Release [Chaosium] Miskatonic Monday - New Call of Cthulhu Releases from the Miskatonic Repository

Michael O'Brien


Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.

Here are the latest releases from independent community creators!


Death is the Final Escape
Bryan Rudolph ($6.00, 59 page PDF)

The investigators find themselves researching a murder-suicide involving a famous escape artist. The story explores vaudeville in the early 20th century, as well as a power struggle within a dangerous cult. This spine-tingling scenario features a car chase, body horror, tense negotiations, and moments of deadly combat. Depending upon the choices of the investigators, it may culminate in their needing to perform an escape artist act of their own!

Our Wet Grave
Graham Payne ($3.99, 16 page PDF)

The year is 1916. Something moves through the German and Allied fronts, a daemon of decay and malice that seems to be the brutal spirit of the war come to life. Intent on inflicting death upon any hapless soldier that finds theirself in its path, the beast pushes northward, an army of vermin at its back spreading death and disease in its wake. In the heart of war, there is only darkness.

The Returned
Christopher DiFoggio ($1.39, 39 page PDF)

The HMS Bonaventure has finally arrived in Boston Massachusetts. It has been missing for five years. As it arrived in Boston Harbor many attempts to contact the ship have failed. The investigators of NESI are brought in to ascertain what has happened.

Deep-Seeded Secrets
Jade Griffin ($4.99, 35 page PDF)

Ipswich, Massachusetts. December 1922. Investigators follow two cryptic letters to a Colonial-era homestead-turned-hotel which floats more than a cultural past. Amid the foul odor coming from the well and rumors of hauntings and a shipwreck, they are barely treading water in the sea of secrets harbored at the Hart House.

Continues from the first adventure, Taken For Granite, or can be played as a solo adventure. Players choose one of two paths which ultimately leads to altering the fate of the unchosen path.


The Mask
Dungeon Rogues, Kyle Shafer ($4.99, 10 page PDF)

The investigators are members of a federal agency tasked with fighting the supernatural. They are called in when a symposium hosted by Professor Simon Cutler, a renowned astrophysicist, is the scene of a horrific crime. This leads them on a wild ride that covers only a few hours of in-game time as they chase the perpetrator and try to prevent the awakening of Hastur.

The Rockdale Dead
Alison Clower ($3.00, 14 page PDF)

The Mob and Cults!? Explore the town of Rockdale searching for a wanted criminal, but just beneath the surface is a much darker community.

The Brutal House
James Killick ($4.55, 32 page PDF)

In a search for deeper artistic insight, a sculptor has opened himself to the King in Yellow. The Tattered King has given the artist understanding into the nature of reality far beyond that which humankind was meant to comprehend. Pouring this sense of awe into his work has elevated Hildred Santo to fashionable new heights in the art world, but the King’s hold and the lure of Carcosa is proving strong, and now the artist’s visions, dreams and memories have been made manifest in his studio. The doomed artist wanders in this space between this world and Carcosa. It is up to the investigators to cross over into that world and bring him back.


Secrets of the Glen
John Hall ($4.50, 33 page PDF)

The investigators have been hired to evaluate a rundown caravan park in a remote Scottish glen to determine if it's a suitable site for a brand-new resort. Little do they know that the Glen is a magical place, inhabited by Faeries and Kelpies. But something has disturbed this tranquillity: a dead body is washed up on shore and there is something in the water. Will the investigators complete their assessments? Or will they be drowned in the darkened waters of the deep Loch?

Pickman's Action Figure
Todd Miller ($2.99, 32 page PDF)

After missing for two years, the world-famous and reclusive action figure designer Rick Peters has reappeared, seemingly a different man. But who is he now? Why is he so interested in the local infant population? And just what the heck are those things down in his basement? The clock is ticking. Will the investigators be able to solve the mystery before the very punctual arrival of sinister individuals determined to do them harm?

NPC Pack – Crimson Letters Dramatis Personae
Ketlyn Duarte Pires (Pay-what-you-want, rec. price $5.00, zip file)

This will make your life easier – using the scenario "Crimson Letters", from the Keeper Rulebook, I produced this character illustration pack. Otherwise, creative Keepers can also use this package to set other scenarios of their own, since there is a very interesting extra content folder.


Of Sorrow and Clay
Graeme Patrick ($4.95, 40 page PDF)

Family is everything in the Appalachian Mountains. When everyone else turns their backs, they will be there, waiting. They may not like you. They may even hate you. But there is a loyalty to blood that runs deep in those black soiled hollers.

Of Sorrow & Clay
delves deep into the history of an old Moonshiner, Carson Taft, and his family. At the ripe old age of 89 he has gone missing is the deep forests of James Holler in Kentucky. Telling his neighor Jack, that he is going to see his first wife Sadie who disappeared some 45 years earlier and never found. Carson himself is now missing a good few days now, and Jack has gathering the Carson's family and friends to help search the dark woods in hopes to find the old fool.

Created for a one-shot special mini series presented and run by Ain't Slayed Nobody, with Cam Collins from The Old Gods of Appalachia and Becca Scott from The Calyx as guest players. Written by Graeme Patrick winner of Chaosium's 2019 Cult of Chaos writers competition. Here's the first episode:


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Michael O'Brien


It's Miskatonic Monday – check out these latest releases from independent Call of Cthulhu community creators!


Call of Cthulhu: Hometown Horrors, Vol. 1
Evan Perlman, Elizabeth Hildick, Mei Kurakake, Meghan Kuschner, Jazmin Ospa, Kevin Kreiner, Jonah Knight, Sean Liddle, Brendan Lahey, Josh Beers, Bridgett Jeffries, William Horn, Heinrich D. Moore, Bart Heird, Alonso Aguilar, Phillip O'Brien ($9.99, 35 page PDF)

There’s no place like home! Hometown Horrors, Vol. 1 contains 15 guided tours of the creepy, the spectacular, the terrifying, and the downright odd, all from places that our contributors call home. From the vacation homes of Martha’s Vineyard to the rural Appalachians, from Montreal to Havana, let our tour guides show you the best their hometowns have to offer for your Call of Cthulhu games.

Get Along, Little Dogies
John LeMaire ($18.99, 134 page PDF)

Welcome to a new sourcebook for Call of Cthulhu's Down Darker Trails Setting!

Nathan Pidde ($2.00, 15 page PDF)

Robert "Bobby" Armstrong, the kid in school that everyone likes, has gone missing. After discovering people have been disappearing for years, it's up to the investigators, Bobby's own classmates, to find out what is going on before he is lost forever. Overdue is a scenario set in the modern era and is designed to be run in one session.

The Bloody Viscount's Return
Damix ($5.00, 51 page PDF)

Returned from the dead centuries after his unspeakable transgressions orchestrated by a dark entity that manipulated him, the degenerate bloody viscount will begin his reign of terror anew. It will be the mission of the investigators to contact the last descendant of the cursed lineage and put a stop to the machinations of this being.


Terror on the Western Front!
Ryan Sheehan ($3.99, 26 page PDF)

1917. The Great War is in full swing. On the Western Front, a group of soldiers in the British Army's 5th Stafford Regiment pulls back the veil and discovers a Mythos conspiracy orchestrating and observing events in Europe. How deep does this otherworldly conspiracy reach, and can the investigators stop it?

