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A hand reached up and cupped a small branch filled with tiny white flowers, the leaves still mere buds that would sprout by the time the blossoms had shriveled. A tiny bee crawled out of a flower, annoyed. Upon touching the arm of the disturbance, the insect calmed and crawled quickly up the limb and along to a slender neck. Continuing up, a mouth was opened and the bee crawled within docilely. It reached back and brushed the pollen from one of the pockets on its back leg, the minuscule amount of dust falling onto the tongue. This was extended and the bee buzzed up and away.

The mouth then smiled, pleased at the offering and finished the inhalation of the blossom's scent. The figure then walked on, clearing the last of the trees, though the small vines that often wound about them continued on to do battle with the grass for space and sun. She looked out across the hills to where the village was to be found nearby the stream that flowed out of the orchard. Down the hill two woman waited, one of great age and the bearer of many children, the other a virgin only come into womanhood since the spring solstice. One on each side of the small river they waited. They wore matching tunics of golden brown that barely reached their thighs. Displayed was the intricate red markings painted upon them with the collected blood of newborns that had tragically died during the harsh winter months. Each held ropes of hemp that attached to the sides of the craft.

"Caoimhe." they spoke, opening their mouths wide. The old woman smiled comfortably, no stranger to the ceremony. The girl though looked upon the woman nervously. She had seen the goddess from a distance every year, a beautiful woman, her belly bulging, forever pregnant with life. Caoimhe smiled reassuringly at her and the girl managed to stop fidgeting. Two large bees flew from her dreadlocked, pollen-drenched hair to settle upon their tongues and regurgitate their nectar. The bees then flew out and lit upon their foreheads. Caoimhe stepped lightly into the boat and the two woman let the ropes go slack, allowing the current to take the boat. Thus they slowly came to the town, the women only having need of the ropes to lead it away from rocks or approaching too close to the bank.

Such was how she had entered the village for over a century. She would perhaps spend the rest of the week blessing the crops and midwifing. Many commented amongst themselves on her conduct of the latter, visiting all the expecting, delivering and even those who had recently given birth when normally it was only the ailing mothers and babes she gave her attention to. As well, a few of the more observant noticed the quiet desperation in her eyes and dread filled them when they realized their goddess herself was fearful.

This fear was lessened though as she was taken to the home of a woman that had been in the midst of labor for nearly a week. Caoimhe gasped as she put her hands upon the mother's abdomen. Such strong life she had never experienced in all her trips to the village. This was precisely what she had been looking for...

"What is your name?" she questioned gently.

"Lorelai... Brent..." she gasped out.

Caoimhe suddenly felt weak. That name... Brent... she could remember it. It had been her father's name, a man whose face she still saw clearly despite the last couple centuries. This woman was her many times grand-niece...

She immediately commanded for all to clear the room. She smiled down at the woman and put a hand to her sweating forehead and bid her to relax, to sleep...


She had the still, blue-faced child she delivered laid in a basket within her boat. To the priestess's confusion she had not allowed them to take any of its blood for the ceremony of the Grieving Mother.

"This child is special and it will hold an exalted place with me..." she had said to ease their minds.

She was pulled back up the river against the current, the ceremony of the spring solstice over and the task now given to the stronger women of the village. She reached down and removed the child and held it to her breast as she ascended the hill into the orchard. Deep within, she reached into the memory of the roots and branch and found that none watched her. She brought the child's face to her lips and breathed deep into its lungs. The blueness and paralyzation she had induced upon the healthy infant faded away and it bawled loudly.

Caoimhe smiled and a tear ran down her cheek.

"You are called Brina." she informed the child, holding it up to look into its eyes. "For you will be the protector and guardian-mother all your days..."


A small girl ran through through the patch of moonlight quckly, swerving to hide behind the trunk of a gnarled old apple tree. Breathing hard, she glanced about, pushing away a lock of pale strawberry-blonde hair from her face. A dark shadow then momentarily blotted out the moon as it leaped from the branches above, wrapping its arms strongly around the girl. She screamed in fear and delight as Caoimhe shouted, "I got you!"

