Chicago Gameday 34 is March 23rd: SIGN UP TO PLAY!


First Post
Okay... Less than a week left, and I've only got two players.

It may be best to cancel my event, so Nev, Delwugor and I can find seats elsewhere while we've still got the chance.

Sorry guys.

Buzz, please add me to Durance in the afternoon.

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Okay... Less than a week left, and I've only got two players.

It may be best to cancel my event, so Nev, Delwugor and I can find seats elsewhere while we've still got the chance.

Sorry guys.

Buzz, please add me to Durance in the afternoon.

Understood, Pb. You're now in Durance... which means Durance is FULL.

Nev and Delwugor, you'll need to either fight over the last spot in Cold Steel Wardens or play some TOMB.


First Post
Please register me for:
Slot 1- morning Game 9 Dawn Patrol
Slot 2- afternoon Game 7: Tomb of Horrors/House of Cards Remix!
(aka, Gorak)


Please register me for:
Slot 1- morning Game 9 Dawn Patrol
Slot 2- afternoon Game 7: Tomb of Horrors/House of Cards Remix!
(aka, Gorak)
Added! Welcome back, man.

It happens, man I know that. I was looking forward to gaming with you again, and showing me how to run a Fate game right!

I'll have to pass on this game day then.

Hope everyone has fun Sat.!
Understood, sir. See you next time!

Isawa Hochiu

First Post
Buzz, Severian and Ken S are one and the same, so please remove Ken S from the Dawn Patrol list. Also, remove Mark S from that list as well. That is me. While I may still play, better to make slots available for those interested in trying Dawn Patrol for the first time.

On the plus side, please add Jim M and Eric M to the Dawn Patrol table. Also, I would be ready to add slots instead of capping players. Unless of course there is a maximum occupant/store limit that needs to be acknowledged.

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I am actually done early! Everyone in Hot War, get ready to rock!

And by rock, I mean get really depressed about the post-apocalyptic nightmare that is DC coupled with monsters. It will be, er, fun?


Buzz, Severian and Ken S are one and the same, so please remove Ken S from the Dawn Patrol list. Also, remove Mark S from that list as well. That is me. While I may still play, better to make slots available for those interested in trying Dawn Patrol for the first time.

On the plus side, please add Jim M and Eric M to the Dawn Patrol table. Also, I would be ready to add slots instead of capping players. Unless of course there is a maximum occupant/store limit that needs to be acknowledged.

All changes and additions noted! The only maximum to keep in mind is the number of players that make for an enjoyable game.

Please add me to Sentinels of the Multiverse if possible.
Absolutely possible! Added! Welcome to ENWorld and Gameday, FxLotus.

I am actually done early! Everyone in Hot War, get ready to rock!

And by rock, I mean get really depressed about the post-apocalyptic nightmare that is DC coupled with monsters. It will be, er, fun?
The monsters in your DC are probably way more fun than the ones in the real DC. :cool:

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