Changing feats into rules


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I already do a little of this in my games. Every class can take a -2 to attack to receive a +1 deflection bonus to AC, without the -5/+5 max/min. The Expertise feat makes this a 1 to 1 ration. It works well in my game because I use the Grim & Gritty rules and players cannot be as reckless in fighting enemies. Defense becomes an important part of the game and my players use this rule quite a bit.

I also allow finessable weapons to be finessed automatically but the wielder cannot get any strength bonus to damage on such weapons unless they take a feat that grants that very thing. Higher to hit bonuses occur for the dex-type characters but the damage range doesn't change. Combined with a defense bonus and my expertise change the effect really is appropriate in the balance scale.

I also allow weapons that are traditionally non-finessable to be finessable. This requires a feat though so the PCs are not getting the benefit for free.

I combined the feats Mounted Attack and Ride-by Attack. For training purposes I really do not see too much of a difference between the two and the few characters that end up taking Ride-by Attack are built around a mount... which none of my players ever make. So this grants some ability for mounted combat but does not create a huge scale of imbalance.
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