No, you really can't go home.
I'm now coming up on 5 years removed from having run or played in a Savage Worlds game. Savage Worlds was hands down my favorite system from 2012 through 2019. Nothing even came close. I wouldn't have chosen to run anything else.
But I'm not sure what happened when SWADE was released, but something had just . . . shifted in our group's approach to SW around that same time (fall of 2019).
SWADE is objectively a better system than SW Deluxe. It's clearer, the shaken rules are less punitive to players, the edges are more refined, the magic system is better. But there was just something more . . . raw, I guess, about SW Deluxe that I liked better.
I'm only passably familiar with GURPS, but long-time GURPS players I've talked to described the same thing about the change from GURPS 3e to 4e. GURPS 4e is objectively a better system than 3e, they would say, but it somehow made things even more . . . sterile, less raw. Or it may be that they simply didn't want to have to figure out how their 3e rules mastery had to be updated to 4e, I don't know.
Anyway, between the change to SWADE from SW Deluxe, the pandemic, and then just generally knowing all of the system's faults and weaknesses (in addition to its strengths), our group kind of decided collectively that it was probably time to take a break from Savage Worlds. And it makes me wonder if going back to it would recapture the same magic we had playing it.
We had some AMAZING gaming experiences playing Savage Worlds Deluxe. But I don't know that going back to it now, if I would approach it with the same vigor, energy, and enthusiasm---which may be the larger point. It's not that the game has changed, it's that I've changed, and I'm more interested in exploring new and different possibilities. I know it's there if I ever want it again, and I know nearly exactly what I'll get, but I just don't get a thrill thinking about running it anymore.