So 1e had Ultravision and Infravision. 3.5 had Low-Light and Darkvision and 5e has Darkvision. The former sounds too sci-fi to some and the later is too ubiquitous and overpowered to some. What would you put in a fantasy game?
For me, it was kind of cool looking up the variety of eye types in the real world (so thanks to everyone in the post 1608 thread who encouraged me to do that). Trying to do things in game terms, here's five that didn't seem too ridiculous (with some creatures having maybe multiples of them).
For me, it was kind of cool looking up the variety of eye types in the real world (so thanks to everyone in the post 1608 thread who encouraged me to do that). Trying to do things in game terms, here's five that didn't seem too ridiculous (with some creatures having maybe multiples of them).
- Animal Vision (Fae vision?) that lets one see extra shades of purple like the many birds and mammals can. Great for writing secret messages that other races can't see and spotting lichens in the snow. (aka UV vision that lots of birds and mammals have)
- Night Vision with large pupils or eyes that let one see better in less light - so at night outside , but not in complete dark. Doesn't help in the day. (aka usual night going mammal vision)
- Far Sight that's able to details about 8x farther away (aka the non-UV part of what birds of prey have)
- Clear Sight (Forge Sight?) that's able to better pick out details at a distance and through smoke, and in very dim regular light [Edit: ] if there is an IR source - but not in recognizable colors (aka near IR vision; going a bit beyond what some fish do)
- Fire Sight (Blood Sight?) that lets one see a red beyond red that shows heat, recent footsteps, living things, etc... (aka medium IR vision; a pit viper, but not through its eyes)
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