Hi there,
Sounds like fun, I don't get Dungeon/Dragon any more and am right into Eberron. I'm very keen to have a go. I've seen rules for starting at 'apprentice' level in a WoTC book (I'm sure) but can't recall which one. If we could find the rules it could be kinda cool to start everyone off as young adult apprentices and see how things blossom from there? I'm thinking maybe a warforged apprentice magewright who ends up becoming an artificer. Otherwise, a shifter sorceror could be cool. Both the Shifters and Warforged are the only new Eb race I haven't dabbled with yet.
Sounds like fun, I don't get Dungeon/Dragon any more and am right into Eberron. I'm very keen to have a go. I've seen rules for starting at 'apprentice' level in a WoTC book (I'm sure) but can't recall which one. If we could find the rules it could be kinda cool to start everyone off as young adult apprentices and see how things blossom from there? I'm thinking maybe a warforged apprentice magewright who ends up becoming an artificer. Otherwise, a shifter sorceror could be cool. Both the Shifters and Warforged are the only new Eb race I haven't dabbled with yet.