So, some of the races need additional benefits to balance out the intrinsic things I could pull from the PHB.
The following already have resistances and traits that bring them up to 'neutral' levels.
- Elf: Neutral
- Halfling: Neutral. Lucky is strong enough that it absorbs the balance of lacking Darkvision.
- Dragonborn: Neutral? Breath Weapon is roughly equal to a 1st level spell that scales up with level. Is it enough for trait+Darkvision?
The following need a trait. All of them have Darkvision, so the traits should mostly be 'normal' strength.
- Dwarf: Maybe Dwarven Toughness (+1 HP per level) as universal, instead of only Hill Dwarves?
- Gnome: minor trait (resistance for the race is relatively strong)
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Tiefling: Infernal Legacy? Since it's described as being a factor of their demonic heritage, may not require training. It's more sorcerer-like.
And humans have no built-in trait, resistance, or Darkvision, so need something that compensates for that.
- Human: resistance, trait, darkvision
Shouldn't the Dwarves just keep their poison resistance? And Tiefling the Fire resistance?
I don't think we need Half-Orc if we're getting pure Orcs...
For the humans I was thinking just giving them an extra save proficiency.