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BUGHUNTER MOREAU d20Future 2, Madness on Tau Ceti Five

Karl Green

First Post
Mithran said:
Pedia walks to the mess room as ordered and finds a chair Pedia mutters to himself "They would have to start this sort of thing right in the middle of my movie"

OOC: who is bunked with who just wondering?

[occ] They let you pick who you want to bunk with, so I will leave it up to you guys[/b]

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Gramps dumps his duffle bag in the same room as Thunder. Thunder was the only person he found it easy to get along with, probably something to do with canines and pack mentalities, he never gave the matter much thought.

"So what've we got planned while we're stuck in here?" he asks, and cleans under his fingernails with his combat knife.
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Karl Green

First Post
2142, UT.S.S. EMORY L. BENNETT, Jump-Space

After a long day racing to their Jump Point, the crew of the [color=orange[[b]UT.S.S. EMORY L. BENNETT[/color][/b] are too busy to spend much time and the Marines are left to entertain themselves.

On April 18, around 10am GMT, Sword's voice again comes over the intercom "Ok folks, 10 minutes to Jump Space. This is the first time for you Marines I understand so remember your training; when we enter Jump Space, there is a moment of high G inertial that the capacitors cannot handle so strap yourselves in. After that, it is just like traveling in normal space, although if you look over the view ports it looks like we are boring through a wormhole. Our Moreau conditioning should protect you from the effects of 'Jump Sickness' but remember to report if you experience any of the symptoms."

There is an automatic countdown over the intercom of each second for the last minute, and then Firebug's high-pitched voice comes on counting down the last 10 seconds… at 4 the ship starts to vibrate, at 2 it is shaking violently, and then at 0…POW… the Marines are pushed back hard in their chairs and yet the world seems to 'freeze' for at least a minute… and then…POW they feel motion again and the G's drop off to normal. Sword's voice again over the intercom "Jump Space, complete. Welcome to shuttlespace people."

Over the next few days, then weeks and months, the Marines get a feel not only of the Bennett but are also sent to assist with minor maintenance and monitoring of stasis tubes aboard the ICARUS… this ship is huge, and a bit eerie… 5,000 sleeping humans in stasis tubes, stacks and stacks of them.

[OCC] NOTES of Jump Sickness. The Isler Drive, which made travel to other stars practical, but with a time distortion. It is a 'jump' drive, allowing instantaneous displacement of a ship from one spatial location to another. The Isler Drive makes a raid succession of jumps, boring through hyperspace and back into realspace, hundreds of times a second.
For inanimate objects, there are no unusual effects; the jumps is made without building inertia, so the ship receives no additional stress.
For most living beings, the Isler Drive causes several problems: terrible nausea, extreme disorientation, and sometimes insanity and death. These effects often last long after the individual leaves the Isler field. Sleep, regular or drug-induced, lessens the effects, but does not eliminate them entirely; it is chancy for a normal human to try to sleep through an Isler jump. Only the stasis pod, itself an adaptation of Dr. Isler's theories, protects a normal human from the jump effects.
All UTRPF Moreau hybrids have been specifically modified and training to be almost entirely immune to jump effects, at least for a time. From time to time, nearly all Moreau suffer minor queasiness; this has come to be called "jump flu".
For Moreau, on each time through Jump-Space, they made a Fortitude Save (+8 for resistant to Jump Sickness) vs. a DC of 1/2 the "Jump Speed (the BENNETT's jump speed is 24 (or 24 times the speed-of-light) right now while hooked into the Icarus; normally the ship can make Jump 30 on its own. A 1 always fails. IF the check fails, the Moreau suffers mild queasiness (generally start to suffer these affects within 2-4 weeks). After suffering these effects for 2-4 weeks, those Moreau that failed the first check must make a second check (same DC). If this check fails, the Moreau becomes violently ill. If they continue to go 'untreated' (see below), within 2-4 weeks the Moreau must make a 3rd check and if this one fails, they start to develop minor neurosis. Again, if this goes untreated, in 2-4 weeks the Moreau must make a 4th check and if this one fails, the Moreau develops a psychosis and must be forcefully restrained for the duration of the voyage.
At the end of the trip, the Moreau must make a Fortitude check (same DC) to throw off each of affects of they have been suffering, and can be treated with Treat Injury (DC equal to the speed of the jump throughout). It generally takes 2-3 days to come off each affect if they make their Fortitude or Treat Injury save.
The normal treatment for this is a Treat Injury Roll with a DC of the Jump Speed. This can be tried once a day, but the medic may not take 10 or 20. Human suffer these effects and must make a roll each DAY… progressively getting worth pretty fast

After 3 weeks the Marines conditions are (DC12)...
Brute Fort Save natural 20! 32
Professor 28
Pedia 18
Squeek 19
Sneak 17
Thunder 16
Gramps 26
Gort 26
Cat's Eyes 15
Samwise 19
only Thunder fells a little sickly for a day or so but it goes away (only cause I rolled a 2 ;)

The time is spent trying to stay busy, and trying not to drive each other crazy. Sneak and Casper seem to spend a lot of time together, and surprisingly Gramps finds that he and Sword share a lot of the same interests. Thunder and Cougar also see each other on and off duty. But then this is not a love cruise, it is a military ship with military discipline, and unless push, noting to serious happens. The time is otherwise rather long and boring.


