CG vs. CN: Chaotic Good Is Victorious!

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Attempt #1 makes contact with Vorel, but fails (62 vs. 70).

Attempt #2 makes contact, but fails (57 vs. 66).

Attempt #3 makes contact, but fails (46 vs. 68).

Attempt #4 makes contact, but fails (44 vs. 66).

Vorel:[sblock]Reminder: if you don't end up in the VZ this round, you lose.[/sblock]

Vorel's turn in round 4.


At first I did an AoO, but then I thought grapplers with reach can avoid AoO's. Is that only for creatures with improved grab?


First Post
Don't both dragons have the same reach anyway? But, actually, methinks I screwed it up. KAOS would have to move closer to get within natural reach. :heh:


I have KAOS at 35N60E and Vorel at 40N85E, which means they are five feet away from each other.

I'll apply the AoO, which is a successful bite. KAOS takes 28+4-5 damage and has 292 hp left.

Vorel's turn in round 4.


[sblock] bother is the VZ a strip or a square?, if a strip move to 15n60e and bite at PA 8
if a square, toss the greater dispel at the cloud and move to 65n60e[/sblock]


KAOS senses that Vorel moves to 15N60E, then receives a bite to the franistan for 58+16-5 damage. She has 223 hp left and starts round 5.


First Post
Isn't there a support beam in the middle of Vorel's space?

[sblock] Regardless, if possible KAOS will bull rush Vorel out of the VZ (moving to a position that offers the least space, i.e. west to east if Vorel's existing position is correct) and then go for a quickened lavender-scented gas. [/sblock]

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