The Twinning of Alice Twickelbee
Neal Glen Jesse ($4.98, 25 page PDF)

A young girl is mysteriously twinned during her debutante ball. Her father asks the investigators for help. As you travel around the city of Toledo, Ohio, you uncover a sinister plot that must be stopped to preserve the life of the two girls.

Cat's Cradle
Aaron Sinner, Todd Walden, and Christopher Olson ($3.99, 54 page PDF)

Plagued by nightmares, the investigators gather at a Boston diner only to encounter strange children with a sinister secret. What are they hiding, and how does it relate to the investigators? And what does Pastor Michael Thomas have to do with all of this? A "Standalone Sequel" to the classic Call of Cthulhu module "The Haunting".


Cthulhu Modern: Beyond the Door
First Ones Entertainment, JP Chapleau ($4.50, 39 page PDF)

A job offer that will take you to the stars and back after intensive and top-secret training will prepare you for the trip. Now all you need to do is succeed in leaving Earth or getting back to it. A one-shot adventure set in modern days.

Return to Teutoberg Forest
Rachel E. Judd ($4.99, 28 page PDF)

In the year 9 C.E., the Roman Empire suffered one of its worst military defeats when a Roman commander of German descent betrayed his general. The subsequent slaughter destroyed three full Roman legions and forever stopped Roman expansion further into Germany. This Cthulhu Invictus scenario is set after that battle. Investigators take the role of survivors of the battle, the few legionaries who managed to escape with their lives. After rumors reach Rome that a Patrician's son might have survived, they are ordered back to the forest to investigate.

The Frogs of Loveland
Troy Garcia ($1.50, 8 page PDF)

The Frogmen have arrived from the far reaches of space, and now seek to terrorize your group of Investigators! Contains information, statistics, and hooks in order to use two new Mythos Monster races to your game: The Frogmen, and the Yubhaust.


Call of Cthulhu Occupation Kit: Artist
Alonso Aguilar ($1.00, 5 page PDF)

Let yourself be guided by the fumes of creativity and evoke the intangible mysteries of mind and spirit by playing an artist in Call of Cthulhu’s Classic Setting. This Occupation Kit builds on the brief information found in the Keeper’s Rulebook and Investigator Handbook, using both historical records regarding the effervescent artistic movements of the 1920s, and the representations of art and creativity in both H.P. Lovecraft’s original works and the rich history of Cthulhu Mythos roleplaying games’ scenarios and supplements. Find career paths, useful jargon, motivations and hooks, public perceptions of the occupation, and real-life examples from the 1920s and 30s. Part of a collaborative project - you can buy all 13 Occupation Kits as a bundle instead! Find it here!

100 Businesses to Find in Arkham
Neal Litherland ($2.99, 18 page PDF)

Arkham, Massachusetts is one of the most identifiable places in Miskatonic Country. Whether your game is set entirely in this city on the coast of the Atlantic, or whether your investigators are merely stopping by on a single leg of their investigation, it's important to make the city feel as real and lived-in as possible. Though the setting guide for Arkham is full of resources you can use, the following list of 100 businesses can be used to fill in gaps, act as places to find clues and even as jumping off points for fresh mysteries should you desire!

Cthulhu Maps - Scenario Map Pack #3 - Servants of the Lake
Cthulhu Architect ($6.99, 22 maps in zip file)

Included you will find all the maps you need to play Servants of the Lake from Doors to Darkness. The maps are in PNG format and you can easily print them or upload them to any virtual tabletop software such as Astral, Roll20, Fantasy Ground, Foundry VTT.


The Haunting Sequels [BUNDLE]
Cat's Cradle, Dream House, Of Wrath and Blood ($12.98 $8.97, 3 PDF titles)

This special bundle contains three titles - Cat's Cradle, Dream House, and Of Wrath and Blood - that are Miskatonic Repository sequels to the classic Call of Cthulhu introductory scenario The Haunting and playable by the same playgroup. The Haunting is available for free as part of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quick-Start Rules.

Embraced Fate 2 Scenarios [BUNDLE]
Deep-Seeded Secrets, Taken for Granite ($9.98 $2.50, 2 PDF titles)

This special bundle contains two titles - Deep-Seeded Secrets and Taken for Granite.

True North Terror: Cthulhu in Canada [BUNDLE]
Cold Hunger, The Brockton Butcher, The Curse of Black Keetes, The Darkened Hermitage, The Pipeline, The Sins of the Father, There's Gold in Them Thar Hills, Ultima Thule ($37.87 $13.13, 8 PDF titles)

This special bundle contains eight titles - Cold Hunger, The Brockton Butcher, The Curse of Black Keetes, The Darkened Hermitage, The Pipeline, The Sins of the Father, There's Gold in Them Thar Hills, and Ultima Thule.

Plus new titles in Chinese, Korean, Polish, and Swedish!

Michael O'Brien


The fruits of last month's Write Your First Adventure' are now coming to bear in the Miskatonic Repository, with a host of new independent Call of Cthulhu titles by first-time creators. Do go check them out!

One such first-time creator is Keith D Edinburgh, and he wrote about the experience on his blog: So, I Wrote My First Adventure. Keith says:

"I’d heard pretty good things about Storytelling Collective’s Write Your First Adventure (WYFA) course.

It promised to give you all the guidance, tips and motivation to create a scenario for a tabletop roleplaying game in 30 days.

It did that. And it did a lot more (for me, at least.)

It has successfully reignited my creative spark, and set me off on what I plan and hope to be a long path."

Keith's finished work is a fully designed and published 50-page Call of Cthulhu scenario set in 1920s Edinburgh.

The Pharaoh's Sacrifice
Keith D Edinburgh ($2.95, 50 page PDF)

Looking into the disappearance of an eccentric lecturer from Edinburgh University sets in motion a chain of events that takes investigators on a journey across - and beneath - the historic 1920s streets of Scotland's capital city.


-- Player Handouts for The Pharaoh's Sacrifice --

We will feature more new community content releases, including works by other alumni of the Write Your First Adventure workshop, in the next Miskatonic Monday.

Game Submissions aka Keeper Sign-ups for Miskatonic Repository Convention are officially OPEN!​

Miskatonic Repository Con
Game Submissions aka Keeper Sign-ups for Miskatonic Repository Convention (14-16 October 2022) are officially OPEN! Come join in on the fun, the celebration, and the coaching/support for Chaosium's Community Content Program!

Keepers can submit any Call of Cthulhu scenario that's either published or planned for publication on Miskatonic Repository. You don't have to be its author, Miskatonic Repository Con is happy for people to run other creators' scenarios! Submissions are open till September 18.

Michael O'Brien


There's a huge array of new community content releases in the Miskatonic Repository! Many were produced as part of the Summer 2022 Write Your First Adventure workshop from the Storytelling Collective. Congratulations to all these independent Call of Cthulhu creators!


Good Vibes Only
Phaedra Florou, Stars Are Right ($5.99, 44 page PDF)
...a Call of Cthulhu scenario that will put a smile on your face.
Come to a spiritual retreat the likes of which you've never seen before!

The Pharaoh's Sacrifice
Keith D Edinburgh ($2.95, 50 page PDF)
Looking into the disappearance of an eccentric lecturer from Edinburgh University sets in motion a chain of events that takes investigators on a journey across - and beneath - the historic 1920s streets of Scotland's capital city.