The four year old reached up and grabbed a limb, squirming out of
Caoimhe grasp to the fey's surprise. The girl chinned herself onto the branch and did a quick flip onto the ground. She then leaped away like a deer into the shadows.

"Oh, very good, Brina!" the fey woman called out, beaming with pride.

She'd give her another few minutes and then give chase.

So deep into the night that it was better to be called morning they halted their game of hide and seek. The little girl snuggled up to her as Brina lie in a thick carpet of moss. She sang through the rest of the night, leading the girl's mind away from the normal lands where the mortals went to dream. Instead she took her to a safe place as she had every day since she had taken the child from its mother.

Once lead there, she would join the child and together they danced until the sun was high into the sky.

Such was the strange life of Brina. In all ways protected and loved, and allowed all the freedom she could wish for. Though this wilderness of fruit and blossom, wildflower and moss held many dangers, from the giant insects to the snatching tendrils of predatory vines, she was never harmed. These woods, they knew who their mistress was, and none would truly give her hurt. Brina did not know this however, and so though she grew happy and carefree, she was always just a little afraid. This edge kept her from becoming complacent in her happiness.

Much of the time though she preferred to stay near her 'mother', who would teach her the ways of growing things and the life that filled the world. Not for Brina was it to ask where babies came from, for Caoimhe took her many times to witness the convievings and birthings of everything that grew. From the bees and the flowers to the deer in the glade and the fish in the river.

It was then at the encroaching dusk that the truly serious lessons began. Young Brina never quite grasped the gravity of what she did, treating it all as games and contests. To leap and run and hide and move so that she could say even the trees would whisper, 'Where did she go?" to one another.

Every now and again the more dangerous inhabitants of the orchard would be allowed to pursue the child if she crossed their path, Caoimhe always hiding close-by. The young girl would then be forced to put all she had played at into practical practice, but it was as if the girl had no fear. She would laugh and mock them into a fury, even when claws had drawn blood or teeth snapped but a hair's breadth from her. Caoimhe realized that the girl knew the danger, but delighted in life all the more for it.

It was upon her eighth year when Caoimhe gave her her first taste of responsibility. A couple months before they had both witnessed a wondrous thing, a fawn was born beneath the full moon completely white. Once it had been weaned she brought it to Brina. The young girl delighted in it and the both would attempt to outrace the other and would romp for hours. Together they became inseparable and it grew into a handsome stag.

A couple years passed, and it was during one of her many excursions to the fringe of the orchards where she had been very deliberately told not to go, that she met a Man. He was stalking something, a strange contrivance in his hands. Caution waged within her as she had been told to avoid these creatures, but curiosity got the better and she followed it. He appeared to be watching tracks and came to a small clearing where her stag was nipping unripe fruit from the lower branches. The man knelt and held out the thing in his hands. Brina had no idea what he was doing, but whistled like a raincrow and the deer lifted its head, sniffing the wind. It caught the scent of the man and before the hunter could release the string of his bow it had leapt eight feet up and straight into the branches and behind the trunk.

The man gasped and Brina could no longer hold it back, bursting into laughter at the look upon his face. She had never seen a Man before, but he appeared young, not a great many years older than her. He turned quickly to her, his eyes widening. The girl before him was one of the most beautiful, vibrant and, yes, wild creature that he had ever seen. Her wavy, pale yellow-red hair fell far down her back and despite the chill of the early morning she did not seem to notice despite wearing only a tunic of gauzy material.

"Fellin? Aimey w'alo?" she said questioningly.

"Huh? What?" he stammered.

Brina chided herself inwardly. He spoke man speak of course She thought back to her lessons from Caoimhe and repeated slowly, "Hello. What is that?"

The words felt coarse and hostile in her throat, though he stood as if mesmerized as the girl seemed to sing to him.

