Boston EN World game day on Saturday, January 29th


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Thanks to P-kitty and Kid Cthulu for providing a great venue, including one truly palatial bathroom (session in there next time?). Thanks to Betsy for creating a cool Underdark scenario, and running a very entertaining and well-conceived game. Thanks to Doug Mander for creating a very interesting and compelling D20 campaign setting, and for the fun of getting to play in a cool and novel environment.

Thanks also to all my fellow players for their efforts and for helping keep my characters alive :D My first gameday was eminently enjoyable, and I'll be doing my best to attend many more.

P.S. I hear rumor there's a cat. Did anyone see a cat?


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First Post
Dr. NRG said:
P.S. I hear rumor there's a cat. Did anyone see a cat?

Not only did I see the cat, I pet the cat!

My thanks also to Pc and kC for a great game day. I had a blast...

...and you have a secret door!!! Imitation is the sincerest form of flatery: I'm calling my contractor!

Thanks also to Cappelan for a great game of Spaceship Zero (I like talking monkeys) and to all my players in Pulp Action Theatre for putting up with my rookie MnM GM effort. I hope you all had a great time.




Piratecat said:
Shurai, I have formed a deep emotional attachment to your toaster and do not wish to give it back. Nevertheless, I probably should. What's the best way to get it to you?

Actually, a funny thing about that. I told my mom that I accidentally left her toaster at your place and she was surprisingly happy about the fact. Apparently, she's been looking for an excuse to get a new one for some time.

So, if you'd like to keep the toaster for your very own, to toast with whenever you like, consider it a thank-you gift for such an awesome day. : ]

Dr. NRG said:
Not only did I see the cat, I pet the cat!

Yeah, me too! PC & KC have cute and friendly aminals.



Gameday pics

Thanks to everybody for an absolute blast.
Here's some pics:

Ao the Overkitty's Zombie Burger game, going clockwise:
KidCthulhu's back, Fluffaderm, Zog, Ao the Overkitty, Evil Kitty Grrl, Gospog.

Greyrat's Dark Deeds game, going clockwise from the left:
Greyrat, Sagrabah, Dr. NRG, Asmor, Random-Assassin. You can't see Dareoon.

Piratecat's Afternoon in Eversink game, clockwise left to right:
Piratecat's back, Shurai, DaveLozzi, Fluffaderm, Gospog, Umbran, ShadowDenizen.


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Blood Jester

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Gaming Bathroom?

Dr. NRG said:
Thanks to P-kitty and Kid Cthulu for providing a great venue, including one truly palatial bathroom (session in there next time?)....

P.S. I hear rumor there's a cat. Did anyone see a cat?


I won't give away secrets, but KidCthulu has been know to use that room in her Cthulu games (of course).

And the cat is a very sweet kitty who hides in the secret room mostly. :)


Grim Tales at Gameday

Here's some shots from Wulf Ratbane's Grim Tales game. Using Dunjinni, Photoshop, and an awesome color plotter, he produced several amazing battlemats for the game. He also used the session to test out some cool new features for GT!

The mats just piled one on top the other as we fought our way through the game. That's Wulf, Wulfwife, and Kajamba Lion.


In the snow-covered grove of the "wooden woman":


Our heroes face off against a dragon in its lair. Despite its 3-d appearance, the gold hoard in the corner was part of the art printed on the mat. Amazing!


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Fun at Gameday

In addition to the games, everyone brought a ridiculous amount of food and there was plenty of time for chatting and catching up. Piratecat is giving bunny ears to Glassjaw, and Rugger's laughing in the background.


PK and KC have a couple awesome dogs, who stayed busy in the center of attention. That's Kira, Greyrat and Zog along the left, Finney and Argo in the middle (they're the hairy ones), and KidCthulhu and Orchid Blossom on the right. I think that's E1ven just visible in the doorway at the back left.


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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Thanks again to PCat and KidC for hosting, PCat and Wulf for running some sweet games, and to the folks that I met and played with — it was cool meeting y'all. I had a great time. :)


Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Dr. NRG said:
P.S. I hear rumor there's a cat. Did anyone see a cat?

Course I saw the cat. Most cats know to come out to see me. :)

Now that I have gotten 13 hours of sleep I want to send a thanks to Kevin & Peggy for another great gameday.

Also to my players in the All Flesh game. It was a great final run of Zombie Burger. How fitting you should set ablaze to the entire town and send it to ruin. Gospog or Fluffaderm have to post the list of quotes when they get a chance.

Also a thanks out to Quadilar for the Pulpy goodness. "The dragon is weak."

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