Radio Killed Verna Starr
Michael Schaal ($0.99, 13 page PDF)
In 1925 radio was sweeping the nation. The invention of the vacuum tube radio meant that everyone could listen to music, news, and sports right in their own home! The appeal was not universal however, as people deemed 'radiophobic' feared the unseen waves were having unknown impacts on the bodies and minds of those they passed through. In the town of Rosebridge, PA, those fears would prove to be completely justified.

An investigation that takes place in the small town of Rosebridge beginning on August 14th, 1925. 1-4 investigators will find they are not always sure who - or what - is reaching out through the airwaves. One by one citizens become tuned to the frequency of the mythos. It is uncertain what the new broadcasts have awakened, but the players will need to stop it before they too become radio controlled.

The Antediluvians
Tiffany Funk ($5.00, 52 page PDF)
Something is lurking in the black blizzards of the Great Plains... August 1st, 1935, northeastern South Dakota: the Great Depression and the severe droughts and dust storms of the Dust Bowl ravage middle American farmland. The town of Tillings is the site of a massive, federally funded construction: the Tillings Hydroelectric Dam. Once complete, the dam will provide much-needed irrigation to neighboring farms, flooding 300 acres of nearly deserted land. Nearly.

Jakub Markiewicz ($3.99, 40 page PDF)
The adventure starts on the 1st of January 1934 in Zakopane, Poland, after New Year's eve celebrations. Investigators will ride the express train "Luxtorpeda" - one of the fastest trains in Europe - to Warsaw. Unbeknown to them, there are nefarious plans in motion. They will need to face ancient Serpent People plotting their comeback, temporal anomalies, and a doomsday cult summoning their god.

What starts like a typical train ride will quickly devolve into a survival scenario in a hostile environment. Will investigators survive and find a way back home? Only time will tell.


Beyond the Veil of Dreams: Susupti
Byron the Bard (Pay What You Want, Suggested Price $0.00, 50 page PDF)
A talented graduate student has gone missing, a book of ancient Vedic secrets has been found, and more than one party seeks knowledge better kept hidden. This multi-session module is set in 1985 around the town of Arkham, Massachusetts, where players must unravel arcane schemes decades in the making.

Al Smith ($3.00, 40 page PDF)
In modern Aylesbury, Massachusetts. a group of military veterans have wonderful lives. They have careers, marriages, families, and children. They left everything bad that has ever befallen them in the past, where it belongs. But now, a strange woman is watching them. She has been for some time. They just haven't noticed. You probably don't remember her, but she remembers them... and she is going to take everything that they have... starting with that nice little family...

ntroductory scenario for Keepers and investigators interested in modern day adventures and “family” horror, like The Ring, Hereditary, Us, Midsommar, The Babadook, or The Witch, while also serving as a sort of sequel to the HP Lovecraft classic The Dunwich Horror.

All Roads Point South
Michael Bertolini ($2.99, 14 page PDF)
In February 1925 a mysterious document was stolen from Yale University, the document refers to Cthulhu. It was stolen by a cult with the intent to raise Cthulhu from his slumber. The investigators must stop the cult.

A Small Tremor in the Mountains
Laurie Hedge (Pay What You Want, Suggested Price $2.37, 21 page PDF)
In this adventure, a group of thrill seekers and treasure hunters descend into a newly discovered cave system. However as they will soon learn, they are not alone in the caves…
This adventure focuses on exploration, environmental threats, and culminates in a desperate chase sequence to escape from the eldritch horrors below.


The Flooding of Black Tarn
Jonas Morian ($5.00, 22 page PDF)
It is the 1920s and the investigators have been assigned by Swedish construction company Kreuger & Toll to negotiate with villagers in a remote and rural part of Sweden, about compensation for moving so that Hammarforsen river can be regulated through a planned hydropower plant dam. But the village is protected by powerful forces that have held sway over these parts long before any people arrived.

This scenario won first prize in a competition in 2022, to write a scenario for Call of Cthulhu that took place in Sweden during the 1920s. The jury called it "a chilling tale told at the intersection of modernity, folklore and cosmic horror".

Bride of the Wilds
H.S. Falkenberry ($5.99, 28 page PDF)
"For the darkest, deepest wood in our world is but a fleeting shadow, a pale and wavering imitation, of those great Wilds that haunt Mankind’s collective Dream, that primeval Forest of the Mind whence Man first emerged from Beasthood, and in which he may with nameless aeons return to his first primordial state.” -The Yellow Book, Anonymous

On June 18th, 1932, a young woman goes missing from the lonely Appalachian college town of Belias, Georgia, amidst rumors of evil doings and witchcraft in the wilderness outside the town. This investigation-focused scenario tasks players with heading out into the forest-cloaked North Georgia mountains and tracking down the young woman–before she is condemned to a life more hideous than any death.

St. Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls
Rachel E. Judd ($4.99, 38 page PDF)
In upstate New York, in a rural farming community, is a large stone building calling itself St. Mormo's Home for Wayward Girls. Here, young women (and the gender non-conforming) find themselves warehoused and imprisoned. The Home is administered by Matron Rowena Danvers, a worshipper of the dread triple goddess Mormo. Ruling both her small cult and home with an iron fist, many of the prisoners consigned to St. Mormo's never make it back to their families or freedom.

Maps for a Mad Scientist’s Lair (Cliff Manor / Xavier Mansion) - Inspired by Doctor X (1932)
Adam Preset ($2.00, 2 digital maps)
"As a fan of old horror movies I was delighted to discover a classic, Doctor X (1932) from Warner Bros. I recommend it! It stars Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, and Lee Tracy and is directed by Michael Curtiz, well known for later giving us Casablanca. The first time I watched the film, it activated my Call of Cthulhu Keeper sensibilities. I saw that the film could be translated into a great, but self-contained adventure that my players would enjoy. I made notes for myself of the film and converted them into a format I could use for running a scenario. It went smashingly. But! I needed at least one map for one location. And so that’s what you see here - a set of two maps suitable for virtual tabletop or printing."


The Tartarus Intercept
Alex Guillotte ($11.95, 65 page PDF)
At the edge of the solar system, the crew of the CCS Orpheus is about to explore a dark new world...
Scenario that blends hard science fiction with cosmic horror. It includes deck plans of the CCS Orpheus, maps, more than a dozen handouts, new skills, new equipment, new science, and six pre-generated characters.

Tears of a Clown
Paul Mazumdar ($2.99, 16 page PDF)
Cambridge, 1893. The annual Midsummer Fair is open for business and one of the big attractions this year is the Fairground Maxiumus, its steam ride and its team of masked clowns. While looking for a lost friend, the players find themselves getting closer to the clowns than they'd imagined.

A Murder at Heck's Peak
Vovina Games ($4.95, 47 page PDF)
In the summer of 1877, a trio of gruesome murders are committed in the mining town of Heck's Peak, Colorado. The locals are blaming a strange pioneer caravan that passed through the town, but your players may discover that more sinister things are afoot...

Mail-Order Bribe
Jade Griffin ($4.99, 45 page PDF)
Boston, Massachusetts, December 1922. With the turn of a post office box key, investigators are pitted in a deadly game of snake and mouse against a possessed doll that sucks out souls and a creature composed of vermin that is disguised as a Southern belle.


A Fishy Business
Joerg Sterner ($4.07, 15 page PDF)

The investigators are sent on an easy delivery job which turns out is not as easy as advertised. There are more parties involved and they all have their own agendas. Takes place in the mid 1920s in a large city near the east coast of the United States. The main action taking place on the way to and in a nearby coastal village.

