(Casual D&D V) The Tourne


First Post
(initiative: 14)

An axehead flashes forth as the creature emerges from underground. The momentum of Nurthk's weapon starts to build.

(readied attack: attack 25, damage 13)

As the second creature emerges Nurthk's adrenaline kicks in, and he almost seems to go wild.

(raging, full attack action:
N22 creature-
attack 28
damage 12

attack 25
damage 6

L20 creature-
attack 20
damage 8

attack 19
damage 11)

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Guilt Puppy

First Post
(For clarification - not that anyone's posted anything contradictory, just 'cause I realized I'd left out the details - the bodies of these things are about a foot in diameter, they rise between 4 to 6 feet out of the ground. Their skull-faces are also distinctly humanoid, though the jaw area protrudes somewhat.)

Nurthk & Raven strike the thing simultaneously as it emerges, cutting it ragged at the middle, thick spatters of a mucous-like substance flung outward from its wounds. It falls to the ground, a vague sizzling hiss escaping its through open but unmoving mouth.

(Round 1)

Cray steps toward the nearest worm, laying a keen wound upon it with his icy blade.

Koehl steps briskly into a position flanking Cray's worm, laying his sword into it as well.

Federich hops deftly out of the cart at a run, marking his blade into the other remaining worm with a deft, cool-headed stroke.

Rattmes seems more concerned, but in a wide-eyed jog makes way nearer to the enemy worm. Katter likewise moves in a wide circle to take up position near one of the attackers.

Brich takes one leaping, sideways stride to gain a better angle, nocking and arrow and quickly releasing it as he plants his feet. His aim is either too hasty or too cautious, as it lands harmlessly in the dirt at the worm's base, but it is only a moment before he lets fly another, and this one finds its mark in the length of the thing's body.

Sturt hops from his cart, rushing over to Harrold and grabbing the boy by the bicep, holding him back from entering the fray.

Xiao spins, striking the worm behind him with a hard kick and a well-placed fist. He feels bone breaking underneath the second; Rattmes sidesteps wide-eyed as the thing falls at his feet. Continuing the motion, the monk steps over into a better position against the remaining enemy.

Cylantro gathers her equipment and leaves the carriage, moving in toward the action.

The remaining worm turns and bites Katter at the wrist, leaving a deep mark. The Tournean clenches his face in pain, recoiling from the wound; it is only a moment before his body seizes up, and he stands still in mid-turn, motionless save for a light trembling.

As it bites, four other like worms emerge from the earth.

The first comes up behind Cylantro as she moves, diving to bite at her leg. (Attack 17, Damage 8, 2 x Fort Saves if hit)

Two others emerge next to Brich and Katter, respectively, but seem to have a bad grasp of where these warriors will be, and bite only air.

The last comes up behind Cray, lunging from the earth with open mouth. (Attack 25, Damage 6, 2 x Fort Saves if hit)

(Note that you should consider yourselves flat-footed against these opponents, if applicable.)

Nurthk, enraged, turns upon the worm that has just struck Cray. The thing disappears beneath the bright fire of his spinning blades; as the flames clear, there is only a long stump left wiggling above the ground, thick yellow-green fluid pumping out through blackened char. Glancing over as he steps toward the nearest opponent, he sees the the things head has somehow made its way to the branches above Raven. It oozes pointlessly.

Hiritus jogs intently over toward Cylantro, coming up behind the thing that has risen behind her. (Hope you don't mind the slightly changed move given the new threat.)

Oliver, seeing his initial target destroyed (and several others, too!) turns and lays aim upon the worm that has risen beside Brich Oerry. He lands a bolt squarely beneath its jaw. The Tournean turns his head briefly, paying a startled smirk to the old rogue.

Fendric exits the cart, moving to Hiritus' side. Tatlock moves a few cautious steps in the other direction, fumbling with his sling before hurtling a stone vaguely in the direction of the worm attacking Cylantro.

