Chicago Gameday 35 is July 13th: SIGN UP TO PLAY

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TracerBullet42, you need to change your .sig file since your last blog post was n 2008.

And Buzz, I need to bow out of this Gameday. Please remove me from my games, have a Bloody Mary at breakfast in my honor, and mock me for not attending.

Aww, that sucks, dude. I'll spill some coffee in your honor!

There's now an open seat in Tenra Bansho Zero.


OK Buzz, we can pull the Ruins of the Moathouse event now. I talked with Scottenkainen and he is aware of the situation. Sad times for Table H.

Hope to see you at the next Gameday, and have a great time all!

Noted. Sorry we couldn't get you more signups, IH.


Buzz I have to pull out of both my sessions, but this opens up a seat in afternoon Monster of the Week, for both Sarah and Mark R. to get in. And as a bonus, they'll know what they're doing :)


Buzz I have to pull out of both my sessions, but this opens up a seat in afternoon Monster of the Week, for both Sarah and Mark R. to get in. And as a bonus, they'll know what they're doing :)
Sorry to hear it, Steamboat. Hopefully we'll see you next time!

Voidrunner's Codex

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