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Blood & Vigilance Question


Herder of monkies
For those characters in our WWII Superhero campaign who wanted that Rocketeer feel:

JetPack: This volatile item uses a mixture of jet-fans and cutting-edge alchohol based fuels to allow the wearer to fly. This grants the wearer the power of Flight at 3 PP, with clumsy maneuverability. It requires at least one free hand and a move action/pilot check to start, and often come with a small wire-based hand controller or helmet to provide maneuverability. Pilot checks are made at a base DC 15 for most maneuvers as a move action. Wearers of this item cannot glide, though they can increase/decrease speed of descent with an appropriate pilot check of DC 15 + 2 per 20’ increment over their base speed. Any failure of a pilot check requires a balance check equal to the DC of the pilot check they failed, at a +2 on the DC, or the pilot loses control and begins turning in a random direction of his current facing (1d4) until his next turn. Each round that control is not re-established, the direction is re-rolled. If the character happens to be out of control for more than 2 checks, and the first 2 checks came up with identical numbers for direction, the character is considered to be in an uncontrolled ‘spin’. Treat as falling like a dropped object, with a lateral speed of what they were moving when they lost control, with a balance check of an additional +2 DC to return to just being out of control.

Example: Captain Freedom is flying laterally with a jetpack, at a base speed of 60’ (what you get with Flight at 3 PP) and maintaining control each round with a pilot check of DC 15. He decides he wants to dive down and drop a grenade on some Nazis on the ground. He rolls a pilot check to increase speed by 20’ (DC 17) with his move action putting him at 80’/round, then tries to increase again with his attack action (DC 19). On the second check he fails and loses control, and the jetpack turns in a random direction on his current heading for whatever movement he had left (if any). On his next turn he must make a balance check at a DC of 21 (DC 19 for the failed control during speed increase, +2 for being out of control) to regain control as a move action. Assuming he fails, we roll on a d4 to determine the direction he turns. If he fails 2 checks in a row with the same number on the d4, he is in a flat spin with a DC of 23 to pull out of, and begins falling while still moving at a high rate of speed.

Characters taking Aircraft Operation feat for this item gain Flight at 4 PP, with average maneuverability, and can perform stunts (hard stop, quick takeoff, hard turn, regain control, quick throttle) based off of his pilot skill, and gains a +2 bonus for every 5 ranks in pilot he has to any balance checks to regain control and saves vs. effects brought on by a critical failure.

Special: Anyone standing directly behind the wearer in the same square (for a vertical takeoff) or the immediate square behind him (for a lateral ascent) when he ignites thrust takes 2d6 points of damage (Reflex save 20 for half damage, damage is half energy:fire, half concussion/physical) and are subject to a knockback blow (see Blood & Vigilance, page 53 in the print version, section: Superheroic Combat) with a base DC of 15 + damage dealt.

Also, these devices are known to be occasionally unstable. On a natural 1 or 2, the jetpack fails somehow based on the following table:

% die Effect

01 – 25 Jetpack does not respond to command, but continues to work normally

26 – 45 Jetpack fires at twice normal power.

41 – 60 Jetpack fires at half normal power.

61 – 75 Jetpack shuts down and user immediately begins to fall; it may be restarted with a pilot DC of 15, and then the user must regain control as above.

76 – 90 Jetpack fires uncontrollably; if the user has control, he is immediately considered to have lost control and must make balance checks to regain control at a -2. If the user is currently out of control, then they immediately go into an uncontrolled spin with checks made at a -2.

91 – 98 Jetpack backfires and sputters intermittently; user has loss of control (-2 on checks) and takes 2d6 points of fire damage immediately (reflex save for half). On a failed reflex save, the wearer must also save to avoid catching on fire.

99 - 00 Jetpack immediately explodes; user takes 4d6 damage, must save to avoid catching fire, and begins falling.

Jetpacks weigh 30 lbs (loaded) and carry enough fuel internally for 30 total rounds of use (180 seconds). They have a hardness of 5, and 20 hit points.
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Wow, both Cb and Ledded, this is great stuff! :)

I am happy to announce that some BNV support is on the way. One of the campaign models in Blood and Fists II will involve Vigilance rules (though it will be usable without BNV). For those who have BNV, there will be some new powers and a new origin presented.

Also, my next book will be for d20 Modern and will have a tie-in as well.



Herder of monkies
Power Nullification
(Instantaneous; Action; Medium Range; Exclusive)

The Super making use of this power makes a ranged touch attack against a target as a strange wave of energy emits from them; if successful, the target (if a Superhuman) must make a Will save DC 15 or have a random power limited in effectiveness by 1d6 Power Points per 4 PP invested (on a critical save failure, i.e. rolling a '1' on the save, the target is also dazed for 1 round and the duration of the weapon effect is doubled). The 'damage' in PP returns at the rate of 1 per round.

Special: Supers that have Power Detection can target a specific power of an enemy if they succeed at a Power Detection roll to determine the powers that an enemy super may have. They need only make the check once per encounter, but must make another Power Detection check for later encounters.

General Stunts:
PP Damage returns at half the normal rate; for example, one stunt makes the ability return at 1 per 2 rounds.

Power Feat:
Focused Nullifcation
Prereq: 4 PP in Power Nullification
Effect: +2 to the target's save DC to resist nullification

Nullifcation Spread
Prereq: 8 PP in Power Nullification, Focused Nullification
Effect: The Super may target multiple adjacent squares with their attack. They may target a 5' square for every 4 PP they have in Power Nullification of their choice as long as the squares are adjacent, affecting every Super in those squares. Each additional square past the first incurs a cumulative -2 to the DC of the Will Save and -1 die of 'damage'.

