Braille for wizards

One thing to consider is that in 3.5, each wizard has their own way of scribing their spells and arcane formula, though they share the same "alphabet". Without a spellcraft check, or a read magic spell, you can't read another wizard's spellbook. So, writing it in braille could, with DM's approval, be a way to raise the DC of that check.

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First Post
In the Dark Sun game I'm dm'ing, lots of mages including all of the members of the secret group names Veilled Alliance use unconventional spellbooks since arcane magic is banned and shunned. These unconvetional spellbooks can be anything that you can code the information on: a pot with geometric patterns on it; a necklace with several beads of varying size, shape and colour; a gem that reflects very complex patterns of light (which is very very hard to add new spells) and so on.

Someone who suspects that such a pattern may be a spellbook must cast Read Magic to be sure, and succeed in a spellcraft check to decipher the writings afterwards. Spellbooks made by using a craft skill do not cost the listed prices.


First Post
Another consideration is the purpose of Braille. Braille in our world is used to enable the blind to read. It is tough for a blind mage to exist, as almost every spell requires targeting. I suppose you could make a Daredevil type magician who relies on blindsight to target. And their spellbook would be in braille.

Shin Okada

Races such as Grimlocks or Grells are blind but have blindsight. Wizards of such races may using something like Braille for their spellbooks. Grells do have their mages (Grell Philosophers).

In regard to handling. Members of primitive races such as Grimlocks may be using something like slate and stylus. On the other hand, Grells are known to have some sci-fi-like technologies. So they may have their own version of Braille typewriter.

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