Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Dark Temple, Combat Over

Eithal turns to the altar and after studying it judiciously for a moment, shouts something indecipherable out and smashed the altar, disrupting the ritual utterly.

When the Avatar is dead, she lashes out one final time and the power of the gods explodes from her, the air shimmering and exploding all across the room and destabilizing the roof even more. The dead gods tear out of her and begin to assault the group with their incredible power, trying to find a single chink in the minds of the heroes to help them stay in the world.

A moment later, there is a shimmering golden light and a radiantly beautiful woman walks to the avatar's body. She kneels and says a prayer, heedless of the spirits of the cohort of undead gods that assault the very air around her.

Then she looks up and smiles, a glimmer of sadness and joy mixed in her expression as she meets the gazes of the group. Finally, she nods and raises her hands and there is a blinding flash.

When everyone can see again, sign of any god has vanished and the group is left alone with the collapsing temple.

Kaz scrambles out of the fiery pit and the group flees, the whole warrens destabilized and coming down around the group's heads! Even worse, Cale's immense wounds - physical and spiritual - are causing him to lag behind and his injuries might kill him even if he somehow makes it out...

[sblock=Eithal's Actions]Start of Turn: Take 4 reduced to 1 fire damage.
Move: Move to G15.
Standard: Nature check to dispel ritual: 1d20+10=29! Ritual dispelled.[/sblock]

GM: Combat over! The next round, Fredrock would take 5 fire damage reduced to 0 and Kaz takes (ouch) 19 reduced to 16. I'll assume those who have the regen 2 will banish it for the healing. Kaz's regen bloodied will take him up out of bloodied as well.

There's no time for a short rest, jumping straight into a 1 round skill challenge to escape the Warrens.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Avatar of Ravens: Reactive Detonate(when attacked by Fredrock): Detonate(range 20, +2 CA, -5 blind): 10 Reflex vs Fredrock, miss. Detonation Frenzy(when reduced to 0 hp, close burst 10, +2 CA vs Fredrock, -2 cover vs Eithal and Scarm): 29 Reflex vs Toeto, hit, 15 Reflex vs Yishim, miss, 16 Reflex vs Kaz, miss, 23 Reflex vs Fredrock, hit, 10 Reflex vs Eithal, miss, 18 Reflex vs Scarm, miss, Nat1 vs Cale. Toeto and Fredrock take 16 damage reduced to 13.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants]Scarm: -
Eithal: 13 damage taken
Kaz: 22 damage taken
Fredrock: 21 damage taken
Toeto: -
Yishim: -

: 56 damage taken

Livia: dead

Avatar of Ravens destroyed: 1
Crystals destroyed: 2

Statues destroyed: 2

Ritual: counterspelled[/sblock]

[sblock=Skill Challenge]Objective: Escape from the Warrens by any means necessary before they collapse!

Rounds: 1*

[sblock=Cale]I'll roll for Cale: 22 Athletics, enough to get out, but he'll die of his wounds unless someone grants him a reroll via Aid Another or a Miracle. If you grant him a reroll, you can roll it(+11). Even then, he needs a Miracle to make it out alive.

Alternatively, if someone can grant him any surgeless healing, he has 4 hp and took 6 damage from his current result, if you can get him 3 HP/THP without spending his last surge, he'll make it.[/sblock]

Individual Skill DCs:
15-: Disaster, you take 3d10+5 damage and are completely separated from the group. *You must do an additional round with a cumulative -2 penalty.
16-20: Disadvantage, you take 2d10+4 damage and lag behind the group. *You must do an additional round with a cumulative -1 penalty.
21-25: Advantage, you take 1d10+3 damage but make it out of the Warrens successfully.
26+: Miracle, you make it out of the Warrens successfully and may either help one of your companions(grant them a reroll) or snag some loot on your way out.
Natural 1: -1 point, lose a healing surge
Natural 20: +1 point, stumble upon treasure

[sblock=Roll Options]Action Points: An action point may be used to roll an additional skill check in a round, though it must be different than the original check.
Aid Another: You may take -3 on a skill check before your roll to grant someone else a reroll.
Heroic Effort: You may spend a healing surge before a roll to gain +3 on the roll or after the roll to gain a +1 - or both for two surges.[/sblock][/sblock]


Come on Cale, you can make it! You didn't come this far to fall now!
Fredrock says as he makes his way out of the collapsing caverns, finding some treasure along the way.
aid another -3 to check to give Cale a RR. 16 no good.

Heroic effort Endruance +13 +3 (HE) -3 (aid) 33..nat 20.
Miracle allows Cale to RR again: 29 Mircale..he makes it!
OOC: can I use my miracle to give Cale a 2nd RR?
Cale makes it! Yay!

Which also means there is a RR available for anyone that needs it.
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Yishim helps lead the group out, using his knowledge of cave systems and underground passageways. By dodging several unstable cavern ceiling areas, he makes it out with only some scrapes and bruises.

Dungeoneering: 10 +9 (skill) +3 (HE) = 22
Taking 12 damage.[/sblock]
[sblock=Yishim Stat Block]Yishim- Male Human Wizard 5
Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 17
AC:19, Fort:14, Reflex:19, Will:18, Resist 10 Force -- Speed:6
HP:25/37, Bloodied:18, Surge Value:9, Surges left:3/6
Initiative +6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers: Scorching Burst, Phantom Bolt, Shield, Heroic Effort, Grasping Shadows, Maze of Mirrors, Orb of Deception, Orb of Insurmountable Force, Phantom Chasm, Visions of Avarice, Brooch of Shielding
Other: Deathwalker's Boon, Resplendent Gloves[/sblock]


Toeto runs out with her eyes up, watching the ceiling for falling rocks more than the quickly disintegrating path.
OOC: Heroic Effort. 6/10 surges remain.
Miracle! I'll look for some plunder.


First Post
Kaz runs like mad towards the exit, spotting all the falling rocks before they hit him, and scooping up a nice bag of treasure that was laying on the ground in the process.

Perception check = 26 (-1 surge, now have 0)

Loot please, unless someone needs a reroll (I have a spare action point to help with that however).

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