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Bother Around Beregost

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If at all possible, Ivellious would stay close to the trees, and use them for cover, and have Cormick (The wolf which I just realized I hadn't named till now) scout ahead of himself looking for any signs of this mysertious scout



It would ordinarily be an easy job for Korik to find something to kill and eat, even though his only suitible weapon is a crude goblin sphere and that tends to force him towards larger game like a small deer or boar - it's generally not considered a good idea to hunt rabbits with a warhammer. However, most animals seem to be migrating - some would even say fleeing, so hunting for him is as more a matter of ambush than stalking.

However, with Grims aid he does come across a small herd of mountjack grazing in a large meadow like clearing by the side of one of the Cloakwood's streams. Picking a likely target he throws his spear, but goes wide , his spear burying itself point first in the turf. The herd takes flight and the opportunity is lost, for Korik anyway, Grim takes off after the herd and seeks to run one down, or at least steer it back towards the halforc.

You make your way along trails you have trod dozens of times before, through streams you have forded enough times to name every stone on bottom and past trees that were standing when you were still a child. While not as intimate with the Cloakwood as with his native Yuirwood far to the East, this is familar ground to Ivellious. Still, its not home.

As Cormick approaches one of the larger meadows, he stops and listens, both of you hear the sound of fleeing deer and the barking of dogs. Perhaps a hunting party, no, maybe not, there is only one dog. Creeping foward to the edge of the treeline you see a burly half orc and his dog chasing deer in the clearing


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Ivellious will pull out his bow and nock an arrow slowly, incase the half orc is a foe, but other wise remain quiet and watches. If he doesn't need to get into a fight and lose precious time finding the person suppose to be helping him.


Working in unison with his dog, Korik waits for the thing to be redirected, and will charge the thing and take it down by hand if he has to, cutting it with his sickle.

If Grim takes it down himself, Korik will run over and assist in killing the thing. In either case, he will make sure Gim gets his due share.


Grim successfully brings down the deer and latches onto it's throat, this is not an especially quick nor pleasent way to die and Korik dispatches the beast with his sickle before settling down to efficiently butcher the thing. There are several days worth of meat on this thing, but plenty can be smoked tonight for Korik's consumption and the if the rest goes a bit off, well Grim doesn't mind that and unlike Korik he can't eat roots or berries. However right now Grim is gorging himself on the deers viscera, and getting thoroughly caked in blood.

Well whoever this half-orc his he hunts with some skill, and his bond with his dog seems deeper than a mere hunting companion. Perhaps he is the one you seek?
Cormick looks at you and tiles his head to the side, then looks back at the kill scene hungrily.


Wilphe said:
Grim successfully brings down the deer and latches onto it's throat, this is not an especially quick nor pleasent way to die and Korik dispatches the beast with his sickle before settling down to efficiently butcher the thing. There are several days worth of meat on this thing, but plenty can be smoked tonight for Korik's consumption and the if the rest goes a bit off, well Grim doesn't mind that and unlike Korik he can't eat roots or berries. However right now Grim is gorging himself on the deers viscera, and getting thoroughly caked in blood.

Well whoever this half-orc his he hunts with some skill, and his bond with his dog seems deeper than a mere hunting companion. Perhaps he is the one you seek?
Cormick looks at you and tiles his head to the side, then looks back at the kill scene hungrily.

As Korik prepares the meat to be eaten, he doesn't forget about what he's seen previously, and keeps a watchful eye out for anymore spiders or zombies, or anything else, for that matter.



While there are no Zombies, Spiders or Tasloi to be seen there is a slight anomaly in the tree line to the North which, while the half orcs eyes intially reject as uninteresting, they come back later and focus in to the slight, motionless figure of an elf with a nocked arrow.

You freeze as the half-orc scans the treeline, his gaze passes over you, then comes back until he is again looking directly at you. It looks like he's seen you.



Korik keeps his eyes on the figure in the treeline, but doesn't immediately take cover. Instead, he makes sure his hammer is within reach, and stands by his catch. He puffs his chest a bit and straightens his back, making the most of his hulking 7-foot frame. Should the elf loose his arrow, the snarling Korik will be ready.


First Post
Ivellious, still unsure of the half orc, keeps his arrow pointed at the half-orc and calls out to him in common, "What is your business in these parts of the woods, orc whelp?" If the half-orc makes any threating moves Ivellious will shoot first, and ask question later

Voidrunner's Codex

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