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Blowing the Dust off of My Files


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Wow this stuph is old and I apologize for anything that may be "square".

Kill, hug, feed, or steal them...I care not except that you all enjoy them.

Whatever happened to Claymore anyway!?

Jin Kalib's Clockwork Thief
Tiny Construct
Conversion by Claymore

AL: Neutral
HD: 2d10 (11 hp)
Init: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 20 (+2 size, +4 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armor)
Attack: None
Damage: None
Face/Reach: 0 ft. by 0 ft. / 0 ft.
Special Qualities: Spider Climb, Tasks, Tremorsense, Fire Immunity, Construct
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 18, Con -, Int 0, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Open Locks + 20, Disable Device skill +20

A fist sized, spider-like clockwork device that can perform some basic rogue tasks. The device has 8 spindly legs, 2 arms that each have 4 fingered hands. Inside the device is an assortment of tiny tools.

Spider Climb(Sl): The Clockwork Thief is permanently affected by the spell Spider Climb.

Tasks(Ex): The Clockwork Thief can perform the following Tasks.
* Assist: The clockwork thief may assist with some other tasks. Escape Artist, Craft ( Trap Making ), and Craft ( Locksmith ) giving a +2 bonus.
* Sentry: The clockwork thief is a loyal companion, and can be commanded to guard either it's owner or a specific item within 30ft of the owner. Any creature that enters the sentry are will alert the clockwork thief, which will sound a ringing alarm until the owner commands it to cease ( Sentry duration is 6 hours ). The clockwork thief senses ground vibrations only, and cannot really see, nor is it sentient and therefore capable of using good judgement. This function is useful, but limited. The device is sensitive to the vibrations of the surface it is standing on only ( A wall or a ceiling for example ).

Tremorsense(Ex): The Clockwork Thief has Tremorsense, enabling it to detect any creatures within 30 ft. that are in contact with the ground.

The owner of the Clockwork Thief can whisper a command to the construct. He can order it to use any of its skills, he can order it to guard him using its Sentry ability, or he can order it assist him when performing a task of his own. The owner can give the Clockwork Thief an order that includes it completing additional tasks after it has finished the first task. A maximum of three tasks can be given at any given time. The Clockwork Thief will finish the other tasks in the order they were given. The Clockwork Thief must remain within 30 ft. of its owner at all times. If it moves beyond 30 ft. away, it will become immobile. An immoblie Clockwork Thief can be picked up by anyone. It will respond to the person that picked it up as its new owner.

Kapila Sutra's Clockwork Pestilence
Tiny Construct
Tiny Construct
AL: Neutral
HD: 4d10 (22 hp)
Init: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 20 (+2 size, +4 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armor)
Attack: Special
Damage: Special
Face/Reach: 0 ft. by 0 ft. / 0 ft.
Special Qualities: Spider Climb, Tasks, Tremorsense, Electrical Immunity, Construct
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 18, Con -, Int 0, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Move Silently +20

A fist sized, spider-like clockwork device that is filled with a disease ridden fluid or gas. Legendary tinker, Kapila Sutra's spin off of the Jin Kalib line of clockwork devices.


Spider Climb(Sl): The clockwork pestilence is permanently affected by the spell Spider Climb.

Tasks(Ex): The clockwork pestilence can perform the following Tasks.
* Sentry: If commanded to guard an area, the clockwork pestilence will lay in wait. Should any creature other than the owner approach within 30ft of the device, it will charge and spray its deadly contents, infecting all those within its area of effect that fail a Fort save DC per disease. If it's infectious contents have been released in this manner, the device will be reusable.
* Martyr: When given the command, the clockwork pestilence will seek out a chosen target and detonate itself within 5ft or less. The entire construct will be destroyed, but not without spraying a 10ft area with its infectious contents. ( Fort save DC per disease ) + 1d6 ( metal fragments ) damage to all within the area . Ref save for 1/2 damage.
* Stand Down: The device will curl its legs up and lay dormant until picked up.

Tremorsense(Ex): The clockwork pestilence has Tremorsense, enabling it to detect any creatures within 30 ft. that are in contact with the ground.