As he remained still she grinned and reached out to take his bow. That broke the trance and he snatched it back possessively.

"Its a bow. You, ah, shoot things with it."

"What is a 'shoot'?" she questioned.

With a flourish he brought the bow up and released it. The arrow flew and by chance impaled an apple before falling to the ground. He winced in chagrin... he'd been aiming for the trunk. Brina though clapped enthusiastically, laughing.

"You can 'shoot' farther than I can throw! I must try! Come, come!" she said passionately. He looked at the bow reluctantly, but then she jumped up and kissed him on the ear. So shocked was he that he didn't at first notice she had taken it from him.

"What should I shoot... that mistletoe, up high!" she crooned.

He looked up and laughed, "You couldn't reach that."

"Yes? Why not?" she demanded. He just smirked and handed her another arrow.

She fitted it in and looked close at the parasitic plant high in an ancient tree. She then closed her eyes, seeing it in her mind. With a languid, almost lazy motion she put the bow to her ear and pulled back on the string, not strongly, but relentlessly. She released it suddenly, and hummed along with the vibrating string as it sailed high, up. It passed through the plant and continued on as a sprig bounced from branch to branch to lie down.

She finally opened her eyes and squealed as the young man stood open mouthed. Still holding the bow she wrapped her arms around him joyfully. She looked up, her eyes shining. He looked into them in wonder at this strange girl. Almost as if there were a physical pull he found himself leaning down to brush her lips with his own when he felt a great stabbing pain at the back of his neck. Another followed in his arm, and another on his back. Reached back he felt the furry bee that was crawling angrily upon him. Shouting, he slapped at it and rushed from the forest as the swarm began to surround him.

The girl sighed and fell backwards into some vines and looked up into a protruding stomach. Further up was the face of Caoimhe.

"That wasn't very nice!" Brina quipped. "He wasn't dangerous. I liked him!"

"Oh ho ho ho, alright, little pullet. Come along, you've had your fun. There are more dangers than the kind that can do harm. Especially when you are a woman and the other a man."

"Not a woman yet, unless you've not told me something." the girl replied smugly.

"But you will be soon. Come, and bring the deer. He's man enough for you right now."

Brina raised her legs and arched her back, throwing herself to her feet. She looked at the bow she still held and grinned.


Caoimhe was correct, knowing well the signs, and several weeks later the fey performed a special ceremony over her to usher in the new chapter to the girl, now woman's, life.

"Brina, with this change comes the day I have waited so long for. You already know that I am not the one who birthed you, though I could not love you more if I had. But what you do not know is why I took you from your mother. I told you before that I had risen you for a purpose, and now that womanhood has claimed you, it is time for this purpose. I have asked you not to leave these orchards. It is a very large cage, but a cage nevertheless and I am sorry to have kept you here when there is so much to see. It was to keep you from being seen by others who must not know of you. I no longer bid you to these trees, but I free you, to go far into this wide world."

She paused, to gage the girl's reaction. Brina's eyes were shining, though part of it was due to the tears of both happiness and sadness she saw in her. There was no fear or even nervousness. She could not have chosen better in all the ages of the world for this task.

"In fact, after this night we may never see one another again."

At this point Brina reached out and fell into the fey, hugging her tightly, wetting her bare skin with her tears.

"This I want and this I do not want. How can it be?" she whispered.

"Because it is the way of such things. I will have to leave soon, and will be gone for a day, perhaps another. I will take you to a place you have never been. There you must wait. If I am not returned in a seven-day, run. Run as if your feet were wings."

Brina and her stag followed as the fey lead them up and down hills, through tree and across creek. Finally they came to a place where the apple trees were so large that they might have been oak. This could not be readily seen however for enormous, twisted vines rose up to and carpeted the land between them, stretching from trunk to trunk. They held a winsome scent, and the fruits of the grabbers hung from them, but Brina had never seen the predatory vines so enormous nor so thickly grown. They twitched slightly as there were neared, but Caoimhe's presence kept them docile. She opened her mouth and hundreds of bees poured out, alighting upon the lush flowers of the vines. These parted like a curtain, showing the interior. Except for the light from without, it was completely dark, the vines crowding even over top to form a dense canopy.

