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Chain fighter


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Yig said:
For race, I'd use Half-ogre (LA +2, in RoS). I would go barb 1/fighter X.

Bump the 17 to 18 (Str) and one 15 to 16. 9 to Cha :)

You also need a good Dex.

As for feats, Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip are a must. Weapon Focus and Spec are also good. Power Attack.

It's a bit cheesy but it is effecient :)

Emphasis mine... A good dex implies that you should get at least barbarian level TWO (at least if you're already going to barb one). Never underestimate the spidey sense of Uncanny Dodge.

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I like the idea of the exotic weapon master in CWa too... only a three level build but some of those specials are cool... like ignoring cover for attacks of opportunity.. allows a large chain weilder to really control the battle space



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im playing a half ogre bar 2 / fig 4 at the moment and its very effective.
We have some variant rules we use (from UA).
Totem wolf barbarian gives trip at second level and i use whirling frenzy in place of normal rage.

I have the feats:
Combat reflexes, Exotic WP, Standstill (XPH), Improved Trip, Deft Oppertunitist (+4 bonus on AoO), Weapon Focus & Weapon Specialization.

And now im going to take some levels in the Exotic weapon master class, which i believe is a must with such a weapon :). (Flurry, Exotic reach, Trip bonus)

The most important stats are STR, DEX & INT 13+ (when not able to use the totem wolf barbarian variant... still i think disarm and expertise are good choises)

I don't know what kind of party members you have....
The Half Ogre has LA +2 and that is a lot when you have a wizard in the party able to cast enlarge or you can buy potions.

Iku Rex

This is a Half-Ogre built to trip. The min/max level is way into the red, so you may want to tone down the specialization a little.

Strength checks to trip opponents will be made with a +24 bonus (+8 Str, +4 Wolf Berserker, +4 Improved Trip, +2 Trip Attack, +2 Armbands of Might, +4 Size). Activate the ring to make that +30 and add rage for +32.

Half-Ogre Barb2/Ftr4/EWM3
	Base	Levels	H-O	Item	Total
Str 	17	+2	+6	+2	26 (+8)
Dex	16		-2	+2 	16 (+3)
Con	16		+2		18 (+2)
Int	15		-2		13 (+1)
Wis	15				15 (+2)
Cha	 9		-2		 7 (-2)
Feats: 1,3,6,9 + 3 Ftr
EWP: SC, WF: SC, Combat Reflexes, Wolf Berserker (UE), Improved Trip, Large and In Charge (D), Power Attack

Get the Exotic Reach, Flurry of Strikes and Trip Attack abilities from EWM.

Some key equipment (max 66000 gp, level 11):

12325 Living Chain (MH) (+2, +4 Str check to trip)
18000 Ring of Growth (SS) (+1 Size category, +4 Str, -2 Dex)
4100 Armbands of Might (CA) (+2 Str checks, +2 damage bonus if -2 or more penalty from Power Attack)
4000 Gloves of Dexterity +2
4000 Belt of Giant Strength +2
48425 gp (23575 gp left for other equipment)

In the future you should consider adding the grasping (A&EG, +2) ability to the chain for +2 to trip and disarm attempts, and, if the DM allows it [I wouldn't], the sweeping (Magic of Faerun, +1) ability for +4 to trip checks. If you go with War Hulk, the Skillful (CA, +2) ability is downright broken. If you find yourself getting counter-tripped (?!) and forced to drop the chain, buy some Boots, Steadfast (A&EG, 6000) and become immune to trip and bull rush.

This equipment is intended to max out your trip ability. You may want to put off buying the ring or the chain for a few levels to afford a good vest of resistance (!), a magical mithral full plate and an animated shield. (Especially if you start at 10 level.)

If the Wolf Berserker feat isn't available, or you want to expand your repertoire to take advantage of the chains disarm abilities, drop the barbarian levels for fighter levels and get Expertise and Improved Disarm. (You'll need 13 Int.)

(Just noticed your odd "three clases only" rule. That means no barbarian anyway if you want the War Hulk or any other PrC. More feats for you!)

The future:

I'd go for the War Hulk prestige class, from the Miniatures Handbook. Fun, fun, fun. :)

If you do, you'll want to drop a level of EWM and get Cleave (possibly instead of than Large and in Charge). You'll want all 10 levels (for the full +20 Str and the awe-inspiring Massive Swing ability) or only 8 (for a couple of extra fighter levels - pick cleave - and +11 BAB at level 20).

