D&D 5E Breaking up Darkvision

This seems more trouble than its worth.
I think so too and for the players as well. I had a DM that would change rules as he wanted without discussing it with the group, sometimes on the fly. It got to a point I wasn't sure what my actions would result in because I couldn't keep straight which rules he had changed. Going into the game I had certain expectations of how the game would work based on the 3 core books RAW. Once that changed quite drastically I wasn't having fun and quit. I'd make sure the players are on board with this before going through the trouble.

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if you or the target are in sinlight or daylight or similar spell.
Is that some special version Paladins use, via detect evil
:) I think it's more like anti-sunlight, or (something I often mistype when trying to type sunlight) sunblight.

DM: "Strahd utters some strange-sounding words, and a fiery beam of gray light blasts forth from his outstretched hand."

Paladin: "Arrg! It burns!"

Having darkvision shouldn't hamper a creature in bright light. Remember, even a torch provides bright light. I would simply have it not work while in bright light.

I got long standing issues with considering torches, or even lanterns, bright light. I treat them as light. Bright light would be direct sunlight, the effects certain spells, or other conditions like that.

I actually miss low light vision. I felt it provided a great distinction from the generic infravision and darkvision.

My thoughts as well. And having different characters with different perception strengths in different conditions might be fun. Elves are great for the evening lookout in the woods, but in a mine dwarves can at least see.

And how a creature sees can really help define their behavior and encourage different tactics. Orcs make fine dusk and night raiders, but put them in an open field in the middle of the day and it gets easy to sneak past them.

Interesting, but not sure if you really want to limit it to a specific element. Web Sense and Tremor Sense work basically the same, and the liquid is just a moving surface.

I could just be getting pedantic here, but I sort of wanted some other way to give a water based sense which wasn't reliant on "vision" and wouldn't have land application.

It's interesting, but it complicates the matter a lot, and the main trouble is the combination with all the spells (darkness, flog cloud, etc.) and conditions,
Flog cloud?

I think you're talking about a different type of role-playing than the rest of us are... :)
which will create a large number of edge cases, especially the vision rules, that I have no problem with, but that a lot of people consider at the very least difficult to understand and apply...
It's pretty easy, really: physical (fog, snow, walls) or magical (darkness, etc.) impediments to vision affect all types* of vision equally.

* - note that here I don't treat echolocation, tremorsense etc. as vision as they do not rely on light.

I have ultravision, which is great outdoors (up to 900' for some creatures on a clear night) but does not work indoors at all (you're seeing by UV rays from starlight), which many "fey" creatures get; and infravision, which underground creatures get, that only has up to a 60' range but works the same indoors or out. That's it.

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