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Caliber's Storyhour (DragonStar ... well sort of)


pogre said:
Man, is it ever great to see this zaniness cranked up again! Looking forward to the next update!

Edit: PS - change your sig.

Good to see you here! Thanks for the reminder ... I knew I had forgot something. :rolleyes:

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Gez said:

I echo that comment !

By the way, I wonder when the "sort of" comment will get justified. Or, in other word, when Zoltan will make the death star blow up ! (I'm sure he would love to, as long as noone tell him to use the Force.)

I wish we could fight a Death Star. For some reason, I think we may have to go through Cthulhu first ... :eek:


First Post
Continuing Campaign

Caliber, I didn't know the story wasn't up to date here.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Try to catch these people up.

I doubt you guys will meet Cthulhu.


Warning Spoilers .....
Our DragonStar Site


Never Ignore a Direct DM Order!

md3 said:
Caliber, I didn't know the story wasn't up to date here.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Try to catch these people up.

I doubt you guys will meet Cthulhu.

This looks like it came from your Game Master - never ignore a Game Master's suggestion!


If I never mentioned it, md3 is my fine sadistic bast ... err ... Game Master!

I haven't been ignoring everyone, indeed, I've been working on the next post. I'm looking at a weekend update, but looking at my past track record with dead-lines (that record being NEVER keeping them) I didn't want to mention anything.

And he says we won't be fighting Cthulhu. Only because he kills us before we get there though. :rolleyes: :D


Ask and ye shall receive. ;)

I'm working on an update right now, which you can expect tomorrow. But heres a teaser.

As Zoltan's blaster shot ripped through Syd's back, Syd screamed out in pain.

Collapsing to the floor, he wondered where everything had gone wrong. It had all been that damned halfling's fault, he thought as his lifeblood flowed onto the floor.

No, that's not right. It really all began this morning with Nick ...


As Zoltan's blaster shot ripped through Syd's back, Syd screamed out in pain.

Collapsing to the floor, he wondered where everything had gone wrong. It had all been that damned halfling's fault, he thought as his lifeblood flowed onto the floor.

No, that wasn’t right. It really had all began this morning with Nick ...

Nick and Syd sat at a table in the mostly empty bar. Today was the day. Everything had been decided. Once the sun rose, the party would set off for war.

Meanwhile, the mages reviewed their spells.

Suddenly, looking away from his spellbook, Nick muttered “Ya know, none of these are going to help us much if the magic is still misbehaving.”

Syd and Nick knew there was no if about it. Each could still feel the almost oily feel of the magic around them. Even the simplest of spells would twist and struggle against them. It was horrifying.

“Even with the magic acting up we can still do some good. Don’t forget that Blade Barrier Milo constructed with his ring. In the middle of a battle, such magics could be useful,” Syd countered.

“But that’s just random chance! The magic follows OUR will, not we its.”

“It isn’t the best option. But it’s the only one I think we have. Until we can find out what’s wrong with the magic, I think our best chance at survival is to simply trust in the magic and let our spells loose.”

“Do you truly think it is the best course?” Nick asked, sighing dejectedly.

“I do. If we are to provide any help at all, we will have to risk the Wild Magic.” Both wizards barely suppressed a shudder at the word. Wild Magic. It was to be feared.

The rest of the party woke, and after one final check, set out for the Temple. Amio had yet to return, and the loss of his guns seriously affected the group’s survival chances. But it could not be put off any longer.

The Blade Barrier was still spinning madly, blocking access across the bridge into the garden area.

So instead they rented a small boat and traveled across the waters to the dock by the garden. Moving through, Milo stepped cautiously around the pond in the center where he had encountered the vicious frogmen.

Stepping forward, Syd announced to the guards at the Temple that he and his companions were all ready to join the Order. Opening the large doors, the guards quickly summoned a guide. A bustling priest of Temple quickly bundled up and began to lead them into the Temple.

Zoltan and Milo glanced at one another, and nodded. Drawing their guns, they quickly began leveling shots into the guides back. The drow scientists, being unused to combat, froze at the last second.

Seeing this, Wang spun about and slammed a bar across the Temple doors, locking the group in with the priests.
Spinning about, the robe of the guide shredded apart, revealing heavy combat armor underneath, and a holstered blaster rifle. Which he quickly whipped out, and proceeded to fire repeatedly into the group.