Round 1

20 Cray
19 Tourneans
18 Xiao
16 Cylantro
14 Worms
14 Nurthk
14 Hiritus
12 Oliver
11 Fendric
9 Tatlock

6 Raven

02   *
03     +----+         *
04     +----+
05             +
06  ==         +\
07  ==          \\   *
08  ==           \\
09                \+   
10 T   """         +   
11     """                
12   HF              ++
13   w               ||
14   Y * ==          ||
15      s==          ||
16       h=          ||
17                   ++
18             O     
19          f r    b
20       wK X$     w
21         w N 
22      @ k C$ $
23              R
24               *

Party characters are identified by
the first initial of their 
first name, capitalized, except
Cylantro, who's Y.


$=Dead worm

" or = is a cart
+-+ 's are the tents
@ is the campfire
* are trees


Guest 11456

Cylantro : Female Human

If she is still moving:
Cylantro steps away from the worm, begins a spell and then as she completes it three glowing missiles fly from her fingers and strike the creature.

If she is paralyzed:
Cylantro tries to move but her limbs refuse to respond.

OOC: Worm hits: 8 damage; Saves: 8, 21
Action: 5-foot step south to D-15, MM for 13 (5+3+5) damage.
Last edited by a moderator:


ic - Casual

Xiao lets out a grunt of satisfaction as the worm creature collapses at his feet. For a heartbeat the monk is still. Then once more the stranger explodes into action.

[sblock=ooc]If Xiao is within the threat range of the nearest worm, he will attack that one. Flurry of blows (roll + bab & str bonuses)
* Attack 25, Damage 4.
* Attack 14, Damage 10.

If he isn't threaten, or if the worm is killed before his turn, he will move to assist Brich (AC is low enough already, so just move, not charge)
* Attack 17, Damage 5.[/sblock]


Hiritus, noticing at once the danger to Cylantro, moves into position, roars his prayer upward, and slashes mightily with his longsword at the demon worm threatening her:

"Beloved Pelor, grant me the strength to cleanse this world of evil!"

[Hiritus: Full attack, smiting evil on first blow: Atk - 17, Damage 17; second at normal second attack bonus: Atk - 18, Damage 10.]

Fendric, too impressed with Hiritus' might to notice he's standing entirely too close to the demon worm for his own good, notices the error, corrects it, and goes to work. Stepping backward, and clutching the sun medallion about his neck, he begins his prayer.

"Blessed Totem of the Radiant Light, I beseech you humbly for a mighty Xorn, capable of fighting these creatures in their own demesne!"

His wish is granted, and although his deity's interpretation of "mighty" might leave much to be desired among lay personnel, it has effect. A small earth creature tunnels into the ground where Fendric had just stood, and follows the instruction the cleric sent to it:

[Any such foul creatures as these you may encounter, you are blessed to deliver back unto the Nine Hells.]

[Fendric: 5' Step North, cast Summon Monster IV: Minor Xorn, 4HD at 13E, 5' underground. If Hiritus has not killed the worm by Fendric's turn, Xorn attacks demon worm at 14D, otherwise proceed underground toward nearest worm (currently 20H) while remaining within 30' of Fendric. Minor Xorn per SRD, spell duration 8 rounds or until slain.]


First Post
With a cry, Raven charges the nearest worm, his eyes focused on the thing he hates most in the world : undead.

(ooc : charge : attack 28, dmg 16 presuming those things are undead, if not dmg 12, sorry for the late reply, I was on a holiday, and yes, it was in the south of france)


Registered User
Oliver lowers the crossbow, the sights drop from his view and he catches Brich's smirk. The old man quirks a bushy brow, but doesn't otherwise respond. His hands have gone automatically into the motions of reloading the crossbow. Lever, click, slot, raise. He looks around for another target, one free of melee. Lacking that he engages the lock on the bow and dras his swords, moving, as footing allows to flank the nightmare attacking Brich.

OOC: Let me know if there are rolls to make what with all the weapon shuffling.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Raven charges, sword flying, toward the worm-thing attacking Brich. A cascade of weird fluid flies in the blade's wake. The thing itself is nearly severed, but waves in the air, snarls ferociously, spine still intact.

