Branding Opportunity
Still in the hallway before the face
Before anyone steps through the open, genderless face, Owen carefully checks it for any new surprises (OOC: Taking 20 on Search check). Despite his best efforts he comes up with nothing. Either there is no trap here or it is disguised beyond the young adventurer's ability to detect.
While he is thus occupied, Majakilar peers through the opening, a torch held out before him. He studies the various geometric patterns on the left and right walls, at least those he can see from his somewhat limited vantage point still outside of the room. The patterns are mostly hexagonal in shape, but Majakilar also spots rectangles, triangles, circles, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Nothing about the frequency or placement of these shapes suggest anything unusual, although the miner doesn't find them particularly compelling artistically (OOC: Int check).
Before anyone steps through the open, genderless face, Owen carefully checks it for any new surprises (OOC: Taking 20 on Search check). Despite his best efforts he comes up with nothing. Either there is no trap here or it is disguised beyond the young adventurer's ability to detect.
While he is thus occupied, Majakilar peers through the opening, a torch held out before him. He studies the various geometric patterns on the left and right walls, at least those he can see from his somewhat limited vantage point still outside of the room. The patterns are mostly hexagonal in shape, but Majakilar also spots rectangles, triangles, circles, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Nothing about the frequency or placement of these shapes suggest anything unusual, although the miner doesn't find them particularly compelling artistically (OOC: Int check).