Example: Mr Mental has 12 PP in Power Nullification. He targets the Batmanuel with a Power Nullification blast and hits him. He will do 3d6 PP of damage to a random power of Batmanuel's, who is allowed a will save DC 15 to resist the effect. If Mr Mental had previously made a Power Detection check good enough to determine what powers Batmanuel had, he could specifically target one of Batmanuel's powers such as flight, possibly causing Batmanuel to fall.


Herder of monkies
And having created that power, I made yet another technological creation for my own fun and enjoyment. The players jumped all over this one, if for no better reason than to see what would happen when the thing *didnt* work...

Nullifier Gun: A close range weapon that makes use of the new metal Tibranium and the Power Nullification ability, this Ray Gun looks like something straight out of a Flash Gordon serial, with strange disks and buttons all over it. When fired, the user makes a touch attack against a target as a strange wave of energy emits from the weapon (accompanied by a warbling vibrating noise); if successful, the recipient (if a “Superhuman”) must make a Will save DC 15 or have a random power limited in effectiveness by 2d6 Power Points for 1d4 rounds (on a critical save failure, the target is also dazed for 1 round and the duration of the weapon effect is doubled). Normals are unaffected, other than a slight tingling sensation around the armpits and genitals. It can only be fired once per round, and only 4 times before needing to be “recharged” by someone with the power and knowledge to do so. It fires to a maximum of 5 range increments.

Special: this is extremely new technology, and extremely unstable. This weapon malfunctions 25% of the time (on a natural roll of 5 or less). Roll d100 and refer to table in the event of malfunction:

d100 Effect
01 - 25 Weapon does nothing, but a charge is used nonetheless.

26 - 35 Weapon discharges normally, but uses 2 charges and ceases to work for 1d4 minutes.

36 - 45 Weapon discharges, but affects the firer also.

46 - 60 Weapon discharges wildly: add +5 to initial attack roll for every remaining charge against target (and +2 to save DC). Any super within 5’ of target for every charge fired is affected. Initially targeted super suffers twice the effects (and on a critical failure, must save again or have that power indefinitely disabled), but the firer suffers the normal effect as well. All remaining charges are discharged, and there is a 25% chance the weapon will be destroyed.

61 - 70 Weapon fails to discharge, and all remaining charges drain off harmlessly

71 - 75 Weapon backfires with terrible psychic backlash; user takes 1d4 temporary intelligence or wisdom damage (50/50) and weapon does not affect target. A charge is used normally.

76 - 85 Weapon begins terrible psychic vibration; on the next round it will “detonate” forcing all supers within 20’ to make a Will Save (DC 12 + 2 per remaining charge) or be affected by weapon’s power. Weapon is destroyed.

86 - 96 Weapon turns the tables: it does not affect Supers at all, but renders all normals within 20’ of target unconscious if they fail a Will save DC 15 + 2 per charge. Uses only one charge when this happens, and weapon works normally thereafter.

97 - 99 Weapon fires, but user (as well as target) takes 2d6 points of psychic blast damage. Any damage past vitality does not go into wounds, but into wisdom or intelligence instead (50/50). Uses one charge as normal.

00 Weapon instantly, and devastatingly, destructs. Damage is for an area effect psychic blast affecting all living things within 30’ of user. Damage is 6d6, Will Save DC 15 + 2 per remaining charge for half. Any damage past vitality points does not go into wounds, but into wisdom or intelligence instead (50/50). Anyone having their ability drained to 0 by this attack has had their mind destroyed. Weapon is fully destroyed.

Range Increment: 10’, Damage: 2d6 PP, Size: M
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Herder of monkies
Vigilance said:
Wow, both Cb and Ledded, this is great stuff! :)

I am happy to announce that some BNV support is on the way. One of the campaign models in Blood and Fists II will involve Vigilance rules (though it will be usable without BNV). For those who have BNV, there will be some new powers and a new origin presented.

Also, my next book will be for d20 Modern and will have a tie-in as well.

Thanks, I've had a lot of fun with it.

Glad to hear some BNV support is coming. Nice tie-in's there, you had already set the hook and were reeling me in with BnF II, now hearing there is a BnV tie-in I'm just jumping out of the water and into the boat :)

C. Baize

First Post
Ah! Nullifier! Can't believe that one escaped me... :)
It was one of my favorite terrors for characters in Marvel Super Heroes... the dreaded nullifier belt.
Good stuff, Ledded!


Herder of monkies
C. Baize said:
Ah! Nullifier! Can't believe that one escaped me... :)
It was one of my favorite terrors for characters in Marvel Super Heroes... the dreaded nullifier belt.
Good stuff, Ledded!
Thanks. I'll have to post up my gear write-up for Tesla Gloves and the Tesla Shirt also.

Funny thing was, once they figured out what the nullifier Pistol did, half the guys wanted one, then went about shooting them at each other and innocent allied supers standing around just to see what they would do (i.e. trying to force a failure). I kept having to remind them that they aren't water pistols.

C. Baize

First Post
Another new power for BNV! :)

Toxic Biology
You possess the ability to emit a poisonous substance from your person.
Duration: Instantaneous
Activation Time: Free
Range: Variable
Exclusivity: Exclusive
Toxic Touch: Your touch causes 1d4 damage per 4 power points to the ability you choose when taking this power. Opponents make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1 per 4 power points) to negate the damage.
Toxic Spit: You expel a poisonous substance from your mouth causing 1d4 damage to the ability you choose when taking this power. Range is 10 feet + 5 feet per 4 power points spent on this power. This attack provokes an attack of opportunity. Opponents make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + 1 per 4 power points) to negate the damage.
General Stunt: Increase damage to the next higher die. d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d8, d8 becomes d10, d10 goes to the maximum of d12...
General Stunt: Increase the Fortitude save DC to 15+1 per 2 power points.
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