Chicago Gameday 39 is Sept 13th at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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First Post
One Ring?

Curious as this would be my first Game Day, what was the turnout for One Ring like last time? I'd be willing to either play or run it. I had a lot of fun with it at Gen Con.

I could also run a 5e D&D game if there is interest.


First Post event descriptions

Morning (9:30 a.m.)
Game system
Event Title
Scared Stiffs
You are cordially invited to attend the First Annual Supernatural Conclave and Ski Party Weekend!
Where: The old Wrath Hotel, nestled in the scenic New England countryside of Wrath, Vermont.
When: When the wolfsbane blooms and the moon is full and bright.
Who: All the biggest names in the supernatural investigation and containment industry.
Activities: Hobnob with the biggest names in the supernatural investigation and containment industry; discuss the latest in ghost-capture technology; learn to dance the hokey-pokey.
Guest of Honor: Louis Tully of Ghostbusters International.
Other Things of Interest: Zombies, crazed but lovable Grandpa Ira, wandering calculators, television commercials, more zombies, commando ghosts, hilarious and deadly traps, dwindling profit margins, even more zombies, and a white stretch limo.
Additional Activities: Tour an eerie hotel, visit a creaky ski lodge, eat a musty chowder shack, uncover an insidious plot, battle diabolic villains, spend the night in a haunted vineyard, and save the Earth, the universe, and everything!
Sponsored by the Quasi-Unearthly Association of Clairvoyants, Kismetologists, and Spiritologists, Inc.
Content Rating
Number of Players
Table Preference
Any will do just fine!
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Curious as this would be my first Game Day, what was the turnout for One Ring like last time? I'd be willing to either play or run it. I had a lot of fun with it at Gen Con.
I ran the TOR events last time; I had five players in the morning and two in the afternoon. I think you'd have good turnout if you were running just a single slot.

I could also run a 5e D&D game if there is interest.
...and you might get even more people for 5e, since it is the new hotness.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Curious as this would be my first Game Day, what was the turnout for One Ring like last time? I'd be willing to either play or run it. I had a lot of fun with it at Gen Con.

I could also run a 5e D&D game if there is interest.

I ran the TOR events last time; I had five players in the morning and two in the afternoon. I think you'd have good turnout if you were running just a single slot.

...and you might get even more people for 5e, since it is the new hotness.

I'd like to give up my morning slot to Traxiss and play in either one that gets run, that way I won't be overly committed to running two scenarios on the same day. (I could give up the evening instead if Traxiss prefers that slot.)


I'd like to give up my morning slot to Traxiss and play in either one that gets run, that way I won't be overly committed to running two scenarios on the same day. (I could give up the evening instead if Traxiss prefers that slot.)

Okay, we'll see what [MENTION=6670067]Traxiss[/MENTION] wants to do.


General notice to GMs: Please decide your TBDs and post your event description if you have not already.

We're just a week and a half or so from player registration, so the sooner I can get everything into Warhorn, the better.
[MENTION=45422]Nev the Deranged[/MENTION]
[MENTION=492]Trevalon Moonleirion[/MENTION]


First Post
Supernatural Event Description

Event Title: Deathwail
GM: Josh "Ninjacat" Brining
Time Slot: PM
System: Cortex Classic (Supernatural)
Players: up to 6
Rating: Adults Only (gore descriptions comparable to the TV show)
Table Preference: D

There's a Hunt in Chicago. Something supernatural is killing people, but heck if you can figure out what. The victims don't have anything in common other than being residents of Chicago...not even the methods of killing. Blunt force trauma, internal pressure escalation, pyrokinesis- -what even does all of that? A bigwig demon, maybe? Then what's it up to? Somebody better find out, and put a stop to it, whatever is going on.

Looks like it's time for another RoadTrip.

Deathwail is an action/horror RPG in the setting of the CW's Supernatural television show. The Players will play Hunters trying to stop the monster behind the killings, using the Classic Cortex game mechanics from Margaret Weis Productions. The game mechanics are very simple, though having more than one polyhedral set of dice would be helpful. Familiarity with the TV show is not required, though will of course prove useful. More information about this event is available at my website, _here_.
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First Post
  • Time: Morning
  • Game system: Urban Shadows, a modern urban fantasy hack of Apocalypse World (rules in beta)
  • Event Title: Shadows Over Chicago
  • Description: You're a monster in the big city- a vampire, a werewolf, a fey or something else. You have power, sure, but you're not the only shark in this pond. Speaking of sharks- a new name is whispered in the shadows- they couldn't possibly be dumb enough to muscle in on your territory, right? What are you gonna do about it?
The corruption mechanic is unique to this system- as you are corrupted you gain great and terrible new powers, but nothing comes free, yeah?


Voidrunner's Codex

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