Cray feels the site of his injury go rapidly numb. He turns toward the creature to retaliate, but finds his body stiff, and movements ever harder to accomplish. Within moments he finds himself fully paralyzed. (BTW, I still need a second Fort save from Cray.)

Koehl, seeing both Cray and Katter in trouble, stabs fiercely at the worm near them, but it sways almost carelessly out of the bath of the sword. Undaunted, Koehl brings the blade back in a hard, swinging motion, further injuring but not defeating the monster. He completes the motion with a quick jump-step, glancing at Federich.

The driver, for his part, seems to read Koehl's meaning, and steps in a wide circle to flank the worm. He brings his sword down into its back with authority, and it falls silently to the ground.

Rattmes, seeing a similar opportunity, charges toward the worm Raven has nearly slain. Lunging sword-first, he finishes the thing off cleanly.

Katter stands immobile.

Brich considers his options, then backpedals until he has a clear shot on the creature that has struck Cylantro. He lets one arrow fly, and it lands dead center in the writhing tube of flesh.

Sturt glances a harsh "stay-put" look at Harrold, then moves to flank with Fendric. It is clear from the way he swings his sword that, save perhaps the young one, he is the least battle-ready here, and though he makes contact he leaves only a small mark on the thing.

Xiao steps sideways toward the worm nearest him, limbs flying. He lands one light blow, and misses with one strong one.

Cylantro tries to step away, but finds her limbs will not obey her. She stands rigid, feeling a numbness overwhelm her.

The worm that has struck Cylantro now lunges, wrapping itself around her. (Touch 11 to start grapple.) It coils about her once, then squeezes, snarling at those near her. (8 damage.)

The other worm hisses, snapping toward Koehl but not coming close to making contact.

The ground shakes slightly as several more worms burst out. It takes more than a moment to count them: There are seven.

The first emerges looking ready to lunge at Koehl, but turns swiftly to wrap itself around Katter. Katter's eyes bulge as it squeezes, but his expression remains otherwise unchanged.

Two emerge around Sturt, one biting into his arm, the other around his ankles. His body stiffens in a twisted pose, a look of barely-begun panic frozen on his face.

The next comes up between Oliver and Rattmes, lunging at the Tournean, but missing. Before Oliver can react, another comes up to his side, its human-like jaw snapping toward his face. (Attack 18, Damage 5, Two Fort saves if hit)

Brich finds himself attacked again, but again proves too nimble for these creatures, as its teeth fly through empty air.

The last comes up beside Hiritus, biting at the young paladin. (Attack 13, Damage 9, Two Fort saves if hit.)

(Note: Since these are coming from cover before they attack, you should consider yourselves flat-footed to the ones who are emerging. However, since by this point they should be expected, I'll throw out the ad hoc option of being "at ready", taking a -1 to all attacks and skill checks in exchange for retaining your Dex bonus against any more than emerge. You can track whether or not you're using this on your own, though the decision should be made during your round. Obviously, those with uncanny dodge or similar will have no need for this.)

Round 2

20 Cray
19 Tourneans
18 Xiao
16 Cylantro
14 Worms

14 Nurthk
14 Hiritus
12 Oliver
11 Fendric
9 Tatlock
6 Raven

02   *                         
03     +----+         *
04     +----+        
05             +
06  ==         +\
07  ==          \\   *
08  ==           \\
09                \+   
10 T   """         +   
11    w"""                
12   HF              ++
13                 b ||
14 wsY * ==         w||
15   w   ==          ||
16       h=          ||
17                   ++
18             Ow    
19             w r 
20       wX $     $
21        K$fN     R
22      @ k C$ $
24               *

Party characters are identified by
the first initial of their 
first name, capitalized, except
Cylantro, who's Y.


$=Dead worm

" or = is a cart
+-+ 's are the tents
@ is the campfire
* are trees

Note: There are additional worms grappling Cylantro and Katter, not indicated on the map.

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