Chicago Gameday 35 is July 13th: SIGN UP TO PLAY

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Okay, the reservation at LePeep has been made! Ask for me (Mark Delsing) or Games Plus.

Also, some tables have been re-assigned; please be aware that your event may have moved.


First Post
I need to drop out of the 2nd game. (sorry Jenn and Buzz). I am still good for the morning game.

Is it to late to sign up for the breakfast? If not put me down.


I need to drop out of the 2nd game. (sorry Jenn and Buzz). I am still good for the morning game.

Is it to late to sign up for the breakfast? If not put me down.
Added to breakfast! Removed from InSpectres! InSpectres now has an open seat.

Son of a...

*sigh*... guess that puts the kibosh on my morning slot as well.

On the plus side, I guess I don't have to drag myself out of bed early =\
I've edited the schedule, Nev. Sorry, but glad you can sleep in. You're welcome to jump in one of the other morning games, though.

Fairman Rogers

First Post
If you want to sleep in but come in before the afternoon session, you could always jump into our second round of Steamscapes in the morning. Those are each 2-hour scenarios, so I'm expecting to start the second one at about noon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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