D&D General "Casanova" scenarios?

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Just to make it explicitly clear... CapnZapp wants an actual module that has a charmer NPC in it. Preferably where the adventure is ABOUT the charmer / seductor NPC. He doesn't need "ideas", he wants actual adventures he can open up and use at the table.

Capn, to answer your question... the only one I can think of off the top of my head that has what you might call a "charmer-adjacent" type of NPC is 'Curtain Call', a 1st level Eberron adventure (I only remember it because I'm running Eberron currently). It involves a charlatan named Max Murlock who is posing as a private investigator and hired to find a kidnapped nobleman. Since he has no idea what he's really doing, he convinces the party to help him. The adventure, however, isn't really about him... he sort of falls by the wayside once the investigation gets underway. And while he's charming in a fraudster kind of way, he's not written as a seducer of any type.

Nothing else is coming to mind. I know 'The Last Breaths of Ashenport' involves an entire community that is under the sway of Dagon and many are trying to get sacrifices for the demon (and thus one of the NPCs in it could be repurposed as a seducer-type character.) It's not a perfect fit, but at least the entire adventure is built around trying to get visitors into the town to be sacrificed... and thus an NPC who is a charmer and working to win over the party makes a lot of sense for the plot.

Sorry I can't be more help. I'll keep thinking on it. I also don't know if there are any keywords one could use on adventurelookup.com to perhaps find some other ideas?


Dusty Dragon
See, when I read "give me a scenario", I'm reading "give me a plot" or "give me a short campaign arc", no "give me a specific module".

I am struggling to think of one. "Spires of Altdorf: Paths of the Damned Campaign volume 2 " has a little bit of what you want, but overall it's not what you need.


See, when I read "give me a scenario", I'm reading "give me a plot" or "give me a short campaign arc", no "give me a specific module".
To be fair to CapnZapp, his second post said "There must be at least some scenarios (from OD&D to 5E) in this vein..." which pretty much denotes he's using 'scenario' not in a generic idea sense, but in a "published edition document" sense. Otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned the scenario coming from OD&D, 5E and everything in between.

He used "scenario" to indicate it didn't have to be a full module or full adventure, but that he would even take individual scenes or delves or Side Treks etc. etc. that have been published previously. He's just looking for some plotlines that are plug-n-play, rather than him having to create and write it all up himself.

CapnZapp can correct me if I'm wrong.


Dusty Dragon
To be fair to CapnZapp, his second post said "There must be at least some scenarios (from OD&D to 5E) in this vein..." which pretty much denotes he's using 'scenario' not in a generic idea sense, but in a "published edition document" sense. Otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned the scenario coming from OD&D, 5E and everything in between.

He used "scenario" to indicate it didn't have to be a full module or full adventure, but that he would even take individual scenes or delves or Side Treks etc. etc. that have been published previously. He's just looking for some plotlines that are plug-n-play, rather than him having to create and write it all up himself.

CapnZapp can correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh I absolutely didn't read the entire post correctly. Just explaining why I, and others, have not provided what he wanted.


Mod Squad
Staff member
To manage something similar recently, I scratched the serial numbers off the Star Trek: The Next Generation, episode, (Season 2, Episode 4) "The Outrageous Okona". It worked like a charm, though admittedly, I had to make up the game stats all on my own, which isn't quite what you are looking for.

I think the way to go is to find something with a detailed description of a city or town e.g. Waterdeep: Dragonhiest, ToA Chapter 1, Heroes of Baldur's Gate etc. and simply drop a Casanova character into it. It's a familiar enough archetype, easy enough for the DM to role play without a huge amount of prep.

I think finding a published adventure which is actually a character study is rather unlikely. It's very difficult to write this kind of stuff, much easier to improvise it at the table.


See, when I read "give me a scenario", I'm reading "give me a plot" or "give me a short campaign arc", no "give me a specific module".
All of the above works

What isn't enough, as Defcon so deftly noticed, is "Here is this Charmy S. Marmy the NPC".

What am I supposed to do with a character write up? I want to know what he's been up to, what nefarious plots he's been entangled by, in what way he's conning the ladies (gentlemen, otherdaemons, ...), and so on, and so forth...

Voidrunner's Codex

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