Chicago Gameday 34 is 3/23: Event Planning Thread

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I was talking about wanting to try Burning Wheel in place of D&D and you mentioned something else.

What's AW?
Ah, sorry. AW = Apocalypse World. It's a post-apocalypse RPG written by D. Vincent Baker. The "Apocalypse West" event willowx is running is a hack of the game, as are Monster of the Week and Monsterhearts, games that Reidzilla and willowx have run at Gamedays past. Not sure if Dungeon World has been run before; I want to say JoeBeason ran it, but I could be thinking about Forge Midwest.

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Vyvyan Basterd

•Time: Morning
•Game system: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
•Event Title: "Mutants of the Civil War: Where is Nitro?"
•Description: With the Super Human Registration Act vote looming on the horizon, a villanous mutant recently escaped from the Raft was responsible for a terrible tragedy that sent the world into shock. Nitro's wherabouts are unknown and numerous agencies are desperate to locate him. You have your own reasons for wanting him found and you believe you have the best resources to accomplish the task.
•An image: Up to you Buzz
•Content Rating: "Adults Only" for serious themes
•Number of Players: 6
•Table Preference: No preference


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Ok, throwing my hat into the ring. First time GameDay GM, be gentle with me!

Time: morning
Game system: Monsterhearts
Event Title: Being Human (or a bunch of monsters share an apartment)
Description: The monsters may have graduated high school, but they are still monsters and the rent needs to get paid somehow.
An image: Being Human S1.jpeg
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 4
Table Preference: None
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Durnit, now I have to decide between Monsterhearts and Marvel! And possibly whatever Nev or Trev run!

Buzz, if you choose to run something awesome, make it in the afternoon, so I can just lament it and not be torn by it! (Not to mention keeping the slots even, heh.)


First Post
Oh, by the way, Buzz... I made a small change to my event. I'll be using the new Fate Core play test rules, instead of homebrewed FATE 3.0.

Thought you'd like to know.


Buzz, if you choose to run something awesome, make it in the afternoon, so I can just lament it and not be torn by it! (Not to mention keeping the slots even, heh.)
Well, I don't know if it will be awesome, but I've decided to run the Leverage RPG in the afternoon.

Oh, by the way, Buzz... I made a small change to my event. I'll be using the new Fate Core play test rules, instead of homebrewed FATE 3.0.

Still room for one more event in each slot!

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