First Post
Pedia (radio)

Pedia bunks with one of the other quieter troopers with their consent. (Not sure who because only a few have posted so far) Pedia also asks Mercy early on in the journey if he can practice his german with her. Other than learning german Pedia spends most of his time reading through the ships library and watching movies.

Sneak seemed to enjoy the 'boring' trip more than he should have, and though it was a military ship, he had the impression that the whole military thing wasn't all that desperately needed unless something went wrong. Learning to speak French had been a good way to spend more time with Casper, and also to attract the attention of a few others among the crew, but he made sure never to actually get in the way.

When things got busy for the crew of the ship, Sneak found himself bugging Pedia(although quietly). Truthfully, that just meant living up to his namesake and sneaking in to catch whatever movie was being watched. Somehow, he managed to keep his mouth shut most of the time and not spoil the ending...sometimes at least.

Karl Green

First Post
October 13th 2142, 1914 GMT (Earth Standard), UT.S.S. EMORY L. BENNETT, Tau Ceti

Six long months have past… six months on board the Bennett linked to the Icarus colony ship, traveling an over twenty times the speed of light. Well maybe not traveling as much as 'tunneling' through Jump Space. Much of your duty and training has been fairly light, the trip rather pleasant. And while the ship is a military ship of the line with discipline, there is little need for a heavy hand, and Sword runs things fairly easily...

But today that is all about to change… today the ships will drop out of Jump Space and into the Tau Ceti system. "Ten minutes to Normal Space, all crew prepare for N-Space reentry. We should be 21 hours out from the Tau Ceti Five, and we will be waking up Lt. Talavera and the Civilian Command and Medical personal during that time. Once we make orbit above TCF we will began waking the rest of the Colonists. Then over the next three weeks we will be shuttling them down along with all the equipment and supplies that we have transported for the Alpha Site. The Marines will be helping with this, and we will all be very busy. Once everything is set up, we will reevaluate the situation for our role here. OK people, good job so far, lets keep it up and remember our jobs."

Again there is the automated One Minute To N-Space count down begins on schedule. And again strapped in your acceleration chairs, there is an instance that seems to drag out forever, where all time stops and then is snapped back to motion and you are thrown forward and then back against your chairs.

"Normal Space boys and girls, lets get started…20 some hours before the little kiddies are awake and wanting to see their new home" comes the voice of Firebug.

Indeed the next 20 some hours is very busy for everyone, including the Marines, as systems are re-checked and stations are turned on for the first time in six-months. Governor Marcus McCoy, Captain Nancy Ngum and Doctor Georgi Kharalample along with Lieutenant J.G., Rudy Talavera and ten other civilian staffers and medics are the first humans to be awaken.

Peida, who was assisting on the bridge, is there when Sword contacts Alpha Site. Communications are a bit slow at this distance, but it quickly becomes apparent that they might be a problem planetside. Peida doesn't get the full story, but he hears Sword requesting the three Civilian authorities and Lt. Talavera to a secure conference room for a Gold Secure Channel message.

Two hours later, you are ordered to the Mess Hall for an emergency meeting. The table Map-Board shows a 3-D image of a mountain and mining compound. Governor McCoy is sitting at the front of the room, while Lt. Talavera stands at attention. After saluting and being told to sit, Lt. Talavera speaks up "It seems me have a military situation as soon as we got here soldiers; the miners at site X38865TCF have revolted against the civilians authority there. The Sheliak Corporation runs the instillation, and with contract from UT Gov it seems that …well 'prison' laborers are used at this site. Somehow, a month ago, these prisoners overpowered their guards, and took over control of the mining installation. Now they have corporate weapons and equipment, maybe commercial explosives and light arms. We don't exactly know much.

"What we do know: that there were 48 miners, 30 corporate security personal and another 24 corporate personal. The terrorist will be armed with assorted weapons and in control of a fairly large mining processor operations. They have made a number of demands to the civilian authority at Alpha Site. Mostly demands for more food, money and weapons. The locale authority has giving in to none of these demands, awaiting our arrival. The miners are now threatened the blow up the mining instillation if we do not provide them with military grade weapons and a ship with which they can leave the planet.