The Dark Web
Jason Lee ($4.99, 24 page PDF)

Takes plays in the 1920s in Australia. The investigators start out in the remote outback town of Stuart (now known as Alice Spring) where they are tasked to find out why miners have gone missing in an unnaturally rich mine deep within the desert.

Their investigation soon takes a turn for the worst when they find themselves trapped deep within the underground mine, in the dark, stalked by unseen monsters, and crawling through tight tunnels…

Mystery of the South Channel Pilot Light
Kim White ($3.00, 32 page PDF)

Set in Port Phillip Bay, near Melbourne, Australia, in 1925. The investigators are tasked with discovering what has happened to the Lighthouse Keepers, vanished without a trace. Danger lurks in the sea as the investigators are forced to spend the night cut off from help, seeking clues, and tracking down an evil force that has existed here for decades.

Once Bitten Twice Shy
HareAndRaven Maps ($4.95, 43 page PDF)

Le Bastion Culinaire is the finest (fictional) culinary institution in France. For the last decade, it has produced some of the best chefs in the world. However, the students and faculty, overprotective of the school and property, have begun raising suspicion with the outside community. Students have gone missing with no real explanation, and those looking for information have been stonewalled.

A whistle-blower has managed to get the word out to investigators that all may not be as it seems, asking for help.


Baba Dochia - Call of Cthulhu folk horror in 1990s Romania
Christopher Dimitrios ($3.50, 13 page PDF)
Mystery of folk horror set in 1990s Romania. Investigators arrive in a remote mountain village plagued by corruption, destitution, the spirit of a tormented mother, and a witch grieving for her lover.

Baba Dochia is a scenario about motherhood, young love, and grief. It is set within the corrupt and paranoid Romanian society in the wake of the dramatic revolution of 1989. It is inspired by the folk legend of Baba Dochia ("old woman Dochia") but interpreted through the lens of the Cthulhu Mythos.

NOTE: Yes, Romania but zero vampires.

Amelia's Friends
Stephen K. Stein ($4.99, 40 page PDF)
A desperate search for a missing aviator. A mysterious island with deadly secrets. Rival cults, desperate villagers, ancient horrors.
Can the heroes avert disaster and restore peace? Or will their bones decorate the beach? Pulp Cthulhu Adventure in the South Pacific.

Apartment 71
Leo Milani ($2.50, 30 page PDF)
Welcome to São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America! The year is 2016, and the stars are aligning once again. In this 3-hour scenario, the investigators will have to work together as board members of the Paulicéia Métropolitain condo association. Terrifying, right?

The residential building, built downtown in the late 1950s, has fallen from grace long time ago and is currently half empty. One of the inhabitants is reporting strange noises and leakage coming out from one of the units - which has been abandoned for more than 10 years – and is up to the investigators to find out what haunts Apartment 71.

The Depths of Bermuda
Thomas S. Lawrence ($5.00, 28 page PDF)
It's the 23rd March 1928, Bermuda - A maritime salvage operation to recover gold bullion quickly becomes a battle for survival against a deadly unknown entity.


The Strawman
A Keith Applegarth ($2.99, 42 page PDF)
Urban Legend Comes to Life – Everyone has heard a urban legend of the Scarecrow murdering innocent people. Now it seems to have become real. This small farm town is not your normal tourist destination…

Be My Valentine
T A Newman ($5.90, 88 page PDF)
Happy Valentine’s Day! Join us at Gannet’s restaurant for a romantic evening of ‘speed dating!’ You can eat, drink, and dance your way to an evening full of your heart’s desire. Hungry for more? Don’t you worry. With a guest list to brag about we will be playing your heart strings and making your blood pump with the excitement of true love.

Saturday the 14th
Sabrina Haenze ($4.99, 27 page PDF)
It's Saturday, June 14, 1980. Your crime scene team has been dispatched to Camp Shady Pines to investigate the bizarre deaths of the camp's counselors who had been preparing for the arrival of the campers next week. According to Shelly Peters, the sole survivor, the counselors were attacked and brutally hacked to death by a mysterious masked stranger. It's up to you and your team to find the truth, and fast, so the camp can open on time.

Stolen Grief
Stuart McNair ($4.67, 40 page PDF)
Travelling over the moors in the north of England the investigator’s transport breaks down close to the small village of Darachdale. With parts to repair the vehicle not available until tomorrow, they arrange lodging at the local inn. Learning of a tragedy that has befallen one of the villagers they get entangled in a young woman’s final attempt to see her daughter one last time.

Plus releases in Chinese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish!
Last edited:

Michael O'Brien


Our supplement Cthulhu Dark Ages Third Edition is set in the medieval world of Anglo-Saxon England. It comes with three scenarios – The Hunt, The Doom That Came to Wessex, and Eseweald. And when you've played through those, the Miskatonic Repository can keep your Call of Cthulhu investigations firmly rooted in the Dark Ages.

Here are newly-released Cthulhu Dark Ages titles from independent Call of Cthulhu creators:


The Bloated Saint
Ryan Sheehan ($2.99, 19 page PDF)

When a beloved friend calls on the investigators for help, a mission to help repair their friend's reputation soon uncovers a horror that once lurked amongst the residents of Tour-sur-Mer.

Cthulhu Dark Ages adventure set in the fictional town of Tour-sur-Mer in the Duchy of Normandy in 984 CE. The investigators are tasked to help a dear friend who found himself a social pariah in his hometown after a trip to Rome. Is there reason behind the change, or is something more sinister at play?

Expanded Occupations for Cthulhu Dark Ages
Ryan Sheehan ($1.99, 7 page PDF)

Expanded Occupations for Cthulhu Dark Ages adds twenty-six new occupations for Dark Ages investigators, more than doubling the original twenty found in the Cthulhu Dark Ages sourcebook.

Branches of Bone - A Viking Age Cthulhu Dark Ages Scenario
Michael Reid ($4.95, 40 page PDF)

Beleaguered chieftain Askr Yelloweye leads you and your impoverished clansmen to the rocky isle of Skógrbein, off the coast of Northumbria. Askr chases a vision from Freya, claiming she showed him a relic of Yggrdasil held in the heathens’ stone temple sitting upon Skógrbein. How far you believe your chieftain, who can say? But you know the people of these lands hold treasures in their temples.

A Cthulhu Dark Ages Scenario of Viking Age Survival-Horror.

100 Encounters on the Road in the Dark Ages
Ryan Sheehan ($0.99, 10 page PDF)

Supplement for Cthulhu Dark Ages, providing 100 different encounters, from the mundane and humorous to the mysterious and horrific, for Keepers to use while their investigators are traveling from place to place.

Never leave town without it!


Dark Ages of the Miskatonic Repository [BUNDLE]
($18.89 $12.95, 7 PDF titles)

This Cthulhu Dark Ages bundle contains the four titles listed above, plus:

The Haunted Grove
Andy Miller ($1.99, 22 page PDF)

There’s a place in the woods avoided by the local villagers, a grove reputed to be cursed or haunted or worse. Though none of the locals tread those dark paths, sometimes travelers get lost and find themselves there. A man can disappear if he doesn’t keep his wits about him … or worse. This Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario is set in the summer of 1003 A.D. and easily incorporated into any campaign.

