D&D 5E Character sheets are too cluttered

When I make sheets for first time players, they look similar to those:

important thing is not having skills tied to atributes.
I just tell them, if skill or tool applies, increase the value by +2. If both apply, also roll woth advantage.

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Art Waring

I use two different character sheets in text format, one for all the gritty details, and an abbreviated version for when I run games. Monsters and PC's are so easy to manage this way that I can run combat on the fly without having to look anything up.

? Character Name ? / LV 1 / Berserker /
-HP// 15 - 00 // AC// 16 [Hvy Armor] // IN+1 // +Immunities [-] // +Speed [+SPD 30'] // +Perception [+1, +Passive= 11] //
-Rage [Bonus-Act, +2 Damage, DR= Blunt/Pierce/Edge/, +2 HP/Rd= x00 - 00, x2 - 0] //
-Abilities; STR 16 [+3]; DEX 13 [+1]; CON 16 [+3]; INT 10 [+0]; WIS 12 [+1]; CHA 8 [-1];
-Saves: [√] STR [+5], [-] DEX [+1], [√] CON [+5], [-] INT [+0], [-] WIS [+1], [-] CHA [-1],
-Longsword, +5, (1d8+3 Slashing, +Versatile 1d10);

---// CR 1/4 Dretch [Sm Fiend: Demon] /
-HP//// 18 - 00 // AC// 11 [Natural] // DR [Cold, Fire, Lightning] / Damage-Immune [Poison] / IN+1 / +Movement [SPD 20] / +Immunities [Poisoned] / +Multiattack [Melee x2] / +D-V [60ft] / +Telepathy [60ft, +Abyssal] / +Fetid Cloud [10ft-Radius, DC 11 CON or Dazed & Poisoned, 1-Min, x1/day] / +Perception [-1, +Passive= 9] /
-Abilities; STR 11 (+0); DEX 11 (+0); CON 12 (+1); INT 5 (-3); WIS 8 (-1); CHA 3 (-4); //
-Bite [Melee], +2 to Hit, Reach-5ft, One target, -HIT= 3 (1d6) Piercing damage.
-Claws [Melee], +2 to Hit, Reach-5ft, One target, -HIT= 5 (2d4) Slashing damage.


Bold move rolling with just 3 torches and no 10-foot-pole. ;)
halfling. a 10' pole would just be awkward.

Anyway, story behind that sheet: This was right when 5e came out, and the fact that I could fit a character on a notecard like I did in B/X was a huge plus for me liking the game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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