"Having consulted with the Governor here, this mining installation is very important, not only for the new colony here but also for UR Gov. The mine is richer then initially theorized so this limits our options on how to flush the terrorist out. We are going to have to go in with small arms, and that means you Marines.

"The island where the installation is located is about 1800 miles from the Alpha Site continent. The island itself is roughly the size and shape of Madagascar about 700 miles long and up to 400 miles wide at it's widest. We don't believe they have any advance sensor capacities, but we can't be sure as it seems that Sheliak Corporation might have been installing some 'non-regulation' equipment there.

"My plan is that with the Wartalon, we will transport the ATAPC to the southern tip of the island, where the land is relatively flat. From there, Casper will drive us up to the base of the mountains where the mines are located, about 200 miles inland. Then, 'Brute' will take the Marines overland the last 150 miles to the mines. It is located within a fairly mountainous region so it will take your team six to seven locale days to reach the site. In the mean time, Casper will get us back to the Dropship site and we will remain onsite and online in case there are any problems.

"Your mission objectives include the following:
* First recon the installation to figure out what you will be up against. How many terrorists are in on this revolt and what are they armed with? Whats there security like? Who is in charge?
* Second, located any hostages that they might still be holding.
* Third, find out what, if any explosive rigging they might have done around the installation.

"Once you have completed this initial recon and with any data we can gathered from the Bennett we can decide our next move. But if the situation does not allow us time, and if you feel that situation warrants it, NCO 'Brute', you have authority to take any and all necessary actions to bring the situation to a conclusion. The terrorist must be stopped, and the mine has to be captured intact.

"Do you have any questions? On your data-slates you will find a basic overview of the Mine grounds and the Mines themselves

(hmm can't submit attachments :( but the basic idea - there are four main buildings on the surface; the first is a large processor plant. A smaller building that is X shaped is where most of the civilians live and work. A squat ugly building, surrounded by a wall is the prison where the 'workers' are housed. The smallest building is the power generator and heavily fortified. There are two main mine tunnel under the Processor plant. The northern tunnel have two large sub-levels with a number of tunnels out from these sub-levels. The southern tunnel only has one sublevel, with an number of tunnels branching out from them.)
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Karl Green

First Post
Basic Combat Load for the Marines; but of course you may request additional equipment. See here, second post for extra equipment (note that I added a SMG and Machine Pistol as backup weapons. Flamethrowers and Shotguns are available on request as are most grenades, etc)

James5938752 “Brute" (NCO)
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 3 vs, impact attacks and DR 6 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for 16 STR for Brute)
Ma-32 Assault Rifle with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with 2 extra clips), and integrated Mini-Grenade Launcher (nine mini-grenades; 3 Frag, 3 Concussion, and 3 Flechette)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenades (one Frag, one Concussion, Two Fireflush, two Smoke)
Data/Map Slate (uploaded with all sewer and lower levels of the Reichstag)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 days Field Ration pack
(total weight 73 lbs/light encumbrance) you have only 4lbs before Medium encumbrance, just as an FYI, but you can quick release (Move-Action) your fieldpack to drop you down to light if you want to carry the shotgun or other extra weapon

Bigfoot2711340 "Pedia" (Radio)
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 3 vs, impact attacks and DR 6 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 14 STR for Pedia)
shoulder Combat Radio Rig
Ma-32 Assault Rifle with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with 2 extra clips) and integrated Mini-Grenade Launcher (six mini-grenades; 2 Frag, 2 Concussion, and 2 Flechette)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenade (one Concussion, Two Fireflush, two Smoke)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 days Field Ration pack
(total weight 67lbs/medium encumbrance) you can quick release (Move-Action) your fieldpack to drop you down to light if you want to go into combat with a light load

Jack0727198 "Professor" (medic; maybe an NPC)
Light Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 2 vs, impact attacks and DR 4 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 12 STR for Professor)
Ma-32 Assault Rifle with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with 2 extra clips) and integrated Mini-Grenade Launcher (six mini-grenades: 2 Frag, 2 Concussion, and 2 Flechette rounds)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenades (two Frag, one Smoke)
Advanced Medical Kit
15 days Field Ration pack
(total eight 52 lbs/medium encumbrance) you can quick release (Move-Action) your fieldpack to drop you down to light if you want to go into combat with a light load

Alex7054286 "Sneak" (Scout)
Light Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 2 vs, impact attacks and DR 4 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 20 STR for Sneak)
X-Mark "Smart" Sniper Laser Rifle with CAT and HUD electro-scope [+1 to attack rolls, 50% greater range] (with two extra power cells)
RM-11 "Splitter" Machine Pistol with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with two extra clips)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenades (2 Frag, 2 Concussion, 2 Fireflush, 2 Smoke)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 days Field Ration pack
(total weight 58 lbs/light encumbrance)

