Planescape Check Out The Planescape Character Options

New backgrounds and feats in upcoming book!


WotC has unveiled some of the character options to be found in the upcoming Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse setting in a D&D Beyond article and a video.

The player options include two backgrounds and a handful of feats. The backgrounds are the Gate Warden and the Planer Philosopher, and the feats include Scion of the Outer planes, which gives you a damage resistance and a cantrip based on the plane you have a connect with. For example, a chaotic Outer Place give you resistance to poison and access to the minor illusion cantrip, which the Outlands give you resistance to psychic damage and the mage hand cantrip. Also included are a couple of new spells and some magic items.


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If it holds to the Wonders of the Multiverse UA from last year, and from the sound of it they are, the Faction mechanical support got shrunk into the Background and Feat options instead of being a whole new sub-system. Take the Gate Warden or Planer Philosopher background, get your free Scion of the Outer Planes starting feat, and consider taking a 4th level upgrade feat like Agent of Order or Cohort of Chaos.

It's simpler, it takes up less page count, and it's more compatible with what they're building for the 2024 PHB revision.

Yeah I don't need rules for rules sake. this seems like an elegant and simple solution as opposed to stacking another new subsystem to achieve a similar result.

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Most people seem to be disappointed by backgrounds, but it appears to me that backgrounds have been getting more oomph in their design, to the point where it comes with almost as many goodies as species choice.
I think accounting for being a member of an organization - whether Harpers, Knight of Solamnia or Doomguard be a background is a poor choice, as it locks out players from joining at a later level or point. Or if they are able to join at a later point those who spent their background option may feel gipped out options they could have put elsewhere.

Tasha's introduced patrons, and I really think that is the direction they should have carried forward with group affiliations, rather than tie them into backgrounds or feats.


I think accounting for being a member of an organization - whether Harpers, Knight of Solamnia or Doomguard be a background is a poor choice, as it locks out players from joining at a later level or point. Or if they are able to join at a later point those who spent their background option may feel gipped out options they could have put elsewhere.

Tasha's introduced patrons, and I really think that is the direction they should have carried forward with group affiliations, rather than tie them into backgrounds or feats.

Eh... see I think membership in factions should be alot more binding than patrons... From what I remember of Planescape this isn't supposed to just be a group you join but is supposed to be a declaration of your character's philosophy or belief on the multiverse. Should you be able to switch factions... sure, I guess... but I don't think it should be as loose or easy as patrons would make it... By the lore, being a member of a faction should be a major part of your character.


If it holds to the Wonders of the Multiverse UA from last year, and from the sound of it they are, the Faction mechanical support got shrunk into the Background and Feat options instead of being a whole new sub-system. Take the Gate Warden or Planer Philosopher background, get your free Scion of the Outer Planes starting feat, and consider taking a 4th level upgrade feat like Agent of Order or Cohort of Chaos.

It's simpler, it takes up less page count, and it's more compatible with what they're building for the 2024 PHB revision.
I mean, that is cool and all, but that really doesnt cover most of the factions in the setting, even if they made a few feats that everyone xould take with diferent options acording to membership like in dragonlance I would be satisfied, as it is, the book basically has no meaningul mechanical support for factions, which is a shame.

And I know I can homebrew it based on the theros system or something, but thats more work to do and really one of the only things that could jave been useful to me outside of the monster blocks, as it stands they are really the only useful thing to me and I dont know if they are enougj to make me buy the whole boxed set.


I mean, that is cool and all, but that really doesnt cover most of the factions in the setting, even if they made a few feats that everyone xould take with diferent options acording to membership like in dragonlance I would be satisfied, as it is, the book basically has no meaningul mechanical support for factions, which is a shame.

Okay maybe I'm not understanding what is being presented in this video... but isn't this exactly what is being given. You pick the general background... Planar Philosopher which gives you a feat called Scion of the Outer Planes...which you then flavor with further choices for your particular faction... which in turn open up specific feats further down the road. What am I missing here?

Edit: If anything this seems to be making the membership in a faction more mechanically relevant to a character than it was in AD&D where you got a single ability...

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