The Secret of Silcestre
Andy Miller ($4.99, 52 page PDF)

Something is wrong in Silcestre. The tiny village of Silcestre (Sil-chester) stands on part of the old Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum that was important in its time, nearly 500 years before. Unlike other villages built on old Roman towns, Silcestre is of newer construction. The villagers hide in their houses when nightfall comes, but not even that is always enough to protect them. Silcestre has always been plagued by certain terrible secrets and now various forces seek them out for their own gain. Who are these people and what exactly do they want? Can the investigators learn The Secret of Silcestre before others?

The Secret of Silcestre is a Cthulhu Dark Ages scenario set in England in the year 1002 A.D. The investigators are travelers on the road from London to Winchester, stopping in Silcestre overnight, when they learn of strange things happening in the village.

A Colour in a Dark Age
Jonathan Baxter ($0.99, 19 page PDF)

The players are travelers in the forested wilderness of 10th century Germany. They must get to the heart of a mysterious blight that is plaguing the land, all while dodging roaming bandits and monstrous woodland creatures. They will find themselves caught between two warring human factions and must forge alliances or play both sides off each other in order to survive the scenario.

This download includes seven full-page maps in addition to 16 statted NPCs. This scenario can be played in three to four sessions of one to two hours each. This scenario is ideal for a group of three player Investigators but can easily be structured for larger or smaller groups.

Plus here are some more Cthulhu Dark Ages titles in the Miskatonic Repository!


The Raid
Marco Carrer ($1.00, 12 page PDF)

A journey to the West has become a nightmare for a crew of warriors. Will they be able to come back to their families and their motherland? Or will they perish?

A one-shot scenario set in the Viking era. Includes 6 pre-gen characters. Also available in Italian.

The Mad Priest
Marco Carrer (Free, 10 page PDF)

The mad priest has arrived in your village. Are you ready to face the consequences?

A one-shot scenario set in the Viking era.

Cthulhu Dark Ages

Cthulhu Dark Ages 3rd Edition is available from:

Coming up on the next Miskatonic Monday...​

We mark the 1000th Miskatonic Repository release! In the meantime, also check out the 250th release on the Jonstown Compendium, our community content platform for RuneQuest and Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha.

Michael O'Brien


We are very proud of the alumni of the Summer 2022 RPG Writer Workshop! These new bundles at DriveThruRPG are a great way to see their handiwork and support and encourage these talented first-time TTRPG creators.
In this one-month-long, self-paced workshop by the Storytelling Collective, aspiring creators write, produce and publish a 3,500-word adventure!

The Call of Cthulhu Path was designed by co-author of Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, Paul Fricker, author of the bestselling Miskatonic Repository titles Full Fathom Five and Dockside Dogs.

Paul said, "When Chaosium asked me to write the Call of Cthulhu, I had no idea how fantastically popular it would be! See the link for a bargain bundle of 24 scenarios from the course!"

The new RuneQuest Path was designed by Chaosium community content ambassador Nick Brooke, author of the best-selling Jonstown Compendium titles Black Spear and The Duel at Dangerford.

Nick said: "I was delighted to adapt Paul Fricker’s Call of Cthulhu writing course for RuneQuest (replacing Lovecraftian cosmic horror with Bronze Age mythological heroism throughout), and impressed with the quality of the published graduates’ work. I do know several other participants are still finishing their adventures too."

Also check out the other Call of Cthulhu bundles from previous workshops.

Please note, as with all DriveThruRPG bundles if you've already bought any of the titles included you don't pay twice for the titles you own.

Coming up on the next Miskatonic Monday (we promise this time)​

We said we'd be announcing the 1000th Miskatonic Repository release in this post. But we've decided to postpone marking that milestone until next time in order to celebrate the RPG Writer Workshop Bundles on their release.

Meanwhile, please do check out the 250th release on the Jonstown Compendium, our community content platform for RuneQuest and Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha.

Michael O'Brien


Today we celebrate the release of the 1000th title in the Miskatonic Repository, Chaosium's community content platform for independent Call of Cthulhu creators at DriveThruRPG!

Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien said, "We congratulate the hundreds of creators involved in reaching this significant milestone, many of whom got their first experience of publishing a TTRPG title in the Miskatonic Repository. They are now part of a thriving and supportive Call of Cthulhu creator community, producing works of amazing variety, set in mysterious locations all over the world and in time periods from Ancient Egypt to the far future. We encourage Call of Cthulhu fans to check out everything on offer in the Miskatonic Repository, and if they have an itch to create something themselves, our community is ready to help!"

Chaosium has helped foster new Call of Cthulhu creators through initiatives including the appointment of Community Ambassadors Nick Brooke, Allan Carey and Bridgett Jeffries; by working with the Storytelling Collective to develop a dedicated Call of Cthulhu stream for their 'Write Your First Adventure' workshop series; and by sponsoring Miskatonic Repository Con. The #MiskatonicMonday posts at the Chaosium news blog also promote new releases in the Miskatonic Repository on a regular basis.

"We know Miskatonic Repository titles are popular with fans because they invariably feature in the Top Ten of DriveThruRPG's Top Selling Community Content list, and sometimes even at the top of the bestselling list for the entire DriveThruRPG site itself." said O'Brien.

And the thousandth title itself? That is The Strange Case of Anthony Hanson, a scenario set in the modern day by Leopoldo Rueda. Also, do check out Leopoldo's previous Miskatonic Repository release, Horror at the Westmore Hotel – a Silver bestseller, and also available in Spanish.

Here are the most recent releases in the Miskatonic Repository:


The Strange Case of Anthony Hanson
Leopoldo Rueda ($2.99, 32 page PDF)

Anthony Hanson is missing. His family and friends are looking for him but, what will they do when they find him?

A Modern Times scenario suitable for 4 investigators and about 3 to 4 hours of play. This book contains pregenerated investigators already tied in the story and it's ready to read and play. It also contains 3 Location Maps; 5 Handouts; 4 pregenerated investigator sheets.

The Heat
Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 18 page PDF)

The recent heat wave has made the citizens of Kingsport weary, tired and annoyed. Extremely annoyed. When a pair of upstanding citizens is arrested for assault, their son decides to start an investigation to clear their name. Following the breadcrumbs may lead the investigators to discover a different kid of family...

Short adventure is set in Kingsport of 1921. The adventure is intended to be played as a one-shot, to be played by two to four experienced or new players.

Stephen Oliver ($3.95, 42 page PDF)

A plucky small town bowling team is caught up in the horrific human experimentation plot of an eccentric billionaire named Orson Reed. When the bowling team's captain, Jordan, doesn't show up for the last game before nationals, the investigator's inquest into his disappearance will lead them on a confronting journey of self-discovery... quite literally. This scenario is guaranteed to get under your players' skin, and keep them guessing at every turn.

Set in 2005 in the small town of Notchwood Vermont.

Deep Mud
Jared Tallis ($3.99, 35 page PDF)

Hunter Region, NSW, Australia 1924. What would you do if your friend or colleague disappeared into the countryside, would you visit if you were concerned about them?

A marine scientist learns about a technique to create new creatures; that is after learning occult rituals to combine the essence of different creatures from a shady man with links to the deep one hybrid community. Can the investigators overcome the new creations and stop their friend’s compulsion in this dangerous maddening topic? Or will he and/or the investigators get killed or worse in the process?