Sten00000015 "Thunder" (Heavy Weapons)
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR (and from Tough hero), it is DR 4 vs, impact attacks and DR 7 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 21 STR for Thunder)
MK-90 "Howler" LMG with CAT sights and Tracer rounds [+1 attack rolls; +2 when using Autofire, Burst Fire, Suppression Fire, etc.] with linked ammo backpack
JL-PAX 40mm Anit-Armor Gun with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (two extra clips)
FM Flame Thrower
UT "Enforcer" 14mm Gyro Heavy Pistol with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (1 extra clip)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenade (one Frag, one Concussion, Two Fireflush, two Tanglers)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 days Field Ration pack
(total weight 125 lbs/light encumbrance)

Sam32456435 aka "Squeek" (Demo)
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 3 vs, impact attacks and DR 6 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 14 STR for Squeak)
Ma-32 Assault Rifle with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with 2 extra clips) and integrated Mini-Grenade Launcher (six mini-grenades; 2 Frag, 2 Concussion, 2 Flechette)
Combat Knife
Hand Grenade (Two Fireflush, two Smoke)
four Satchel charges
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 day Field Ration pack
(total weight 67 lbs/medium encumbrance) you can quick release (Move-Action) your fieldpack to drop you down to light if you want to go into combat with a light load

Gunther0000014 "Gramps" (riflemen)
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 3 vs, impact attacks and DR 6 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 16 STR for Gramps)
Ma-32 Assault Rifle with CAT sights [+1 attack rolls] (with 2 extra clips) and integrated Mini-Grenade Launcher (nine mini-grenades; 3 Frag, 3 Concussion, 3 Flechette)
FM-Type 10 Flame Thrower
Combat Knife
Hand Grenade (one Frag, one Concussion, Two Fireflush, two Smoke)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 day Field Ration pack
(total weight 70 lbs/light encumbrance)

Will3321642 "Deuce"
Medium Flak Armor [with your natural DR, it is DR 3 vs, impact attacks and DR 6 vs. ballistic attacks]
Combat Helm Array & Transponder
Mess Harness and Field Pack (add +2 to your STR for carrying cap/total of +4 for a 18 STR for Deuce)
HK-Ko 10mm Submachine Gun (4 extra clips)
pair of RM-11 Machine Pistol (2 extra clips for each)
UT "Enforcer" 14mm Gyrojet Heavy Pistol (with 2 extra clips)
UT "Hunter" 10mm Medium Pistol (with 3 extra clip)
two Combat Knife
Hand Grenade (one Frag, one Concussion, Two Fireflush, two Smoke)
Advanced First Aid Kit
15 day Field Ration pack
(total weight 60.5 lbs/light encumbrance)

The three other 'Riflemen' in your team, the Bear Moreau by the name of Ursal8765987 "Gort", and the Feline Moreau by the name of Cash7689763 "Cat's Eyes" are armed more or less like Gramps without the Flamethrower as a standard weapon (but Gort is carrying a FM Type-10 Flamethrower and RomVoss "Wraith" Automatic Shotgun; Cat's Eyes is carrying a UT "Hunter" 10mm Medium Pistol).

Also there are 2 Motion Sensor Handheld devices available (each weighing 1lb) but only are good for about 100 feet. There are also up to four Fission Torches (3lbs each) if you need them to burn through doors, etc. they might be a good idea.

IF anyone wants Flash-Bang Grenades they are also available as you are going into a 'urban' area, but they are not normally issued. IF you want more food, that is also available.

*Flash-Bang Hand Grenades are generally not issued to combat marines for most missions. They have the following stats [DAM: 3d6 (non-lethal) plus Blindness; Type: Non-lethal/Flash; Burst Radius: 15ft; Reflex DC 15 plus second Reflex (vs. blindness) Reflex DC 12; Range (thrown): 10ft; Size: Small; Wt: 1lbs]
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First Post
Pedia (radio)

Pedia thinks for a moment then say's "I have a couple requests for more equipment sir: basic electronics repair kit, electro-binoculars, and an Enforcer"

After saying this he smiles (Something that look's pretty odd on his ape-like face) and says "I am so happy this didn't involve nestlings or sewers"

Karl Green

First Post
October 14th, 2142, 0918 GMT (ES), UT.S.S. EMORY L. BENNETT, TCF orbit

"Of course Pedia..." replies the Lt.

add to your equipment load
Basic Electronic Repair Kit
UT "Enforcer" 14mm Gyrojet Heavy Pistol (with 1 extra clip)
(total weight 74lbs/medium encumbrance)
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