Despite this a strange low-growing plant with thick, fleshy leaves covered the ground, of a green so dark as to be nearly black. In the very center of the clearing rippled a murky, stagnant pond, algae growing in cracked profusion across the majority of its surface.

At the edge of its eastern side an odd stone object rose. It rose about a stride high, a slab of cracked, weather worn marble. Near the top a window had been cut within it, upon which a clay pitcher sat. Its front part extended into the water, a square basin of stone with water that looked fresh and pure despite the unsavory liquid surrounding it. An elaborately wrought iron faucet protruded from the back slab to hang over the basin, continuously pouring out clear water.

"Wait for me here, and do not touch the water." the fey instructed. "And be ready for anything as I return, especially to run."

She smiles encouragingly and reached for a large iron ring above the faucet, pitted with age but unrusted. As she turned it the waters coming from the faucet changed drastically. With one turn it was black, almost inky, the next a cold blue, and the other hardly more than mud. Caoimhe then gave it a turn and stood as the what poured from the faucet was nothing. The water though glowed as if struck by the light of the full moon. The fey took the pitcher from its alcove and dipped it into the shining water. She then pulled it up and approached the murky waters. Reaching out, she poured the contents of the pitcher into the pond, which rippled once and began to shine, all sign of algae gone. Brina risked looking over the edge and frighteningly strange images could be seen impossibly far below the surface.

The fey replaced the pitcher and winked at Brina before stepping down into it. She disappeared beneath its surface and was soon out of sight, swimming strongly for the distance light.

It was five days before she was to return, rising up with desperation. Brina was picking ticks from the stag's fur when the fey's head rose above the water.

"Quickly, Brina, smash the fountain!" she gasped. Brina stood up to do so but then stood rock still at the strange sound that erupted from the blanket Caoimhe held.

"BRINA!" she shouted.

The girl snapped out of it and grabbed a branch from just outside the vines. She ran back and began to beat at it. The metal groaned after several moments and the waters began to change back into the stagnant pond it had been originally. Right before it snapped off however something rose from the water, rolling quickly out as the surface darkened.

The man-like creature glistened like moon on fish scales, though its face was a blurred nothingness. Its movements made Brina's eyes cross, and it brought to mind brief memories of her dark waltzings. All beautiful nonsense.

"RUN!" shouted Caoimhe, dashing through the vines. Brina and the buck leaped as one. The creature quickly gave chase, but blanched at the touch of the noon sunlight. At a gesture from Caoimhe the vines snapped closed. There was a horrible sound that Brina heard in her head, completely bypassing the ears. That then faded away as the vines eagerly gripped the apparition.

They ran for much of that day, Caoimhe having to mount the buck, fatigue visible in her face. They continued into the night and it was right before dusk before Caoimhe allowed a stop. Still clutching the bundle she lay down. Once both their breaths had been sufficiently caught Caoimhe held it out to Brina.

The girl opened it and gasped in wonder. Within was a baby, though one of pale skin and sky-blue eyes. It had the strange, eye-catching look as the creature that had emerged from the pool. Like the memory of a dream. Its ears those were large and pointed, and despite it being only a day or two old, it already possessed teeth, most of which came to points.

"This is who I have raised you to meet my precious one." the fey responded to her astonished look. "You must protect him at all cost. As of this day, you are his guardian, his nurse maid... and his mother."

"But, but, how shall I care for him? I cannot even feed him." Brina said, overwhelmed.

"Dear Brina, I am honeydew..." Caoimhe responded and put her palm to the young woman's breast.

Brina felt something odd stir within. The babe reached out and touched her chin and the urge to hold him forever filled her.

Caoimhe watched her expression with compassionate understanding.

"I will never let you go..." Brina whispered.

