D&D 2E character points ( 2e Skills and powers ) and faster/slower class progression

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
with a cap at 10.000.000 divided by cp ( character points )
and level 1 = cp
( with cp from 15 to 125 )
example1 :
cp = 15
cap = 10.000.000/15 = 666.000 xp
level xp
1 15
2 30
3 60
4 120
5 250
6 500
7 1.000
8 2.000
9 4.000
10 8.000
11 16.000
12 32.000
13 64.000
14 125.000
15 250.000
16 500.000 ( +250.000 )
17 1.000.000 ( +500.000 )
18 1.666.000 (+666.000 )
19 +666.000 ( 2.333.000 )
20 etc

example 2 :
cp = 125
cap = 10.000.000/125 = 80.000
level xp
1 125
2 250
3 500
4 1.000
5 2.000
6 4.000
7 8.000
8 16.000
9 32.000
10 64.000
11 128.000 ( +64.000 )
12 +80.000 ( 208.000 )
13 +80.000 ( 288.000 )
14 etc


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