Chicago Gameday 35 is July 13th: SIGN UP TO PLAY


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Buzz, in my overly-java juiced excitement, I accidentally signed up for two morning games. Would you please keep me in Morning Game 2 (All Flesh Must Be Eaten), remove me from Morning Game 6 (Deniable Asset), and surprise the others in Afternoon Game 2 (Monster of the Week) by slipping me in there? If you can, that'd be totally awesome.

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No worries, I'm not hurt, just disappointed. The last time I ran this game, I got a full house, so it's not the game. There is the point that everyone I know is either running something or had a jones to play Game X. *shrug* Them's the breaks. Or brakes. I'm not sure which.

Guess I better see if there's something I want to play in the AM...... hm. Not really. =\
I've found Gameday to be a fickle beast. Sometimes, it only wants D&D/Pathfinder stuff. Other times, it's indie-rpg friendly. I've run playtests of my games and had to expand the number of players due to high interest, and I've also had to cancel playtests because not one gamer signed up.

Then there's the divide between signing up and showing up. Sometimes there's none and sometimes it's huge.

Just saying I share your disappointment and have been there in the past.


Buzz, in my overly-java juiced excitement, I accidentally signed up for two morning games. Would you please keep me in Morning Game 2 (All Flesh Must Be Eaten), remove me from Morning Game 6 (Deniable Asset), and surprise the others in Afternoon Game 2 (Monster of the Week) by slipping me in there? If you can, that'd be totally awesome.

Done! Thanks for catching that, sir. I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner.

Looks like there is now an open seat in Deniable Asset!


Just saying I share your disappointment and have been there in the past.

Thanks, WJ. I didn't mean to come of as whiny. It just is what it is.

Believe me when I say that I spend a lot of time thinking about what makes Gameday tick. I've seen the event evolve from its roots in the d20 boom to the trad-and-indie-infused gallimaufry that it is now. I have come to terms with the fact that each Gameday is unique. I think our "fan base" is diverse enough that, depending on which subset of people can attend a given Gameday, you'll see interest in certain RPGs vary from one Gameday to the next. I mean, you'd think running Pathfinder would guarantee you a full table, but I've seen Gamedays where we struggled to fill PF games.

The flip side is that this means no one kind of gaming dominates Gameday every time. E.g., the roster this time around is all over the map. Personally, this is one of the things I love about Gameday.

I think maybe I'll do another uber-survey after this Gameday.

Okay, back to signups!

Nev the Deranged

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It is interesting that the more of my monkeysphere has gotten dragged into the Game Day orbit, the counterintuitively less signups I get- where before I was one of maybe two people running offbeat indie stuff, now it's usually a fairly even split. There's more audience, but also more supply. Also they are all way better at it than I am. And because I have the unfortunate quality of only liking things that are either ahead of or behind the curve (a lifelong curse, and not just with gaming), well, there ya go.

But enough about me!

No, srsly, enough about me.


Good point about the supply/demand curve. I've been running much more indie stuff the past five years or so. In other words, I blame Rob/TracerBullet42 for everything, including sunspots.

TracerBullet42, you need to change your .sig file since your last blog post was n 2008.

And Buzz, I need to bow out of this Gameday. Please remove me from my games, have a Bloody Mary at breakfast in my honor, and mock me for not attending.

Isawa Hochiu

First Post
OK Buzz, we can pull the Ruins of the Moathouse event now. I talked with Scottenkainen and he is aware of the situation. Sad times for Table H.

Hope to see you at the next Gameday, and have a great time all!

Voidrunner's Codex

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