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Charles Ryan on Adventures


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TheAuldGrump said:
Actually in this one instance I feel that Paizo does have a measurably superior product. I lost interest in WLD when they were explaining what classes not to allow, what abilities would not work (including Bardic Lore) and other artificial ways of limiting the characters. Yechhh!

The Auld Grump
Totally agree from what I've seen of it, but it doesn't change the fact that AEG had to show it could be done before anyone tried to do it better.

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First Post
TheAuldGrump said:
I lost interest in WLD when they were explaining what classes not to allow, what abilities would not work (including Bardic Lore) and other artificial ways of limiting the characters. Yechhh!

The Auld Grump

Actually, they did a fantastic job with that. It is mostly just fluff so the DM can ignore it, but it does serve a very real purpose that goes along perfectly with the module.


Charles Ryan is the BOSS.

Saying to your underlings "you guys are the best" is one of the best things an employee can hear from his boss, especially if the employees know its true and their boss gives them the praise they deserve often.

This is how I interpreted Mr. Ryan's comments and wasn't offended by them at all.



Psion said:
I think this topic has come up before. To recount the astute observation from last time (Chris was the source of one or more of these iirc):

  • Those "not competing with WotC" by making adventures would be "competing with Dungeon." A hard act to follow, cost and presentation wise.
  • Modules aren't where the money are. Beings that third party publishers don't have the market presence of WotC to begin with, they would be competing for an even MORE miniscule segment of the market.
  • Necromancer and Goodman games are SURVIVORS of the module market. Others that tried their hand at it couldn't keep up and moved onto other things or out of the business entirely.

Very true on all accounts.

Adventures are a limited market no mater how you break it down. If the average group is 1 DM and 4 players, that is limiting yourself to 20% of the market. Given how long something like Shackled City can last the average group I don't see there being a high frequency of sales either. That does not even get into how many DMs homebrew which lowers the number of potential buyers further.

As far as 3rd party WoTC cooperation I think a lot of that goodwill was burned with the release of 3.5. Also there seem to be hints on a few different boards that the new powers that be do not think too highly of the OGC concept.


First Post
Psion said:
How can they "back it up"?

It's just smack talk. No figures sheet is going to prove it.

Well, if you are just looking at it like smack talk then they don't have to. But it still isn't hard to say Wizards does the best books.


First Post
MacMathan said:
Given how long something like Shackled City can last the average group I don't see there being a high frequency of sales either. That

Shackled City, Ptolus, WLD, Drowmunchkin 30k, etc. are premium items. IMO most people that buy them will buy them just to be proud of owning them, never to actually use them at a game table. It will be interesting to see what other types of items come out to fill this "new" niche. Interesting and scary, if WotC jumps into it with both feet a la Games Workshop.

Voidrunner's Codex

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