(Casual D&D V) The Tourne


Hiritus: 42/54, AC18(18). Fendric: 61/61, AC16(16)

[Hiritus Fort Saves: (21, 19) (12, 19). Fendric cast the Xorn at E13 - I'll start him at E14 (between there and where GP had him).]

Hiritus grimaces and grunts imperceptibly as the worms hit him. Steeling himself as best he can from what he saw happen to Cylantro, he attempts to fight through the gripping sensation of the bites.

[Considering his Paladin SQs such as Divine Health, and presuming he failed that third Fort Save, he might or might not be able to swing again next round. If he can, it'll be at the worm in D12. If he can't, he'll hope something happens.]

The Xorn, for its part, relishes the opportunity to protect its new territory, and launches itself at the worm nearby (D13) with zeal.

[Full attack.]

Fendric, for a brief moment enjoying respite from direct combat, seems puzzled as to the physical nature of these worms. The skullfaces seem to suggest something to Fendric...

Gripping his Pelorian holy symbol, and holding his other hand in an upraised fist, Fendric turns his face to stare directly into the sun. His voice rising with each syllable, he begins a sacred chant in the tongue of his birth:

"By Every Shining Ray of the Glorious Sky, I, Brother Fendric of Hedrogura, Humble Totem of Pelor, the Holiest of Light and Heat, Command Thee, Foul Servants of the Undead, YOU SHALL! BEGONE!"

A blinding flash jumps out as if reflected by the medallion around his neck. It shines outward instantly.

[Sun Domain Power, Greater Turning. Turn Check: 4, 16. If the worms are undead, Fendric will destroy the nearest 16HD worth of worms (aboveground) that have 5HD or less. Area of effect should be to 60 ft. (12 sq.) from Fendric.]
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Nurthk (autopilot) steps over and, in a manner that seems routine to him now, mows down the worm-thing that has been attacking Rattmes.

Hiritus attempts to move, but finds himself paralyzed.

Oliver steps over, taking a difficult shot at the best target he can find. (D12) He misses, and, frustrated, drops his bow and draws his blades.

Voice ringing loud through the clearing, Fendric raises his holy symbol. The worms respond immediately, turning first toward the sound of those smooth elven syllables, and then away in apparent disgust. In a flash, all but one (the one which had come up behind Raven) are reduced to dust. Sturt Bommel's arms unfold from his sides, and he takes a wet-sounding breath, but remains unconscious.

Raven turns, swinging twice at the remaining enemy, but missing both times. He steps sideways, leaving an easy route for the now-mobile Cray to come in and flank. His icy blade finds the thing's throat, and it recoils from heavy injury.

The Tourneans then react, mostly swarming the remaining enemy. Koehl comes around behind Raven, but makes no contact with his sword. Federich moves to flank it and succeeds in striking, however. Rattmes jogs in, cutting the worm off from one more angle. Katter steps forward, swinging both blades, and striking it down with the second of them.

Brich, seeing no more enemies, jogs over to the cart and hops nimbly up beside Harrold. He looks around, bow still at ready.

Xiao heads over beside the Cylantro and Sturt, standing in the ashes of the worm beside them, ready to strike at any enemy who threatens them.

There is only a beat - just long enough for the most hopeful among you to believe the threat may have passed - before yet more worms arrive. Eight, this time.

The first comes up from almost beneath Hiritus, wrapping itself around the paralyzed paladin. (Touch 18, Damage 9)

The next four come up behind Katter, Federich, Koehl, and Rattmes each, practically encircling the group. The first bites upward, managing to get its head entirely under Katter's chain; it comes back holding a large piece of the Tournean's belly. Katter falls to the ground, screaming, hands grappling against the flow of blood from his midsection. Rattmes takes a hit on the leg. He reaches down toward Katter, apparently oblivious to his own wound, but his hand hangs motionless in the air, and he is again paralyzed. Koehl and Federich, though both awestruck and dumbfounded, somehow find the quick instinct to sidestep their attackers.

The next comes up beside Oliver, snapping its teeth sharply. (Attack 18, Damage 8, Two Fort saves if hit)

This is followed by one who comes up beside Cray, which keeps its head low as it bites which snakelike quickness. (Attack 20, Damage 6, Two Fort saves if hit.)