(There's an issue with the "No Time to Think" class feature of the War Hulk and the Exotic Weapon Master - technically you'll have 0 ranks of Craft: Weaponsmithing, which means that you'll technically no longer qualify for EWM, which means that technically you'll loose your EWM class abilities. That seems a little silly to me, and your DM may agree. If he doesn't then obviously EWM and War Hulk won't go together. )

Possible future feats (in no particular order): Great Cleave, Deft Opportunist (MH, need 15 Dex), Destructive Rage (CW), Hold the Line (CW), Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper (CW, tactical), Awesome Blow (MM), Mage Slayer (MH, CA), Weapon Specialization.

If you have questions, want some other ideas, and/or a more specific "build", or some more notes on tactics, let me know.


First Post
hmm.. 10th level chain user..

I am afraid I cannot use the halforc.. I hate it ;)

However, I do like being a human and changing form into whatever form is best at the time so I will go that route and you can make believe you are a halforc, sound good? lol

Str: 15
Dex: 15
Con: 16
Int: 16
Wis: 17
Cha: 9

Psychic warrior 2/Fighter 2/Psion 1/Warmind 5
(or psychic warrior 2/fighter 2/psychic warrior 1/Warmind 5)

1st level: Exotic weapon prof (spiked chain) (normal), Dodge (human), psicrystal affinity (bonus psychic warrior feat, I'd suggest either bonus to spot or will save)
24 skill points to spend on psychic warrior skills
Pick a power which will help, I would suggest elfsight (good duration, great effect)

2nd level: improved psicrystal (bonus psychic warior feat, I'd suggest whichever you didnt get before)
6 skill points to spend on psychic warrior skills
Pick a power which will help, I would suggest Synesthete (very helpful at times)

3rd level: Combat expertise (bonus fighter feat), Improved trip (3rd level feat)
6 skill points to spend on fighter skills

4th level: Mobility (bonus fighter feat)
+1 stat point on wisdom
6 skill points to spend on fighter skills

5th level: improved psicrystal (bonus psion feat, whatever helps out the build you want at this point, this brings your psicrystal up to level 5 as well which means telepathic speech along with all of the rest)
6 skill points to spend on psion skills (at this point you need to have a total of 2 ranks in knowledge (history) and 8 ranks in knowledge (psionics), should be easy with that amount of skill points!)
3 1st level powers to help out, depending on the choice of discipline this could change, but I think seer might be best to gain Precognition...mmmm

Or you could get another level of psychic warrior here instead, I just like the idea of the extra bonus feat and gaining precognition ;)

6th level: Now the fun really starts, into warmind.
Spring attack (6th level feat, this will help you take advantage of your reach)
6 skill points to spend on warmind skills

You'll need to start picking more powers now as well. At some point you will want to get expansion. Likely you will want to get catfall also (prevent yourself from being tripped) and grip of iron (help in grapples that inevitably happen).

9th level: Whirlwind attack (9th level feat, this will also take advantage of your reach)

10th level: Now you gain sweeping strike. This is incredibly powerful and will serve you well.

At this point you have a ton of skills from all over, you have a ton of combat options along with some very interesting psionic powers to play around with. Good spot check (likely), pretty decent saves, massive potential to kill lots of guys at once. Likely you could handle a little bit of anything.. so long as it is in melee range.. which brings us to items.

As far as items go you will want to get a skin of the proteus as soon as possible. Or simply get a buddy to cast polymorph on you to change you into larger forms. That way you have the best of all worlds ;) Even a simple item of alterself would help a great deal (trog for large natural armor or other various forms).

You will also want to get suppression on your weapon and some item that will allow you to fly (assuming that you cant get the skin for some reason).

Not sure if that is what you are going for, but I think it'd be fun! I would certainly play it ;)


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OK, so this thread caught my interest as I am currently reading- and really enjoying!- the new Master of Chains novel. Good stuff.

I did some quick googling, and agree that Exotic Weapon Master officially replaced Master of Chains- it says so right on the WOTC site. My question is: what is the problem with the 3.0 PrC version? It seems more flavorful and interesting than just the more generic EWM class, although perhaps a bit underpowered. What do you folks think? I almost wonder if it would be OK to take both classes- something like:
Rogue 3/Fighter 4/Master of Chains 10/Exotic Weapon Master 3

What say you, ENWorlders? :)


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Master of Chains is a new WOTC novel, just released this month, set in the Forgotten Realms. It is written by Jess Lebow, whose work I am not familar with, but the book is excellent.

I jumps right into action scenes from literally the first page- exciting reading. Very briefly, it features two brothers who are separated due to fortunes of war, one of whom learns to use his former chains of bondage asa war prisoner as weapons, becoming a "master of chains". If you have ever wondered what using a spiked chain would really be like, you should read the book! :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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