Change a letter, ruin a spell - Xanathar edition!

Lass Polymorph: Instant drag act.
Earthwind: Produces 70s music. Material component: Fire.
Danke Macabre: Creates a thank you letter written in German. In blood.

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Summon Greater Lemon - "Your lemonade is weak sauce! Add this..."
Summon Lesser Damons - Matt's 3 daughters arrive to help you take on the baddies
Transmute Bock - For those times you prefer a lighter brew
Worm of Radiance - Give any creature advantage on a Survival check to catch tonight's meal using fishing tackle.
Stork Sphere - Allows any large, long-legged, long-necked wading bird to deliver an additional 1d4 babies per trip.

Wall of Might- summons a wall of living flesh that looks like a set of chiseled abs

That spell has been passed down through generations of Armstrongs!


Wyrd of Radiance - You have a bright destiny

Down - counter feather fall

Gush - makes a rapid spout of water

Sold Earth - completes real estate transactions.

Beast band - They play grunge and heavy metal

Dealing Spirit - scrupulously fair in dealing all card games. Upcast to include complementary drinks.

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Jilting. It's a fringe spell, but if you want to get out of a relationship with ...
... a no-longer-wanted girlfriend / boyfriend ...

... in the worst way, this is the one for you!
Be aware that one potential long-term result of this spell is a new Recurring Enemy for your character. (Who has Immunity to any/all efforts you make to sweet-talk them.)

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