D&D General Bringing the succubus back to town


My home group is running through Forge of Fury and met with the succubus. They all think that it's a trap and she is a devil or vampire or something since she was all by herself with a ghost and has no food with her. They went down a level and encountered a dragon and not the mage like her story said which she played off as maybe another level or he is a shapechanger. The duergar they talked with were all, "Who the heck is that." Still nothing solid to make them just murder-hobo her though. The group ended up resting in one area while with her and the fighter made his Wisdom check against charm. Everything seems to be going with the PCs, so now they are 'rescuing' her and bringing her back to Phandalin and to get more XP to try and go back to kill the dragon again.

I'm thinking that she would rather go to town than to try and deal with an adventuring party. She did some things to the PCs and they seem to be suspicious so why wouldn't she just go to town and wreak havoc there. It also sets up another adventure for when they come back from the Forge a second time and everyone in town is blaming them for the demon and now they have to deal with her again.

Thoughts? Cool ideas? Thanks

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My home group is running through Forge of Fury and met with the succubus. They all think that it's a trap and she is a devil or vampire or something since she was all by herself with a ghost and has no food with her. They went down a level and encountered a dragon and not the mage like her story said which she played off as maybe another level or he is a shapechanger. The duergar they talked with were all, "Who the heck is that." Still nothing solid to make them just murder-hobo her though. The group ended up resting in one area while with her and the fighter made his Wisdom check against charm. Everything seems to be going with the PCs, so now they are 'rescuing' her and bringing her back to Phandalin and to get more XP to try and go back to kill the dragon again.

I'm thinking that she would rather go to town than to try and deal with an adventuring party. She did some things to the PCs and they seem to be suspicious so why wouldn't she just go to town and wreak havoc there. It also sets up another adventure for when they come back from the Forge a second time and everyone in town is blaming them for the demon and now they have to deal with her again.

Thoughts? Cool ideas? Thanks
If I remember correctly thaat was the succubus my party made friends with had her run there bar and feed evil nobles to her...


I'm confused: do they know she's a succubus?

Also, doesn't Charm now automatically tattle on you once the target saves or it ends? How does the fighter not know she tried to mind whammy him?


Devils live a long time (forever maybe) and so they can make plans. She can be as "good" as she needs to be for as long as she needs to be so long as it serves evil in the end. She can be the perfect demure lady and marry the head of the town council and give birth to combion offspring and take over 30 years from now.


I'm confused: do they know she's a succubus?
The players all think she is something, maybe a vampire or demon. Nobody said succubus directly but I'm guessing a couple think succubus. Nobody wants to attack her first. The PCs are whispering among themselves, but nobody is saying, "Hey lady- I do not believe you"

There may some player buy-in where the player is acting in character and thinking their PC would not just attack. I never said that they could not attack. They asked where she was from and I had her sat the Town of Neverwinter. Some thought it was strange since it is a city and it led to a player thinking she has been here hundreds of years and likely a vampire since he mentioned bringing her to the daylight when they leave.



So since they're suspicious but not hostile, it really comes down to her intentions and goals.

Decent, strong adventurers are a good resource for information, manual labor, or muscle. She could start making requests of them, form a business or personal relationship with them.

Adventurers are also dangerous or unstable. She might want to get away from them as soon as possible or eliminate them if he thinks she can pull it off.

Is she independent or working for someone. If the latter, what does she feel about that arrangement?

You've been gifted a pretty great set up for an Enemy Mine situation and you've got a lot fo ways you can go with it, and see how the party reacts.


He / Him
The players all think she is something, maybe a vampire or demon. Nobody said succubus directly but I'm guessing a couple think succubus. Nobody wants to attack her first. The PCs are whispering among themselves, but nobody is saying, "Hey lady- I do not believe you"

There may some player buy-in where the player is acting in character and thinking their PC would not just attack. I never said that they could not attack. They asked where she was from and I had her sat the Town of Neverwinter. Some thought it was strange since it is a city and it led to a player thinking she has been here hundreds of years and likely a vampire since he mentioned bringing her to the daylight when they leave.
It would be interesting if she caught onto their suspicions and confessed to them, but offered them something much more enticing if she is still alive... Maybe she knows how to get through a puzzle later in the dungeon, or she knows of other demons back in town hiding out in mortal guise?

The players all think she is something, maybe a vampire or demon. Nobody said succubus directly but I'm guessing a couple think succubus. Nobody wants to attack her first. The PCs are whispering among themselves, but nobody is saying, "Hey lady- I do not believe you"

There may some player buy-in where the player is acting in character and thinking their PC would not just attack. I never said that they could not attack. They asked where she was from and I had her sat the Town of Neverwinter. Some thought it was strange since it is a city and it led to a player thinking she has been here hundreds of years and likely a vampire since he mentioned bringing her to the daylight when they leave.
may I suggest lying by telling the truth...

Hold your hands up say "Look, I can see I'm not fooling you, and Im no threat to you. I don't want to fight"

Voidrunner's Codex

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