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Body Counts?


StalkingBlue said:
Seven PCs actually. I believe you are forgetting my druid. Again. Sigh ... :D

Session 1: 2 PCs - Elros & Cho.
Session 2: 2 PC - Aos & Rhianne, +1 cohort, Titania.
Session 3: 3 PCs - Saphie, Barak & Helm.

Yup, 7 PCs. You're right as usual. :)

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Printed this thread out, showed it to our GM. He looked shocked :).

So Friday's game, he gave us a five minute talk about how if he was being to harsh, tell him, so we set him straight - in fiction, the cost of success often determines its value.

But we did promise to do a better job of protecting the monk from himself in the future.


when I start a new campaign I give each player a single use of what I call the HOG or Hand of God. Basically what the HOG states is that when used it allows for either a mullagan due to miraculous forsight of up to a maximum of 30 seconds. So they can use it to avoid stepping on that preassure plate that released the poison gas but can't use it to warp themselves back to the start of a dungon. Alternatively if the character dies due to damage inflicted by a monster then the damage is somehow miraculously deflected irrigardless of how much damage is acutally taken so that it only lowers them to negative 1d8 HP.

It's important to keep in mind that the HOG comes into play once per campaign not once per character. The player does not have to use his HOG upon the death of one of his characters he can simply allow his current character to die roll up a new one as normal and use the HOG at a later date.

There are two things that a HOG will not protect against, the first is a Wish spell either one cast by yourself that happens to have negative concequences or one cast by another being and targeted at you. Wishes have the capability to destroy the very fabric of the universe and are potentially more powerful than a god. The second is the actions of a god itself. In otherwords if you manage to piss off Hextor to the point where he feels the need to eradicate you from existance personally then the HOG will do absolutely nothing to save you (yes this came up in a game once).

After your single HOG has been used it can be restored by one of two ways, either the use of a wish or as a personal favor by your diety.

This was orriginally intended to be used as a way of improveing the survivability of low level characters but my players quickly found it was more useful to let their low level characters die and use it either to avoid being erradicated at really high levels or at middle levels when the party still doesn't have frequent access to the true resurection spell and they really don't want to loose a level.


First Post
My campaign is still young. There are 3 4th level characters (small group) running through the forge of fury. Dwarfen Fighter, Human Cleric, Human Sorcerer.

Session 1: Plenty of dead orcs, dead wolfs, dead ogre no pcs come close to death

Session 2: Many more dead orcs, captured orc adept, no pcs come close to death

Session 3:Not many battles, but dead striges, no pcs come close to death

Session 4: Several battles, brown bear knocks fighter and sorcerer to negatives, cleric saves the day


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astralpwka said:
Early level deaths for our group are rare, except through stupidity.

Mid level deaths are usually decided by fate, with great DM rolls and poor player ones.

At High level, its no holds barred DM vs Player mayhem with deaths every week, though never TPK's.

Yeah, thats pretty much how it works in my games.

At high levels, even a TPK isn't necessarily the end (though the bad guys getting to loot the PCs is certainly a major setback).


First Post
S'mon said:
Session 1: 2 PCs - Elros & Cho.
Session 2: 2 PC - Aos & Rhianne, +1 cohort, Titania.
Session 3: 3 PCs - Saphie, Barak & Helm.

Yup, 7 PCs. You're right as usual. :)

Er, well, dunno about usual, but yeah ... :eek: :)

I'm glad we didn't raise the count to 8 last session anyway.
Dunno why I said that. :p

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