"Nor must you, until the end of your days. For he is of Faerie my dear, and he has been taken away. He will never grow a moment older unless he is returned, and that is something that must never be."

"Whyfore not?" Brina questioned, running a finger along his cheek.

"Because he will bring destruction upon us all."

"What?" she exclaimed, looking up.

"His future has been foreseen. I was his nursemaid long before I found you, but time passes differently between our two worlds at times. You and he were born upon the same day, and upon that day I saw the lay of his life. I might have ignored it, but within the Twilight court such things are not idly seen."

"What is the Twilight court?"

"As long as you hold that infant, your enemy. They do not know of my vision and must not. You must always been on the run, always going through new lands, never allowing him to be caught or he will be taken back to grow and fulfill the vision, and this MUST NOT BE! I cannot care for him, for they know me too well. You I have risen in hiding and your mind will never visit the dream realm of the mortals where they will look for you." she reached out and tiredly embraced the two children.

"Forgive me this burden I have put upon you." she whispers. She then looked up and was surprised as usual by the girl who was beaming.

Brina hugged the fey-child to her, "Oh mother mine, such an adventure I could never have believed possible. Thank you, thank you!"


They parted tearfully with Caoimhe laying a blessing upon the both of them. They sang as they parted, each one taking a verse until neither could hear the other.

The mother fey went to muddy and bewilder the trail of her daughter, while the new mother set out for parts unknown. She quickly learned to feed the child from her own body, and such joy did she experience at so small a thing she before could never have imagined.

Weeks became months, and months years. Full decades passed and Brina faced many of those of the Twilight court, but always she was able to somehow evade them or in rare instances, fight them off. Her outlook on life never dimmed, nor did her spirit. In fact it was honed into something that cowed even these beings of dreadful fancy. Coupled with the ferocity of the mother's protective instinct, she was a force to be reckoned with.

It was near her 60th year that she began to realize something was wrong. Whenever she found herself close to death the wild, fey side of her would erupt and she knew nothing but a euphoria where even battle overjoyed her and she not only no longer feared death, but treated it with disdain. Once it passed she would truly knew fear for the first time in her life. She knew not friend from foe and it chilled her down to her soul. And it was becoming more and more frequent as she felt herself growing older and the inevitability of death encroaching. She knew not what to do but if she must die, it would be protecting the things she loved, and old age and death could just bloody wait for her convenience.

She would continue to dance with all she had in her, beneath sun or moon, with friend or foe.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

Brina is a tall, stately woman of exceeding beauty. She at first appears as a young girl despite her height, her movements as free and unabashed as a child's, and lithe as a wild cat. Silvery-white hair hangs down past her feet, but a gentle breeze seems to always be teasing the tresses, keeping them from actually touching the ground.

As one nears however they see the first signs of extreme old age, though only in the miniscule crow's feet at the corners of her large, vibrant grey eyes. Otherwise she seems without blemish or mark, a veil woven of moth-down and evening mists covering all the rest of her face.

The wears a loose robe that hangs down about halway to her knees, appearing to be made of the same breezy material as her veil. All dark greys and greens with unexpected patches of lighter earthen colors that blends in well with her surroundings.

A leg sheath is strapped about her leg, padded thickly for comfort and holding a strangely-shaped sickle whoes curving blade possesses a blue-white sheen. A silken pack of some kind hangs from her back, moss speckling its surface.

Brina is truth that one can be child-like without being childish. She is all bittersweet joy and mischievious euphoria. She considers all she meets a friend, though tempers this perfectly with a cheerful paranoia.

Many at first mistake her passion for lasciviousness, as she is want to tease and flirt shamelessly, lavishing affection. All this though is wholey innocent however and as likely to be directed at an animal or child as anyone. Those that meet her are hard pressed not to fall in love with her at least a little.



