I was curious to know if others did this, and what ways they did so that made it the most organic. I have always been a rulings over rules person, so something like this is totally OK for me to do. That is, during the course of the campaign, and what's been happening in the campaign, have you or one of your players ever just swapped subclasses or even classes?
For example, the campaign I'm currently in, I've been playing a bugbear swarmkeeper ranger. 2024 rules with 2014 swarmkeeper subclass. We had found a young owlbear. I had spent several sessions and months of gameplay bonding with the owlbear. Narratively, I've been describing my swarm (a group of twig fey that lived in my beard) emerging and helping sooth the creature with fey magic.
We recently level'd up, and it was an opportune time to change from a swarmkeeper ranger to a beast master ranger. I described it to my fellow players as thus:
My trusted companions. A month has passed since were victorious against the sinister wererats. Guided by a supernatural premonition, I was able to strike true. During this time, you saw me continue to spend time with my owlbear cub. You saw my twig fey emerge and surround the creature, not only calming it, but encasing it with a bluish glow. You noticed that the creature has grown at an unusual rate during this time. Perhaps the fey magic? During the third week after the wererats, I left into the forest with the owlbear. I have returned. You will notice the difference. (The owlbear is now full grown and has a slight blue translucent aspect to it. The ribbons are gone from Burgoth's hair, but are now in the owlbear's. You don't see any of the fey any longer, and Burgoth does not seem to talk to himself like he did prior)
Definitely not RAW. Would you even allow something like this in your games? Have you done it before? I'm very curious to know your examples.
For example, the campaign I'm currently in, I've been playing a bugbear swarmkeeper ranger. 2024 rules with 2014 swarmkeeper subclass. We had found a young owlbear. I had spent several sessions and months of gameplay bonding with the owlbear. Narratively, I've been describing my swarm (a group of twig fey that lived in my beard) emerging and helping sooth the creature with fey magic.
We recently level'd up, and it was an opportune time to change from a swarmkeeper ranger to a beast master ranger. I described it to my fellow players as thus:
My trusted companions. A month has passed since were victorious against the sinister wererats. Guided by a supernatural premonition, I was able to strike true. During this time, you saw me continue to spend time with my owlbear cub. You saw my twig fey emerge and surround the creature, not only calming it, but encasing it with a bluish glow. You noticed that the creature has grown at an unusual rate during this time. Perhaps the fey magic? During the third week after the wererats, I left into the forest with the owlbear. I have returned. You will notice the difference. (The owlbear is now full grown and has a slight blue translucent aspect to it. The ribbons are gone from Burgoth's hair, but are now in the owlbear's. You don't see any of the fey any longer, and Burgoth does not seem to talk to himself like he did prior)
Definitely not RAW. Would you even allow something like this in your games? Have you done it before? I'm very curious to know your examples.