Black Flag Black Flag Playtest 2: Magic, Luck, Fighter, Wizards!

Kobold Press has released the 2nd playtest package for its Project Black Flag, which showcases magic, the luck system, and the fighter and wizard classes. Black Flag is the codename for Kobold Press' open source 5E 'replacement' game.

Kobold Press has released the 2nd playtest package for its Project Black Flag, which showcases magic, the luck system, and the fighter and wizard classes.

Black Flag is the codename for Kobold Press' open source 5E 'replacement' game.

Playtest 2 black flag logo.

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I had a feeling the Black Flag Fighter was going to have some kind of "Second Wind" improvement/variant.

Ruins of Symbaroum 5E Player's Guide did something similar with their Fighter(renamed the Warrior) with a 1st level Feature that was a variant version as well.

Battle Wind: When hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal to 2d4+your Con Modifier. You immediately gain the temporary hit points and can apply damage from the triggering attack to them.

The regular Second Wind, while getting the principle behind it, is so/so depending on how you roll. Last Stand at least feels like I could get more HP back compared to the initial Second Wind. ESPECIALLY if you take the one Black Flag feat where your Hit Die is permanently raised by one step. Overall, I say this is a pretty nice step in a direction on adding to the Fighter's tanky nature. And basing the usage on your Prof score is a good idea.

Luck is very interesting. Both with the cap and the differing point cost. And the fact that there is the strong "Use before you lose it" incentive with going over the max and going from 5 to 1 in luck depending on how the D4 favors you. Plus I wonder how Advantage/Disadvantage feels about this? Luck has the possibility to turn a five point difference Dis roll into a success. AKA: "Pushing your Luck."

Also: I REALLY like the sound of Spell Rings.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The Cantrip wizard is a bit on the weak side; it gets more cantrip damage and can poach cantrips from other lists, but it's really the Wizard version of the Champion, lol.
Since we haven't seen the whole list of cantrips in this projected book or the Tome of Heroes, it's possible there are some cantrips that would make these mechanics more impressive.

And since specialist schools are a feat in Black Flag, one could presumably double-dip and be a cantrip specialist evoker and squeeze our more oomph that way. (I don't recall what the specialist feat does. Ignore this if it just makes it easier to learn new spells or something.)

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Since we haven't seen the whole list of cantrips in this projected book or the Tome of Heroes, it's possible there are some cantrips that would make these mechanics more impressive.

And since specialist schools are a feat in Black Flag, one could presumably double-dip and be a cantrip specialist evoker and squeeze our more oomph that way.
Oh yeah, I was just commenting on how the version in Tome of Heroes compares to other options. Cantrip Master isn't very fiddly and does exactly what it says it does, great if you don't want to track fiddly options like being a Ley Line Wizard. Or my favorite, the Familiar Master, which requires Druid-level scouring of Monster books to find the best Familiar forms for your P̶o̶k̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶i̶n̶e̶r̶ Wizard.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Oh yeah, I was just commenting on how the version in Tome of Heroes compares to other options. Cantrip Master isn't very fiddly and does exactly what it says it does, great if you don't want to track fiddly options like being a Ley Line Wizard. Or my favorite, the Familiar Master, which requires Druid-level scouring of Monster books to find the best Familiar forms for your P̶o̶k̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶i̶n̶e̶r̶ Wizard.
Every class needs a simple and straightforward choice, IMO.

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