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Blood & Vigilance Question

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C. Baize

First Post
Here's a couple of "News Reports" type stories for our Vigilance game...
The first one is an older story, from the original version of Vigilance...
The second is from our latest session...
The powers changed a little with the rebuilding of the characters and the changing of the powers, but I thought the stories might be entertaining.

Older Story
Latest Session

Enjoy the stories.


Herder of monkies
C. Baize said:
Here's a couple of "News Reports" type stories for our Vigilance game...
The first one is an older story, from the original version of Vigilance...
The second is from our latest session...
The powers changed a little with the rebuilding of the characters and the changing of the powers, but I thought the stories might be entertaining.

Older Story
Latest Session

Enjoy the stories.
Cool stuff man. Very cool stuff.

C. Baize

First Post
Issues that came up in game...

So... while running Blood and Vigilance last night / this morning, I ran into an interesting situation I had not yet handled in BNV.
One of the characters has Telekinesis...
He yanked one of the villains (it was a pair of them... the yellow/green skinned villain from last week {it was in the story... the guy with poison hands, and spit}, and a super powered mercenary he hired to help him take the group on, again) off the ground with TK, and then hurled him toward the spiky decorative bits on the fancy wrought iron fence surrounding one of the character's home...
This hadn't come up before... I'm going to let you know how I handled it, and I'd be interested in some feedback and how you guys would have handled it as GMs...
I used the Telekinetic character's Wis modifier (the stat for TK) as a Strength type modifier (oh... I used spear damage for the spiky bits.... I think they're called fineals.), so 1d8+8 was the damage...
Anyway... when he hurled the villain at the spikes, I had him roll a straight attack roll, just D20+his BAB, and the villain got a Reflex save to avoid being impaled on the spikes (to represent catching himself on the fence, or squirming a bit to avoid the actual spikes).
What do you guys think? How would you have handled it?

Oh! Also, the way they ended the fight... they knocked out the mercenary, and the telekinetic grabbed mr poison hands and held him face up in the air... according to the rules, as long as your concentration is not broken, you can hold the telekinesis... the other heroes then took poison dude down to negative hit points (before his next action came up), trussed him up, and contacted Lt. Calabresi to come get the guy.
Now... for the end of the fight... how would you prevent something like that happening, again? Considering they were out in the suburbs, and the villain's hired hand was down, what's to prevent the telekinetic from ending the battle like that again?
It sounds like the telekinetic was quite substantial in the fight, but honestly, other than the spikes, and grabbing the villain, and holding him until the end of the round, his actions weren't that effective... he tried dominating each of the villains, but they both made their saves, and was only really effective at the end of the battle...
Anyway... thoughts? Suggestions? Did I handle it like a retarded chimp? :)


Herder of monkies
Sounds pretty much like I would have handled it.

I think it sounded like it worked out good. A telekinetic can be pretty powerful but there are definitely ways of making them less effective if a BBEG has planned for them; a good knock on the head will keep someone from concentrating very well :)

It sounds like he took good advantage of a situation that was a good candidate for his particular ability. In the future, though, I'd think that the bad guys they fight that might have heard of that will probably be quicker about putting him down so he can't use that particular 'finishing move' on them. :D

C. Baize

First Post
I'm using the Ninja class from BNFII for the poison guy, so next time they meet up, he's likely to have a few shuriken... :)


Herder of monkies
C. Baize said:
Done, my good man.

Hey, if you guys get a chance anytime soon check out my Vigilance-powered Story Hour, "We were like gods once", link in the sig. I had a ton of fun writing up the various PC's super powers.

Oh, we played another session last week of the aforementioned supers game, and one of the guys brought in a telepath/telekinetic character. He had some very interesting combinations of strategy for those powers, it was a blast to watch him at work.


First Post
ledded said:
Oh, we played another session last week of the aforementioned supers game, and one of the guys brought in a telepath/telekinetic character. He had some very interesting combinations of strategy for those powers, it was a blast to watch him at work.

Yes, I must say it was fun playing with those powers. However, it did bring up a question that I think ledded handled well. Here is the basics: Using the mimic power (and a uniform my character packed for just such an occasion) my character took on the appearance of a nazu Lt. Well, while walking down a hall for some recon, I ran into a squad of soldiers sent to investigate an alarm I had inadvertantly set off. Making my bluff check, I convinced the squad to follow me blindly into a trap. Now here is where the fun part starts and my question comes into play. As the squad came into the room, with me in the lead, the group ambushed them. On my turn, I used domination on one of the soldiers in the back. The question we ran into was this. While the power description just lists medium range, it says nothing of line of sight. At the time, I could not see the soldier, but after some discussion, ledded decided that because a) i knew the soldier was there and b) the amount of pp I had in telepathy, I could still sense the soldier's mind and could therefore dominate him. What do you guys think? Should the power specificaly have a line of sight adendum to it?

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