The last comes up beside Xiao, looking toward the still Cylantro as it rises. The monk immediately lays a boot upon its neck; it turns and tries to bite, but the motion is awkward, clearly unprepared. (Attack 13, Damage 11, Two Fort saves if hit.) (I used your first attack/damage rolls for this action, and we can discard the second, so make new rolls for any attacks you make henceforth.)

Round 4

20 Cray
19 Tourneans
18 Xiao
16 Cylantro
14 Worms

14 Nurthk
14 Hiritus
12 Oliver
11 Fendric
9 Tatlock
6 Raven

(Note that there is one additional worm constricting around Hiritus, not pictured on this map.)

02   *                         
03     +----+         *
04     +----+        
05             +
06  ==         +\
07  ==          \\   *
08 T==           \\
09                \+   
10     """         +   
11     """                
12   $     w         ++
13  H$ F    O        ||
14  sY * ==         $||
15  wX   =b          ||
16       h=          ||
17                   ++
19             $$  
20       $  $  N  $
21         $       
22      @  ww$ $
23        $krfw    
24        wR$C   *
25         K  w

Party characters are identified by
the first initial of their 
first name, capitalized, except
Cylantro, who's Y.


$=Dead worm

" or = is a cart
+-+ 's are the tents
@ is the campfire
* are trees


Hiritus: 33/54 HP, Paralyzed (AC 18, Flat 18); Fendric 64/64 HP, AC 16

[In case Fort Saves are needed again for Hiritus: 25, 13]

Hiritus, motionless, casts his eyes downward in time to see another worm come up from the ground to constrict him. If it even is possible to convey pain while paralyzed, anyone looking at him cannot see it in his face. Still, Hiritus must hurt.

Fendric's Xorn [remember him?] ranges under where Xiao stands and attacks the worm threatening him and Cylantro.

[Xorn, round 3 of 8: move to D15 (5' under), attack worm at C15.]

Fendric's look of satisfaction turns to anger when more worms arrive. Resolute, he repeats his Prayer of Turning, this time in Common, and this time facing Hiritus, as if to direct this at the worm threatening him:

"By Every Shining Ray of the Glorious Sky, I, Brother Fendric of Hedrogura, Humble Totem of Pelor, the Holiest of Light and Heat, Command Thee, Foul Servants of the Undead, YOU SHALL! BEGONE!"

[Regular Turning Check: 7 (up to 7HD worms are turned, 3HD or below are destroyed), 17HD worth of creatures turned/destroyed.]


Registered User
The light from Fendric's holy symbol hits Oliver. The old man flinches against the brightness, eyes slamming shut, as the secret cupboards of his soul are thrown open and the distasteful contents strewn about.

Let go of the darkness...

Light blazes through him, his frame is locked, clenched protectively in a silent cry of pain.

Let go, the darkness is not evil, but it will only cause you pain...

Tears leak from the corners of his eyes.

Because When the light comes, the darkness flees...

Oliver throws his head back, body arching awkwardly, a rigid posture of agony.

...and only light remains...​

...he is standing a familiar place. A camp. With the others. The sun is shining above. The grass is lush and green and glossy. The sky brilliant and clear. A cool breeze makes the flags lashed to tentpoles snap and pop. The breeze lifts the hair from his brow like a brush of loving fingertips. It lifts him. He is floating. Everyone is smiling. Looking at him. Rather, just behind him. To a warmth, a light, a hope... His chest swells... he turns...​

The light fades. Oliver's shoulders slump as he resumes burden of pain and sin. Bands of fear and doubt constrict his heart, swelled by a longing for the light-filled vision of hope. He staggers a step, a half-moan escaping his lips.

Smoldering heaps of snake-creatures add a greasy stink of rot and burning flesh to the breeze that blows across the old man's face. It sends a chill down his sweat-soaked back. He leans over fists on his knees to catch his breath, swords dangling loosely in his gnarled hands.

Another snake erupts from the ground at his feet. His eyes see. His mind decides. But his body... it is too slow. Too old.