The clockwork pestilence is an expensive, but effective weapon of terror. Once given a command, it will not stop until it has detonated, released its diseased contents, or the owner commands it to stand down. While in stand down mode, the clockwork terrors are inactive. While inactive, the ownership of the device can be transfered to whoever holds and then commands the device to function. If the clockwork pestilence sustains enough damage to destroy it in combat, it will detonate. The owner must be within 30ft or less to order the device to stand down.
Examples of Infectious Agents:
An Alchemy skill check DC 30 must be made, and the infectious agents must be gathered to produce the fluid or gas for the construct.
If the DC check fails by 10 or less, the solution is ruined, and its infectious qualities destroyed. if the failure is greater than 10, the alchemist has infected himself with the concoction.
Base cost to brew an infectious concoction; liquid 1000gp + * major ingredients
Base cost to brew an infectious concoction, gas 2000gp + * major ingredients
* major ingredient cost is up to the DM. If some mummy rot happens to be in an herbalists shop somwhere, that's fine, but it's up to the DM to determine price. Most likely, the PC will have to go gather the ingredients themselves!
The base cost includes the special containers, safety equipment, and materials to make the liquid or gas that will carry the infectious agent.
All diseases described on page 75 Dungeon Masters Guide
1. Cackled Fever, gas
2. Mindfire, gas
3. Mummy Rot, liquid
4. Shakes, liquid or gas
5. Slimy Doom, liquid or gas


Tiny Fey
Hit Dice: 1/2 d6 ( 3 )
Initiative: +11 ( +7 Dex, Improved Initiative +4 )
Speed: 20ft / 40ft fly ( Perfect )
AC: 19 ( +2 Size, +7 Dex )
Attacks: Dagger +2, tiny crossbow ( +9 )
Damage: Dagger 1d4-2, tiny crossbow 1d4
Face/Reach: 2 1/2ft x 2 1/2ft
Special Attacks: Poison, Spell Like Abilities
Special Qualities: SR 20, Poison Immunity
Saves: Fort +0 Ref + 10 Wil +4
Abilities: Str 7 Dex 24 Con 10
Int 15 Wis 15 Cha 15
Skills: Spot ( +11 ), Listen ( +11 ), Hide ( +11 ), Move Silently ( +11 ), Pick Pocket ( +11 ), Tumble ( +11 ), Wilderness Lore ( +7 ), Escape Artist ( +11 ), Open lock ( +11 )
Feats: Alertness ( +2 Listen & Spot ), Improved Initiative, lightning Reflexes ( +2 Ref saves )

Climate/Terrain: Temperate to warm underground
Organization: Gang ( 2-4 ), band ( 6-11 ), or tribe ( 20-80 )
Challenge rating: 4
Treasure: No coins, 75% goods, 75% items
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 2-3 HD Tiny

Dahkmuern are the pixie-like kin of the drow. They stand 1' tall, looking very much like their drow kin. Dahkmuern are ebony skinned with pointed ears and very attractive, eyes are bright green, giving the creatures 120ft of darkvision. Dahkmuern also have silvery, insect like wings that give them the ability to fly about the underdark.
Underdark sages believe that the dahkmuern followed the drow into the depths many millenia ago, living at the edges of drow cities. Dahkmuern settlements are smaller versions of the drow cities they reside next to, complete with noble houses, large spider guards, and magical wards. Numbers reach into the thousands, and the cities can sprawl for up to a square mile beneath drow trash heaps.
Dahkmuern society is matriarchal and centered around the worship of the drow goddess Lolth. Although viewed as vermin by their drow neighbors, they are not harmed for fear of incuring the wrath of Lolth. Drow have reluctantly learned to coexist with their tiny kinfolk, often recruiting the dahkmuern as scouts, spies, and assassins.
Dahkmuern speak drow, and undercommon


Dahkmuern prefer to attack their foes by ambush and trickery. They will begin a battle by firing ranged weapons and employing their spell like abilities to confuse and distract their enemies. Enemies that are affected by the poison tipped ranged weapons will be engaged in melee, then stripped of valuables. Dahkmuern take no prisoners, and offer no mercy.
If outnumbered or faced with a powerful foe, they will retreat into the darks, alerting any nearby drow patrols and will carry out hit and run attacks until the enemy is driven out of dahkmuern territory.

Spell Like Abilities: sleep 3x per day as a 3rd level caster, darkness, invisibility, and resist elements ( fire ) 1x per day as a 3rd level caster.

Poison: Contact poison extracted from the Shamzar Fungus, and applied to melee and ranged weapons. Fort save DC 15 or creature is paralyzed for d4 hours.

Poison Immunity: Immune to all spider venoms and toxins. +4 Save vs all other natural poisons.

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