A Red, Red Rose
Keith DEdinburgh ($3.95, 68 page PDF)

Love, horror and death metal ...After witnessing a horrific event on the last tram to Edinburgh city centre, investigators find themselves caught up in a centuries-old struggle between two horrific groups of creatures who inhabit the crypts and tunnels beneath the city's streets.

Will the fortune of two ill-fated lovers seal Edinburgh's fate? Who - if anyone - will the investigators choose to side with? And will they ever be the same again after attending a gig by Black Heart Dawn, a secretive and shocking death metal band?

Also available in a $4.50 Bundle with the author's inaugural title, The Pharaoh's Sacrifice (save 35%).


Ten Destinations for the Vacationing Investigator
Ryan Sheehan ($2.99, 17 page PDF)

Because every investigator needs a break from the terrors of the world...

Offers Keepers ten interesting vacation destinations around the world for investigators to enjoy. From the beaches of Hawaii to the ski slopes of Norway, the coral reefs off the coast of Australia to the savannahs of Kenya, there's a place for every investigator!

NPC Pack – Modern Days
Ivo Zanin ($5.00, 12 files)

This will make your life easier - illustrations of 12 distinct characters, with a total of 16 variations.

100 People to Encounter in Arkham
Adrian Kennelly ($1.99, 11 page PDF)

This is a collection of 100 people that investigators could encounter in Arkham. They tend to be those that are most likely to be encountered, rather than general members of the populace, and as a result include a lot of people working at different businesses in the town, though there are others as well, from students to retirees. Most are not in positions of real importance and most have no knowledge of the Mythos, though some may brush its edges.

Plus new titles in German, Japanese, Korean, and Polish!

Michael O'Brien


Miskatonic Repository creators are welcome to use our official Call of Cthulhu sourcebooks and supplements for their own independent creations (check our guidelines for how). Our latest Call of Cthulhu release is Regency Cthulhu, and there's already a collection of new community content adventures to play in the setting, once you've played the two scenarios included!

Host and Hostility: Three Regency Call of Cthulhu Scenarios
SR Sellens ($7.99, 105 page PDF)

Host and Hostility is a collection of three one-to-one scenarios for Call of Cthulhu, making use of the Regency Cthulhu sourcebook. The scenarios range from weird science to high-mythos. Each scenario is written to be run in a single 2-4 hour session.

Loom and Lucidity: A dashing but mysterious naval captain has taken Brighton by storm this Season. Where did they come from and what is the source of their fortune? And why did Lord Cosgrove drop dead as soon as he spoke against the gallant Captain? Intrigued by such an enigmatic person, the investigator accepts an invitation to a soirée in London with the highest of high society in attendance. There she will be have to battle to keep her wits about her as madness reigns.

Curate and Curability: The investigator is introduced to a young clergyman who is a widower, mourning the loss of his late wife. An invitation to his house in a secluded county village follows, but is there more to the draughty old vicarage than meets the eye? And what really happened to his wife?

Note and Notoriety: The investigator is invited to the ball of the season hosted by renowned aristocrat Sir Jasper d’Ulfrey. The lavish parties of Sir Jasper are known to all, and the guests are the envy of the ton. Little do they know that Sir Jasper has grown weary of his hedonistic existence. With the help of some of the more dubious books in his library he means to make this, his final grand ball, a night to remember...

Also released for the holiday season, the Miskatonic Repository 2022 Christmas Collection, a bundle of 11 scenarios for $19.99 - a 67% saving! Available until December 30th at this special rate.


Michael O'Brien

Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can sell and share their own independently-created material on DriveThruRPG. If that appeals, check out the Miskatonic Repository Guidelines and free creator resources and start creating!

In the meantime, here's a final look for 2022 at new releases in Miskatonic Repository (there's a lot of new releases to cover ,so we're splitting this post up into several parts!):


The Lost Temple of the Vethalam
Daniel Clements ($2.99, 43 page PDF)

An archaeological team working deep in the heart of the South Indian jungle have unleashed something not of our world. The investigators arrive to find the site a bloodbath: a lone professor seemingly the only survivor and an invisible monster on the loose. But is everything what it seems? And what truly is the creature stalking them through the ruins?

The Lost Temple of the Vethalam
is a 1920s scenario based on a traditional Indian folktale.

Dracula, the Great Old One - a Zgrozy supplement
Marek Golonka, Piotr Kozioł, Keith Mageau ($5.99, 36 page PDF)

Of all people in history, Dracula has perhaps come closest to the Outer Gods. He understood their powers and nature, but these are concepts that a human—no matter how powerful—can barely contain in their head. The count did not so much go mad as changed his perspective.


Victor Frankenstein-Reanimator
Al Smith ($1.00, 2 page PDF)

A Regency Cthulhu scenario. The brilliant scientist Victor Frankenstein has invited the investigators to view what he calls the "greatest scientific accomplishment in the history of mankind" at his luxurious estate, Frankenstein Manor. Things go downhill from there.

Tourist Trap
Keith D. Edinburgh ($3.95, 90 page PDF)

Prepare for the visitor experience of a lifetime ...After looking into strange supernatural events in the railway tunnels beneath Edinburgh's city centre, investigators find clues that point to Uncanny Edinburgh, a new attraction that promises to thrill visitors with recreations of the city's dark and mysterious past.

Before long, they are pulled into a strange and terrifying parallel dimension that appears to have corrupted the visitor attraction into a deadly deathtrap that hides a secret more terrible than anything they have ever faced before ...


A Chill in Abashiri - A 1920s Taisho-Era Japan Scenario
Michael Reid ($4.95, 39 page PDF)

December 1922, Abashiri, Northern Japan – Abashiri Prison, located on the northern shore of Hokkaido, houses ‘dangerous’ criminals and political dissidents, and is no stranger to death and cold. But when a guard dies under suspicious circumstances, and amidst an unprecedented cold snap, a team of mixed professionals is sent to investigate the facility and its occupants, both staff and imprisoned. Amidst the Taisho-era empire’s political maelstrom, the investigators must navigate suspicious guards and uncooperative prisoners to uncover a plot that threatens not just Abashiri Prison, but the future of their changing nation.

Crossing Guard
Jade Griffin ($4.99, 31 page PDF)

Oddball mythvestigators gathered by eccentric lore expert Mr. Ed use conventions to disguise their exploration of mythos tales. In June 2023, they meet under cover of RageCon in Reno, Nevada by day and hunt for a cemetery-lurking mythos creature by night.


A Cold Wind Blows
Sara Martinez ($2.95, 9 page PDF)

Snow swirls, nearly blinding you. The cold seeps into your bones, threatening to freeze you in place. Then, out of the corner of your eye, movement. You are not alone in the storm.

A Cold Wind Blows takes place in June, 1922. The investigators find themselves snowed in at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado during what was supposed to be time to relax. An out-of-season howling blizzard has put everyone on edge. When other hotel guests start disappearing, the group must uncover the hotel’s secrets and brave the elements outside to discover the cause.

Blood on the Chocolate
Jarrod Lipshy ($6.49, 40 page PDF)

Someone's been damaging valuable machines at the Whishly Chocolate Factory each night. Management's problem solver "Tex" Gunderson hires a squad of skilled investigators to spend the night in the factory and uncover the mystery of what's going on ...if they can survive until morning, that is.