Bard 1/Ranger 7/Dark Waltzing 6
Medium Humanoid (human)
Hit Dice: 1d6+2 + 7d8+14 + 6d6+12 (85 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+7 deflection, +3 dex), touch 20, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+11
Attack: +1 Composite Longbow +18 ranged (1d8+1/x3) or cold iron sickle +14 melee (1d6)
Full Attack: +1 Composite Longbow +15/+15/+15 ranged (1d8+1/x3) or cold iron sickle +14/+9/+4 melee (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Bardic music, favored enemy (fey and magical beasts), gambol, spells, throes of fae
Special Qualities: Animal companion, bardic knowledge, bardic music, cunning, low-light vision, starry-eyed, visage of the fair folk, wild empathy, woodland stride
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +9
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 20
Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +17, Climb +15, Heal +11, Hide +23, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (nature) +18, Listen +20, Move Silently +18, Perform (dance) +27, Perform (sing) +17, Sense Motive +6, Spot +20, Survival +18, Swim +3, Tumble +12
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Panache, Darkstalker, Endurance, Hear The Unseen, Nymph's Kiss(B), Rapid Shot, Run, Manyshot, Track, Weapon Finesse, Zen Archery
Challenge Rating: 14
Possessions: See below
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

Brina speaks Common and Sylvan.

Brina fights with a mixture of sheer guile and seemingly recklessness, choosing never to fight fairly if she can help it, but sniping from a distance and quickly hurrying off, or running in to briefly face her victim and then disapearing.

If her very life comes into danger however he entire being seems to change, becoming a creature of mad ferocity and intimidating beauty.

Animal Companion: Brina has a white deer as an animal companion.

Bardic Knowledge: As Player's Handbook.

Bardic Music:
1/day Countersong, Fascinate or Inspire Courage +1 as Player's Handbook.

Cunning (Ex): Brina retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Favored Enemy (Ex): Brina gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against Fey. Likewise, she gets a +4 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

She also gains these bonuses on Magical Beasts but they are only +2.

Gambol (Su): Brina may use up one of her daily throes to Fascinate one or more creatures with her enthralling dances. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, and able to pay attention to her. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. She can target three creatures with a single use of this ability.

To use the ability, she makes a Perform (dance) check. Her check result is the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the waltzing cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and watches the dance rapturously, taking no other actions, for as long as she continues to dance and concentrate (up to 6 rounds). While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires Brina to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.

Brina may choose one of those successfully fascinated to become Charmed with her as the Charm Monster spell for 6 hours if they fail a second Will save. All Fascinated creatures but the charmed target are freed as the waltzing uses all her focus on an individual. She may not have more than 1 creature charmed at the same time.


Caster level 1st. (Spells per day (2); Save DC 15 + spell level):
0 - Daze, Ghost Sound, Know Direction, Prestidigitation

Caster level 7th. (Spells per day (8); Save DC 15 + spell level):
1st - Alarm, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Elements, Entangle, Goodberry, Obscuring Mist, Pass Without Trace

Starry-Eyed (Ex): Brina's mind roams the strange places of the fey. She no longer sleeps as a normal being, but instead dances the night away. She is still semi-conscious and vaguely aware of her surroundings, so does not suffer any penalties on surprise or initiative rolls, and she is not helpless if attacked. She does however take a -6 penalty to spot and listen checks.

This ability only functions while in a natural setting. While within a city or artificial structure she cannot achieve the necessary state and must sleep as normal.

Throes of Fae (Ex): Brina may give into the haunting wildness of the fey spirit. Her features gain a horrible, alien beauty and her movements become unearthly graceful and dance-like. While in these throes she gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity, a +4 bonus to Charisma, and a +2 morale bonus to Will saves. She adds her (newly improved) Charisma-modifier as a deflection bonus to her AC while in these throes. These throes last for a number of rounds equal to 3 + her (newly improved) Charisma modifier. Brina may prematurely end her throes.
There is a cumulative 5% chance every round while in these throes that she loses all control, becoming Insane as the spell. This condition lasts until the end of the throes, which while insane cannot be ended prematurely.
She may succumb to these throes only once per encounter. She can use her throes ability three times per day. Going into these throes takes no time itself, but she can do it only during her action, not in response to someone else’s action.

