WotC Can we salvage Toril?

Greggy C

Or are we forever more stuck with Sword Coast and the rest of the world ignored?

Will WOTC ever redo Matzica, Karatur and any other problematic regions based on real world history?

Thats the key question in my mind. Will they, or will they just ignore it for the next 20 years?

Lets assume they ignore it. Is it possible for Candlekeep historians to work with Ed to redo those regions into something that we can all be proud of? Get some content that everyone who cares about the realms can get behind, promote, and be the true replacement?

Or is it just that nobody cares anymore about FR, and similar to Critical Role, its better everyone builds their own world and there is no longer a common shared world experience.

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Great Old One
Or are we forever more stuck with Sword Coast and the rest of the world ignored?

I would be very happy in the FR being only the Sword Coast and releasing all the other areas stolen through the years to be usable in other settings.

Or is it just that nobody cares anymore about FR, and similar to Critical Role, its better everyone builds their own world and there is no longer a common shared world experience.

You can have global shared worlds like Eberron that don't trigger as many problems.

Greggy C

My Faerun is fine. I have decades of information, adventures, and background from previous editions on my shelf that I've been using regardless of which edition or system I might play. Anything that is missing I can get online. What's the problem?
The problem is you don't share it. The reason I chose FR in 1989 is because it saved me 1000 hours of world building while doing a degree.

Or are we forever more stuck with Sword Coast and the rest of the world ignored?

Will WOTC ever redo Matzica, Karatur and any other problematic regions based on real world history?

Thats the key question in my mind. Will they, or will they just ignore it for the next 20 years?

Lets assume they ignore it. Is it possible for Candlekeep historians to work with Ed to redo those regions into something that we can all be proud of? Get some content that everyone who cares about the realms can get behind, promote, and be the true replacement?

Or is it just that nobody cares anymore about FR, and similar to Critical Role, its better everyone builds their own world and there is no longer a common shared world experience.
Hasn’t Ed already done some of this on the DMsGuild? If it got more traction (made lots of money), I’m sure he would be involved in more projects like this.


The High Aldwin
It would be unfortunate if the rest of Toril was ignored IMO.

I know some people find Kara-Tur in "bad form" or whatever, but frankly I really liked it in AD&D. I think WotC could do something with it, but odds are someone would take offense--so they probably won't. :(

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
And this why FR will get ruined in every edition.

WoTC: So, um, we've made Forgotten Realms the default setting. Pretty much every single AP that we've made is set in the Forgotten Realms. We've got a movie coming out set in the Forgotten Realms. There are books by Salvatore coming out- yeah, those are FR too. Plus there's practically an infinite amount of legacy FR content. Oh, have seen the excellent Forgotten Realms Wiki?



It is my hope that they'll rethink everything with 6th edition and... reboot every setting.

Take us back to the time of the Grey Box for the FR when 6E comes. Take us back to the War of the Lance in Krynn. Freedom in Athas. 998YK in Eberron. Common Year 569 in Greyhawk (Temple of Elemental Evil). Keep the core intact, but update the sensibilities in engaging ways, like Marvel has done in the MCU for their dated comic concepts.

Give us books of lore that are intended to not be changed much over the years, and separate books of crunch that can change from edition to edition. You can expand the lore books by adding more regions, etc... over time, including Maztica, Thay, Kara-Tur, etc... Heck, I think they'd be smart to put all of that lore up on the internet for free (it will be there anyways) and just release it in books as 'collector's editions'. They'll make their money off the crunch books - the lore books are just advertising.

Voidrunner's Codex

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