The Tunnels Under Temple Meads
Peter Willington ($6.79, 18 page PDF)

This one-to-one (or "duet") Scenario is intended for one Keeper and one Investigator, and is set in Bristol Temple Meads train station. Amnesiac Noa Jones attempts to piece their memory back together while attempting to outwit the cultists of Xa-Thoth known as The Society.

A Hunger akin to Lunacy
Elle D. Rich ($3.00, 27 page PDF)

It is the fall of 1925, in Traverse City Michigan. The Investigators are heading to Dr. Humphry P. Dalderby’s house for their weekly Thursday evening salon. Dr. Dalderby has been quite excited to show them the new antique document that he has just procured. When they arrive, they find that Dr. Dalderby has been missing for a few days. Will the Investigators be able to find Dr. Dalderby and his document, or will they lose themselves within the walls of their own minds?


The Shambler Between Worlds
Jason Shayer ($2.99, 23 page PDF)

When an Arkham Sanitarium patient goes missing, the players’ investigation lead them to a secret cabal that has assembled a dangerous occult device. The mastermind wants the power to herself and sets about killing the others to ensure only she can wield the device. Can the investigators figure out what’s going and stop her before it’s too late?

Chimes in the Dark
Phil McClorey ($1.99, 14 page PDF)

The dissonant chimes of a long lost relic herald the return of a Great Old One slumbering deep underground. The chimes call to it. The ground shakes. The air goes cold with its arrival. Will the people of San Rafael survive it's summoning?

Investigators must race against time to locate the Chimes of Muzshon before they fall into the hands of the Cult of the Eyeless and all is lost. The scenario expands on the information provided on San Rafael in Down Darker Trails.


The Whitfield House Haunting
Thomas S. Lawrence ($4.99, 19 page PDF)

"clear evidence of spectral activity, reports of flying furniture and unholy forces at work!"

No Priest has been able to dispel the troubled spitits that haunt Whitfield House. Mystics and mediums have tried in vain to parley with the departed. Has the spirit of the reclusive Jacob Silar returned from beyond the grave? Will our intrepid investigators discover the true nature of the forces behind this mystery? What starts off as a haunted house mystery soon becomes a journey into Cosmic horror.

Camp Kill
Nicholas Reardon ($1.00, 26 page PDF)

In the year 1988, three are found dead on the set of a shlock horror film. The director of the film is nowhere to be found, and when a group of actors set out into the California desert to investigate, they find something much worse lurking underneath the scrubland mountains...

Featuring five pre-generated investigators with clashing personalities, the players can roleplay conflict as horror and stress drives the group apart.


The Funeral
Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 16 page PDF)

A death in the family brings the members of the wealthy Weather family to the old family manor. The dead may rest in peace but as for the living, it remains to be seen. There are things lurking just beyond the wall of sleep...

When Angels Weep: A Study in Marble and Yellow
Genevieve Colter (Dark Trapezohedron Productions) ($15.00, 34 page PDF)

Everyone who’s anyone in the 1920’s New York art scene is going crazy over the intricate, eerily lifelike sculptures of up-and-coming artist Hildred Blackstone. Unfortunately, the semi-reclusive Mr. Blackstone has a secret. A very, very dark secret. One that might just blur the line between science and the supernatural. What makes his work so uncannily realistic, as if the statues could move at any second? Why is Mr. Blackstone’s house so frigid, frost forms on the windows in the summer? How far can one man truly be willing to go for his art?


The Heavenly Host
Kyle Maxwell ($4.95, 9 page PDF)

It's the most wonderful time of the year... but not for long. As the snow falls and the decorations go up, a family meddles with forces they could never truly understand. In this Call of Cthulhu scenario, you and your fellow investigators must unravel the mystery of what is truly happening at a rural Christmas celebration. Can you survive the horrors that await and save Christmas from a fate worse than coal in your stocking? Find out in this heart-pounding tale of fear and madness.

Year of the Serpent: Doyers Street
Michael Tolentino ($6.99, 38 page PDF)

New York. February 7th, 1917. A raucous celebration in the heart of New York City's Chinatown district. A banquet to entertain the heavyweights of the City for the Chinese New Year is set to bring excitement, health, and prosperity. The streets are full of joyous revelers, red and gold stream down the city streets. In all the wondrous fervour, no one would ever notice one missing person...


A Theater of Flesh
Jean-Charles Ray ($2.95, 16 page PDF)

The investigators venture into 1920s Paris, and more specifically the red-light district of Pigalle and its scandalous Grand-Guignol, the theater of thrills and chills. They go there on the invitation of Mary Riley who makes her debut on its stage. However, after a performance as titillating as it is frightening, the young actress disappears without a trace. Behind the laughter and the froufrou, Pigalle suddenly reveals a disturbing face, and the investigators sink little by
little into horror when they discover that the Grand-Guignol might conceal realities worse than its fictions behind its curtains. What is really going on in this dead-end theatre and what happened to Mary Riley?

Lucie's Dispensation
John Dyer ($4.95, 50 page PDF)

Elderly Lucie and her little granddaughter, Cate, need help. They claim that the Germans recently attacked their tiny French village of Verlest. But it’s hard to believe them. There’s no sign of a battle. It’s late 1918. World War I just ended.

Yet a melancholy hangs over Verlest, people are missing, and, suspiciously, the monks at the nearby Abbey of Saint Barbara don’t appreciate outsiders asking questions. As the Investigators learn more about this traumatized village where ancient history and recent events have bred intrigue and horror, they might regret discovering the evil in their midst.

Michael O'Brien


The Thing in Tunnel 12
Alison Cybe ($3.99, 23 page PDF)

The atmosphere in the small working-class village of Cabbot's Tor could be cut with a knife. A growing dispute between the corporate owners of a coal mine and the worker's union threatens to spill out into escalating violence. Then a body is found. Torn apart. Murdered? Or... eaten?

A Call of Cthulhu adventure set during Britain's mining strike.

After the Rain: A Samurai Era Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Kevin Konieczko (Pay-What-You-Want, Recommended Price $6.00, 36 page PDF)

The small farming village of Kamatsoe has chafed under the yoke of a bandit gang for years, dutifully giving over a portion of their harvest in return for the bandit's "protection." The burning of a nearby village was the last straw, however, and the farmers have chosen to fight back by recruiting a small band of wandering samurai to liberate them from these bandits.


Cameron Tressler (Pay-What-You-Want, Recommended Price: $0.00, 9 page PDF)

Modern scenario in which the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man who has had an unbelievable experience with extra terrestrials.

Hunter and Hunted
Florian Klamt ($0.00, 13 page PDF)

The Investigators are invited on a friendly hunting trip to a remote valley in the northern Rocky Mountains by a member of professional yet dubious Grey Tigers. Several groups are formed, and the target is declared: Unbeknownst to the Investigators, however, their host has his very own motives. The hunt is on, but who is the hunter and who the hunted in this scenario?


Gold Fever
Erik Åhlin (Pay-What-You-Want, Recommended Price $2.95, 29 page PDF)

The silver medalist scenario of the 2022 national Swedish Call of Cthulhu-competition, Gold Fever, is now avaible in English! A lost son, an American gold magnate and the frightful glare of the midnight sun are all ingredients in this thrilling scenario suited for 2-4 sessions of horror.