Too weak. And the snake-demon too swift. He brings his swords up swinging as he dives away. But not quickly enough. Fangs bury into his side as he twists, the movement exposing a stretch of lightly studded leather designed to allow the wearer flexibility.

He comes up, face to face with the snake demon, it jaws ghoulishly agape. Its face smeared with his blood and an oozing mucus. Uncertain if the creatures are intelligent - it seems unlikely - he feints anyway, chooses an angle, and strikes!

Fort Save 1: 19
Fort Save 2: 23 (natural 20)

Full Attack
Attack Roll 1: 25 (crit)
Damage: 3 (x2) = 6

Attack Roll 2: 17
Damage: 6


ic - Casual

Xiao sighs and begins to lay into the nearest walking dead worm.

"Well not walking, obviously," he pants under his breath. "Don't have legs."

Flurry of blows if possible.
* Attack 8, Damage 11.
* Attack 13, Damage 4.
Poor Xiao, he can't seem to get his act together.

[sblock=Sparky]With posts like that, you can fudge the numbers all you like as far as I am concerned.[/sblock]

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Nurthk heads over to the worm-thing which has attacked Rattmes, while Oliver makes his move against the one which has bitten him. Both do their share of damage, but the things continue to fight.

Xiao looks for a good spot to strike the worm he is engaged with, but finds there is no need: It shows a look of surprise momentarily, before falling motionless at the monk's feet. (Don't worry, Xorn's been keeping busy.)

Fendric raises his symbol again, stepping in a bit to ensure he catches as many enemies as possible in its light. All but the two near Cray or destroyed; Hiritus, though still paralyzed, is at least freed from the thing's grip. Tatlock comes in behind the paladin and takes him by the shoulders, trying gently to shake him out of his daze, but to no effect.

Raven heads in with his zweihander toward the worm to which he has the easiest path. His blow sends the thing reeling, but it does not fall. Cray finds himself still unable to assist, his muscles rigid and disobedient to his will.

The Tournean Crownsmen move in unison (those that still can move, at least), striking at the remaining enemies. Koehl and Federich both descend toward the creature Raven has injured, but both makes unlucky strikes with their blades. Brich takes two difficult shots at his nearest target; the arrows sail a few feet above Nurthk's shoulder, seeming much too high, but they drop in an arc, and their points lodge into the fleshy substance which might be called this thing's scalp. It looks bothered.

Harrold reloads his crossbow, trying to take aim at the same enemy. Oerry throws a hand in front of him, shaking his head. "Wait until the next come," he utters with flat authority.

Xiao jogs over to strike at the same worm, but finds that his feet fly less true than Brich's arrows.

Cylantro remains paralyzed, but the numbness at least is subsiding - which is not entirely welcome, given the pain of the bite. (She'll be able to act on her next initiative.)

Two new worms emerge: The first comes up directly beneath Cylantro, coiling around the spellcaster and squeezing. (Touch 17, Damage 12) The other does the same to Rattmes, who promptly falls, still motionless.

The worm that Brich attacked, arrows still protruding from its head, moves to coil around Cray. (Touch 8, Damage 8)

The final enemy snaps ferociously, but not very convincingly, at Raven. (Attack 11, Damage 7, Two Fort saves if hit)

Round 5

20 Cray
19 Tourneans
18 Xiao
16 Cylantro
14 Worms

14 Nurthk
14 Hiritus
12 Oliver
11 Fendric
9 Tatlock
6 Raven

Please note 3 worms not mapped, grappling Cylantro, Rattmes, and Cray.

02   *                         
03     +----+         *
04     +----+        
05             +
06  ==         +\
07  ==          \\   *
08  ==           \\
09                \+   
10     """         +   
11     """                
12  T$     $         ++
13  H$      O        ||
14  sY *F==         $||
15  $    ==          ||
16       hb          ||
17                   ++
19             $$  
20       $  $     $
21         $ N     
22      @  $$X $
23        $kr w    
24        $ $Cf  *
25           Rw
26           K

Party characters are identified by
the first initial of their 
first name, capitalized, except
Cylantro, who's Y.


$=Dead worm

" or = is a cart
+-+ 's are the tents
@ is the campfire
* are trees

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