Expecting one of the drow to kick in the door Milo had identified as a guardroom, Orendil and Jhelai paused expectantly in front of it. There were no drow coming …

Syd began to incant the words of magic, but even as he said them they turned and twisted about. His spell grounded harmlessly into him, creating a magical luminescence that quickly lit up the entire room.

About to help, Nick noticed a halfling guard sitting in one of the pews toward the end of the Temple. Already he was beginning to move, ducking down behind the pews. The few other Temple goers were quickly scattering, and running to the ends of the room.

Realizing there were no drow to help, Orendil leveled a kick squarely at the guard door. Stifling a curse, he reached forward and opened the door. Jhelai fired into the room, filling it with lead as Orendil stepped back.

Drawing his gun, Nick assumed cover and began firing towards the halfling guard. The halfling returned fire, and Nick realized he was hopelessly outmatched as multiple shots missed him by inches.

Drawing a grenade, the guide tossed it towards the party, missing widely. Landing in the back, the grenade went off with a loud explosion, falling several of the drow.

Several more shots from Zoltan and Milo finally managed to fall the guide, although both were seriously wounded from the fight. Turning their attention to the halfling guard, they quickly drew him out from behind the pews with their fire.

Shots began to fly out from the guardrooms, but they had obviously been caught unprepared, and the shots flew wide. Orendil and Jhelai returned fire, but the guards had taken up heavily covered positions.

Syd began to cast again, and struggled to keep the magic under control. At the last second he swore the magic had twisted from his grasp, but then ice began to form into a jagged shard before him, and then rocketed towards the halfling guard. It slashed into the halfling and exploded, leaving him looking unhurt. Syd gasped as pain shot through his body.

Zoltan leveled his gun and fired several shots into the halfling guard. As Zoltan’s blaster shots ripped through Syd, he realized the Wild Magic had linked his life force to some form of protection for the halfling. As Wang ran up and began to level a series of blows into the halfling, Syd finally fell to the ground, his body broken and bleeding from Wang’s attack. The ring he wore on his finger flared suddenly, and a flickering illusion of his mother appeared above her son’s corpse, berating Syd for dying.
A grenade burst out of the guardroom, killing more of the drow, and wounding everyone else even more.

The halfling guard, realizing he wasn’t winning, began to retreat with Wang fast on his heels. Stepping from behind the pillar he had been hiding at, Nick threw a fireball towards the fleeing halfling’s form. The magic twisted, and suddenly Nick, Wang, the halfling guard, and a half-elf bystander suddenly found themselves teleported about, their positions exchanged.
As the halfling guard fumbled with Nick’s clothing and possessions (which were now bundled about him) he activated Nick’s amulet, and the resulting flare of magic caused a stone golem to suddenly form from the ground.

Zoltan and Milo spun about and finally brought the halfling guard down, now that he was deprived of armor. Jhelai and Orendil began tossing grenades back into the guardroom, and then suddenly slammed the door shut. A loud explosion sounded from within and then they released the door, it swung open into an empty room.

The stone golem, following some instinctive instructions, began charging towards Wang swinging its fists. Grabbing a grenade from the halfling’s belt (which Wang was painfully wedged into) he pulled the pin and tossed it forward. His throw was short, however, and the grenade exploded directly in Nick’s face. Nick crumpled to the ground, covered in shrapnel and burn wounds.
Entering into the empty guardroom, Orendil and Jhelai found two prisoners, a male and female. The woman merely cowered, too terrified to speak or even more. Once he realized Orendil and Jhelai were here to help though, the man grabbed a dead guard’s gun and began to don his armor.
Alahandra flew back down to the party. She had seen at least one guard upstairs, and her keen hearing heard several guards behind other doors on the main floor.


Obviously, this combat did NOT go well for the party. That halfling was dynamite. I think he was something like a Ftr13/War7. :eek:

The Wild Magic really wasn't on our side either (neither was Wang. Note that the first time hes ever really been effective in combat was when he was killing other PCs!)

Wild Magic did some funny things that weren't able to get into the write-up. For example, Nick not only enchanted a random object in a 2 mile radius as a Wand of Lightning Bolts, but he also changed all coin and currency in that area so that it had his face imprinted on it.

Damn Wang!


Man alive what Mayhem!

Your group must have been pretty desperate to be spell slinging in that environment.

great write up!

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