Chicago Gameday 40 is March 21 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL


First Post
The tricky thing is that we're already at the max number of tables we typically use. Let me ask GP if we can use a ninth table, and then we can see.

Bagels, if we can't fit you in, would you be wiling to step in if we have a cancellation?

If we only have the 8 tables, go ahead and give mine to Bagels, I can stay on the bench in case we have space & players.

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First Post

I'm happy to sub in for any cancellations in the morning session (I'm hoping to get into the Fading Suns game in the afternoon). Thanks for offering up your spot Genevieve.


If we only have the 8 tables, go ahead and give mine to Bagels, I can stay on the bench in case we have space & players.


I'm happy to sub in for any cancellations in the morning session (I'm hoping to get into the Fading Suns game in the afternoon). Thanks for offering up your spot Genevieve.

Okey-dokey, then. [MENTION=6791382]Bagels[/MENTION], would you post your event description? Then I can add you to the Warhorn schedule.


First Post
Time: Morning Slot

Game system: Shadowrun 5th Edition

Event Title: Robin Hood, M.D.

Description: Dr. Ida Bonsu is desperate for supplies to keep her clinic running. While the clinic can't afford to purchase everything it needs, Dr. Bonsu has managed to scrape together some nuyen. But is it enough to hire a group of runners competent enough to solve the clinic's problems?

This game is beginner friendly. Pre-generated characters will be available.

Content Rating: Adults Only (for violence)

Number of Players: 5


Last edited:


Time: Morning Slot

Game system: Shadowrun 5th Edition

Event Title: Robin Hood, M.D.

Description: [Still working on the description, should have it done this afternoon]
Thanks! I await your full description.

Also, have you registered at I need to assign you as GM to the event.


(This was just sent to the mailing list and on social media; putting here for bump-sake.)

Just checking in to let you know of the progress with player sign-ups.

We've had a few events fill up: the Unheroes LARP, Danger Patrol, Shadowrun, Translucent University, and Masks of the Mummy Kings. That leaves four morning events and seven afternoon events with ample room for players. Namely...

Dawn Patrol
The One Ring

Dawn Patrol
Fading Suns
Just Sentinels
Marvel Heroic
Savage Worlds
Time Cellist

Remember, to sign up, head to our site:


Update! Tables have been assigned. Take a look at the event schedule on Warhorn to see which table was assigned to your event. Let me know if you have any issues with the table you've been given, and I'll see what can be done.

Just a few more days!

Voidrunner's Codex

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