Visage of the Fair Folk (Ex): Brina gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.

Wild Empathy (Ex): Brina can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. She rolls 1d20 and adds her ranger level (+7) and her Charisma bonus (+7) to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, Brina and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

She can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Woodland Stride (Ex): Brina may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Cloak of Elvenkind, Cold Iron Sickle, +1 Composite Longbow with 40 cold iron arrows, Greater Bracers of Archery, Heward's Handy Haversack.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

White Deer


Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d6+3) or hoof +5 melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: Gore +5 melee (1d6+3) and 2 hooves +0 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Evasion, link, low-light vision, scent, share spells
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +5, Jump +6, Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: Brachiation, Leap to the Heavens, Run(B)
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This appears as a large, shaggy white stag with an unusually lithe, agile build. It has an impressive rack atop its head, and looks out upon the world with liquid brown eyes that at times almost seems sentient.


Evasion (Ex): If the deer is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.

Link (Ex): Brina can handle her deer as a free action, or push it as a move action. She gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding the deer.

Share Spells (Ex): At Brina's option, she may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) she casts upon herself also affect her animal companion. The animal companion must be within 5 feet of her at the time of casting to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the animal companion if the companion moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the animal again, even if it returns to Brina before the duration expires. Additionally, Brina may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. Brina and her animal companion can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion’s type (animal).

Skills: A white deer gains a +4 racial bonus on jump, listen and spot check.

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Very good stuff as usual Vorpal!

My only question is why did you give the white deer Brachiation as a feat? I know you gave it a climb skill (a prerequisite no less) but shouldn't it have a climb speed? Just curious. It's not like it has arms and can swing through the trees (which exactly what brachiation is). I guess I just thought this was a little weird.

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Debby said:
Very good stuff as usual Vorpal!

My only question is why did you give the white deer Brachiation as a feat? I know you gave it a climb skill (a prerequisite no less) but shouldn't it have a climb speed? Just curious. It's not like it has arms and can swing through the trees (which exactly what brachiation is). I guess I just thought this was a little weird.

I was thinking of its Brachiation being more like being able to run and leap from branch to branch like a squirrel.


Ahhh. Unfortunately, brachiation doesn't fit (it's pretty specific to swinging through trees like a monkey).

I guess I just don't get the idea of deer living in trees to begin wtih. Wouldn't the branches break under all that weight? One of the reasons that squirrels can climb and leap is that they are small and have sharp claws to hold onto the bark -- even bears don't have this ability either and they can climb trees.

Another feat that would work for me would be or Dive for Cover (from Complete Adventurer)


Debby said:
Ahhh. Unfortunately, brachiation doesn't fit (it's pretty specific to swinging through trees like a monkey).
Its the mechanics that are being used, not the the fluff. It can go leaping through the tops of trees. Thats it.

I guess I just don't get the idea of deer living in trees to begin wtih. Wouldn't the branches break under all that weight? One of the reasons that squirrels can climb and leap is that they are small and have sharp claws to hold onto the bark -- even bears don't have this ability either and they can climb trees.
You do realize that apes in general and humans in particular tend to weigh at least as much as your average deer, right?


The Vorpal Tribble said:
Its the mechanics that are being used, not the the fluff. It can go leaping through the tops of trees. Thats it.

You do realize that apes in general and humans in particular tend to weigh at least as much as your average deer, right?

Dude, the average ape weighs in at about twice the average human or deer. Even apes don't live in trees (they will build nests in trees in the lower branches but that's about it). Chimps who do live in trees weigh about 75 lbs which is less than half of what humans and deer weigh.

As for the mechanics -- brachiation is the mechanic and it's not fluff. You want the deer to either have hooves of glue or the kung-fu leaping ability.

"" Look up in the tree, it's Superdeer. Just watch out for the deer scat falling from trees at dusk! "


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