The Burry Man
Keith D. Edinburgh ($3.95, 84 page PDF)

The Hanged God waits - Invited to a celebratory event at a historic coastal town near Edinburgh, investigators soon find themselves racing against time to save Jenny Sinclair, a local girl who appears to have been kidnapped.

A network of clues point to an uninhabited island and hint at an inhuman ritual that has potential to bring forth chaos, death and destruction. And are the tales of 'shadow creatures' beneath the waves true, or fanciful stories spun by sailors over the centuries?


Trick or Treat 2
Andy Miller ($5.99, 62 page PDF)

Thirty years ago, Lockport was shocked by almost a score of strange and still unexplained murders on Halloween night. This year a group of sophomores from Lockport High School are going to sneak out to party at the place where it all came to a head. The small group is going to have plenty of thrills and chills at the old Carrick farm outside of town. It’ll be the best Halloween ever … unless something goes terribly wrong.

Trick or Treat 2
is a modern scenario set in 2017 in Lockport, N.Y. and is the sequel to Trick or Treat by David Aniolowski published in Chaosium’s Blood Brothers in 1990. The original scenario saw a group of friends dealing with a slew of horrific murders on Halloween night. Now, 30 years later, the sequel brings back the thing that terrorized Lockport all those years ago.

Back to Nature: Cosmically Horrific Comix #2
Bored Stiffs ($5.00, 40 page PDF)

A weekend Bigfoot hunt in the forest! What could go wrong? You've been invited on a "Mystery Tour" by ESCAPADE!, a secret society of like-minded artists and activists. Their newsletter instructs you to bring camping gear and an open mind for an overnight event that organizer Gloria Winthrop teases as “a chance to touch your feet to the grass and wiggle your toes at Bigfoot!” Only she knows the destination and what to expect when you arrive…

Back to Nature is set in a redwood forest north of San Francisco, California during the spring of 1974, though it can be modified to fit an outdoor setting in any era.


Devilarium: Hands of Nyarlathotep - a Zgrozy supplement
Marek Golonka, Piotr Kozioł, Keith Mageau ($2.49, 15 page PDF)

Both investigators and non-player character (NPCs) can become Hands, but there’s no turning back from this road. Becoming one with Nyarlathotep and the Outer Gods forever changes a person.

Devilarium: Ormuddah's Gifts - a Zgrozy supplement
Michał Gralak, Sylwester Gdela, Michał Podłubny, Keith Mageau, Marek Golonka ($3.99, 22 page PDF)

To divide and create anew, to divide and create anew...


Click Clack
Sabrina Haenze ($3.00, 31 page PDF)

Halloween, 1920: The famous spiritualist Madame Mina has emerged from retirement to announce the death of her husband, notorious penny dreadful writer Walter Vines. Madame Mina claims that Walter’s spirit has possessed his beloved typewriter and is granting her even greater insight to the world beyond the veil than before. When the investigators attend a séance to determine the truth of her claims, however, they quickly realize that the typewriter is indeed haunted…but by whom? Or worse, what? Will the investigators survive their encounter with the beyond? Or will they be forever haunted by the click clacking of Walter’s typewriter in the world past the veil?

Bits and pieces
Jonas Morian ($2.50, 19 page PDF)

Ten short scenario hooks intended for 3-4 Call of Cthulhu investigators. They are written as inspiration, for keepers to expand on, rather than being fully developed. The scenarios were originally written to take place in various locations in Sweden during the 1920s, both in larger cities and in isolated villages in the countryside – but in this English version, they have been tweaked in order to be more flexible location-wise.


The True Housewives of Arkham
Keith D. Edinburgh ($1.99, 49 page PDF)

A sizzling one-shot of glamour, gossip and Great Old Ones! In this tongue-in-cheek modern day oneshot for Call of Cthulhu, players take on the roles of the 'True Housewives" of Arkham: glamorous, wealthy and infamous members of the city's giltterati. During the filming of the first season of a reality television series, the housewives find themselves drawn into a nefarious scheme that challenges everything they thought they knew...

Fortunately their fierceness is still intact, and together they will prove more than a match for anything the Mythos can throw their way... as long as they can manage not to fall out with each other.

Oklumin Lake: A Modern Day Slasher Scenario
James Golen ($4.99, 41 page PDF)

It's peak visitor season at the North Cascades National Park, and six rangers have just arrived via helicopter at the isolated OKLUMIN LAKE CAMPGROUND. With eleven campers in their care, they must fight to survive as an ancient and terrible creature has made the camp site its hunting ground. As storm clouds gather and strange voices call from the trees, there's no telling who will make it out alive from Oklumin Lake.


Mason Mansion
Melissa Lessard ($4.99, 20 page PDF)

A short, timer-based scenario set in the estates outside of Arkham in the 1920s. The Investigators will be fighting amongst each other in order to gain the inheritance of a late Seymour Mason, their Grandfather. While backstabbing and sabotaging each other, they'll also find that there are other things they'll have to survive.

Dossier No. I - The Maw
Matthias Sperling, Björn Soentgerath ($8.00, 92 page PDF)

Whoever messes with the ancient powers of Egyptian pharaohs can be struck by the curse of the pharaoh! Already many have dug and explored too deep. But occasionally it is not so much curiosity but its lower form, the greed for wealth, which - as in this adventure - is the undoing of two workers from Aken. If only they had taken the warning on the transport crates seriously. But they have sealed their own fate and, possibly, the fate of the entire town. For in the subterranean catacombs of Giza an unnamable creature has lurked for aeons whose very own desire has been awakened and whose long breath now reaches into peaceful Aken. Can the staff of the Obscuriat prevent worse and escape the tomb of the pharaohs, as only the great magician Houdini seems to have managed before...?


Flesh Wounds
Pete Burgess ($4.99, 64 page PDF)

Miskatonic University, Arkham, 1927 – Twisted science and the dark magic of the Mythos combine to unleash a new horror of ravenous, hungry flesh. Can a group of students put an end to the chaos before it consumes Arkham?

The Phantom Train
Ty Stevens ($5.00, 29 page PDF)

Outside of Warwick, Rhode Island, Late Summer early 1920s: The stuffy day almost ended just like any other, until you got the phone call. An old friend, calling in a favor to help him track down his daughter, who has been missing for two days. You did some looking into it, but Providence P.D. has already dismissed the case. Eloping. Partying. Typical stuff. However, Jim sounds as worried as a toad under a harrow, so you decided the least you can do is make sure he doesn't get in trouble. Who knows, something may even turn up? So, after gathering your equipment, off to Providence you went.


The Beast of Gévaudan a Hunt to Remember
Philip Kwiecinski ($2.00, 24 page PDF)

1765 France celebrates the dawn of a new legend. Francois Antoine killed the infamous beast that terrorized Gévaudan over a year. Over hundred were killed in this incident but now, France can be at ease. The Terror stopped. Except it didn’t. The killing continues and the people of Gévaudan can only assume one: The Beast of Gévaudan still lurks in the shadow, preying on the weak, feasting on the poor souls that did not escape it.

A great terror looms in Gévaudan. The Beast is still lurking in the Shadows. Inspired and loosely based on the historical event of the Beast of Gévaudan.

Fork In The Road
Riley Kruger ($1.00, 14 page PDF)

In this classic 1930s era scenario, while enroute to the biggest show of their career, your music industry investigators come upon a fork in the road. What happens next is only for those who survive the ordeal to tell.

Launch trailer!


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