
Glad you guys enjoyed it! I felt guilty sometimes about pushing the group on as much as I did, but I think that works better in PbP...
I'm definitely all for you guys sticking together, so I can skim through the adventure and see how you all are doing if nothing else. You'll probably want to come up with a catchy group name (like the Mostly Monstrous Crew, Dextyr's Strikers, etc).
Woe-betide the DM that sends undead against you all.
I'd take you on another adventure, but I'm going to finish up my other adventure then take a break from DMing for a bit. I enjoy it, but running two adventures at once (especially at the murderously fast pace you guys post!) became almost a part-time job.
I also would love to keep the gang together. We've got a good dynamic and adventure well together. It's also challenging to find a good adventure for characters Level 5 and greater, so being able to do so in a full party would probably attract a DM.
Iron Sky, really wonderful adventure. Although I cursed your name to the heavens when I died, the encounters were truly engrossing. I'll second the comment that you use terrain extremely well. Enjoy being a player for a bit; you've certainly earned it.
I'll check on Yishim's leveling in just a moment, but he's likely to be level 6 by now.