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Character Development that takes a twist


First Post
Have you ever completely changed a character concept as you go? By that I mean starting out with a firm vision in mind, then moving to something completely different - and still having fun with it as you go?

Saerovan started out as a Rogue 1 / Wizard 1 in a Greyhawk game. My intention was that he would avoid melee like the plague whenever he could and stick to using his bow. The Wizard part was for spells that would 'enhance' his rogue abilities and thus, I didn't take anything like Mage Armor or any damaging spells at all. He's Neutral, quite a bit of a scoundrel. With the GM's help, it was established that he had a relationship with a sort of 'Robin Hood' NPC. (If by that you think "Bandit Leader".)

First couple of sessions, he was true to form, and I was a bit bored in combat, having low HP and not a lot of offensive capability. I still held to my vision though, expecting to be something like Rogue 5 / Wizard 3 at 8th level.

Then the world changed.

The GM is running a game in which Magic Items are rare, and generally powerful. The group came into possession of a Black (Adamantine) Bastard Sword. One fighter wasn't interested, as he concentrates on reach weapons. The other is played by a contrarian, and refused to even touch the thing for fear that it would turn out to be EVIL. Well, yes it did, but then, my character isn't exactly good. Despite having no proficiency, I took it, as no one else was interested. Then I took, as my 3rd level feat, Martial Weapon: Bastard Sword. It's +2, with a couple of neat abilities including Darkvision (when touched), and a recently uncovered ability to cast Darkness.

An Evil Cult is after it, and I have it.

Third level. Str 12. +1 BAB, 15 HP, AC 15. Two strong fighters in the group, and I'm running around with a freaking powerful (relatively) evil sword that the bad guys want. I'm charging into combat... and getting exceptionally lucky. I single-handedly killed a cultist while the others handled the undead. My character went delusional with self-confidence!

Fourth Level. I take a level of Fighter. (F 1 / R 2 / W 1) Go up to +2 BAB, 22 HP, AC 17. Go from +4 to hit with the sword to +6. Double my BAB, +50% to my attack bonus and hit points. Retcon the martial weapons feat, with GM approval, to Exotic (so I can use it one handed and thus gain the shield AC bonus), then take Weapon Focus as my fighter feat.

I sneak up on a Cultist leader and gut her before she can move (surprise, then win initiative, 30 damage in 2 attacks). I get the killing stroke on a higher level Cultist Cleric.

As I said after the last one, "Nothing has happened so far to dispel my delusions. I AM A MELEE GOD!!!".

And so, Saerovan the Thief who uses spells to help him be a better thief, became Saerovan the Warrior! Killer of Cultists and all around bad*** dude.

And I'm having a blast with him.

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Dwarven Guardian
Nice way to alter your character in a way you enjoy. As Nightfall indicated, duskblade is a possibility. Taking barbarian levels and getting rage would really be interesting if you like the "combat god" motif you're character has begun to develop.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

Yeah well I just figured since he already possess a level of wizard, some extra ability in both combat and spellcasting can't hurt.


Dwarven Guardian
That's true, and as soon as he can pick up the practiced spellcaster feat (if the DM allows it), he can take the Eldritch Knight PrC (again, if the DM allows it).


Chimera said:
Have you ever completely changed a character concept as you go? By that I mean starting out with a firm vision in mind, then moving to something completely different - and still having fun with it as you go?

I have a similar story with my halfling, Eeridric. I created him with the intent on eventually becoming an arcane trickster. He was puny. I mean PUNY. Str 6, Con 7. PUNY. He had the Dex & Int to back up my intent, though.

On one of the first adventures, we come across a small goblin camp. With the exception of 2 guards, they were asleep. I, easily, snuck up behind them and picked them off with surprise sneak attacks using my crossbow. No more guards to raise the alarm.

The rest of the group enters camp as I enter the largest tent. I find a sleeping ogre and line up my crossbow for the coup de grace. He made his save. :eek: Suddenly, I'm back-pedaling out of the tent, trying to re-load for another shot. Long story, short: a couple of lucky misses by the ogre, a single magic-missile from the sorcerer, and a few more shots from myself, the ogre drops. In the mean-time, the two fighters finish off the goblins.

We continue past the camp and find a small human barbarian tribe, one of a dozen in the area that don't get along with the exception of the druid that travels from tribe to tribe. After relating the ogre story, I'm re-named "Ogre-Slayer" by the barbarian tribe.

A few sessions later, I meet a contact to an underground group of halfling arcane tricksters and start delving into wizardry. By the time I am Rog 2 / Wiz 2, we have returned to the barbarian lands to warn them of a diabolic army we've learned that will be descending from the mountains and through their lands. With the help of the druid, we arrange a meeting of the tribal leaders to unite them. Even though we had earned the trust of one tribe, the rest weren't so eager to listen to us. IIRC, the druid spoke up telling the deeds of "Ogre-Slayer" and got the leaders to at least hear us out.

Much of what happened next is fuzzy (time will do that to the memory), but I remember Eeridric emerging from a tent w/o any of his wizard's clothes, wearing nothing but pants, and having the symbols of all the barbarian tribes painted all over his body. One rousing speech later, and the tribes were united to head off the threat.

Two pc's were killed, one lost, two stranded in the sieged town. Eeridric had retreated into the forest with the barbarians as their new leader. That was the last session, but I levelled him anyway. Rog 2 / Wiz 2 / Barbarian 1. One of my favorite characters of all time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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