Black Flag Black Flag Playtest 2: Magic, Luck, Fighter, Wizards!

Kobold Press has released the 2nd playtest package for its Project Black Flag, which showcases magic, the luck system, and the fighter and wizard classes. Black Flag is the codename for Kobold Press' open source 5E 'replacement' game.

Kobold Press has released the 2nd playtest package for its Project Black Flag, which showcases magic, the luck system, and the fighter and wizard classes.

Black Flag is the codename for Kobold Press' open source 5E 'replacement' game.

Playtest 2 black flag logo.

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Battle Mage is the all star so far in my opinion. You get an improved version of the Abjuration arcane ward, plus an improved version of the Evocation Wizard's power to make your spells "friendly"- right there, I'm sold. And Contingency Plan? WOW! Being able to have a second chance to get a spell to have an effect is amazing! Especially since two of those abilities are unlimited use!

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Also, one of the biggest benefits of getting away from WotC being the only source of core books is if we can finally bury 5E and D&D using the word "level" to mean at least three different concepts. Spell "circles" is a big win for clarity.
I am a fan of circles for spells. Feels like something people would actually say in-universe.

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