Change a letter, ruin a spell - Xanathar edition!

Cause Pear: When you're in need of some tasty pears to eat with your bland rations

Wall of land: make a totally normal wall.

Shatter: Whoops, that spell already exists

Shill empowerment: "This DnD thread is brought to you by our wonderful sponsor..."

Wreath of nature: Create a Christmas decoration.
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Abi Dhalzim's Horrid Tilting: everyone in the affected area bends 90 degrees and can't see what's coming from behind them

Yeast Bond: make friends with bakey products and communicate telepathically with any ale within range

Boner of the Earth: hits target where it really hurts

Blame Arrows: finger-pointing causes instant shame

Rental Prison: paralyzes target and make him pay 10gp for the service

Gravy domain cleric, clerics who specialise in liquids that compliment roasts

Bar step, a spell that teleports you to the nearest pub

Negative energy food, a spell that makes your dinner undead

Rice knife, a starchy weapon

Fine greater steed, for when your horse owes you money

Druid glove, hand covers for those attuned with nature

And lastly, the Horizon Wa*ker ranger (a certain word that rhymes with banker) which is fairly self explanatory

Warting Wind: Anyone in the area of effect becomes covered in warts.
Swill Empowerment: Transmutes common ale into wine or hard liquor.
Gyrotechnics: Summons a pita filled with rotisserie-cooked meat and vegetables.
Maddening Dorkness: Forces everyone within the area of effect to debate the finer points of a niche culture.

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