Chicago Gameday 40 is March 21 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL



Chicago Gameday 40 is March 21st, 2015
  • Chicago Gameday 40 is a day of FREE RPG gaming. You can learn more about Chicago Gameday by viewing our FAQ page.
  • Feel free to like our Facebook page to stay abreast of announcements and future Chicago Gamedays.

Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL.

[highlight]March 21[/highlight], 2015, from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

We invite you to join us at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast at Le Peep.

[h=2]Official Gameday Deputies™[/h]
  • Genevieve80
  • DainXB

Morning: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

  1. Translucent University, Nev the Deranged
  2. The One Ring, Traxiss (private room requested)
  3. Unheroes, meganjank
  4. HIBRiD/Ite’ Gaming Engine, hujraadjohaansen
  5. Dawn Patrol, Isawa Hochiu
  6. Earthdawn, MrF
  7. Danger Patrol, Reidzilla
  8. Shadowrun 5e, Bagels

Afternoon: 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

  1. Marvel Heroic, willowx
  2. Just Sentinels, Ninjacat
  3. Time Cellist, meganjank
  4. Masks of the Mummy Kings, Nathan Paoletta
  5. Savage Worlds, Fairman Rogers (private room requested)
  6. Dawn Patrol, Isawa Hochiu
  7. Fading Suns Revised, FASA_Bogie
  8. Earthdawn, MrF

[h=2]How Do I Sign Up?[/h]
  1. Create an account with, if you have not done so already.
  2. Once you have an account set up, register for Gameday 40 on its Warhorn page.
  3. Once registered, view the event schedule and click the Play button for any events in which you'd like to play. This will reserve you a seat in those events. [highlight]Please note: Player event signup opens on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7pm.[/highlight]
  4. Once you've signed up for events, you can log in an view your personal schedule at any time.

[h=2]How to Run an Event For Us[/h]
If you would like to run an event for Chicago Gameday, please follow these three steps.

[h3]1. Post your event description in this thread[/h3]
Your event description must include the following:
  • [highlight]Time[/highlight]: morning (9:30 a.m.) or afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot;
  • [highlight]Game system[/highlight]: e.g., "D&D 4e";
  • [highlight]Event Title[/highlight]: e.g., "The Caves of Chaos";
  • [highlight]Description[/highlight]: ideally, short and to the point; here are some guidelines from designer/editor Ryan Macklin;
  • [highlight]An image[/highlight]: one you wish associated with your event description, or else state that you are happy to leave that up to me;
  • [highlight]Content Rating[/highlight]: choose either "Kid-Friendly" or "Adults Only";
  • [highlight]Number of Players[/highlight]: total your event can accomodate, not including yourself;
  • [highlight]Table Preference[/highlight]: If you need a specific table or want to reserve the private room, say so in your post below. However, please be aware that table assignments may be adjusted depending on the size of your event. View a map of the Games Plus play area
[h3]2. Make sure I have a way of contacting you[/h3]
Either like us on Facebook or provide me with your email address so I can add you to our mailing list. You can email me at buzz (at) buzzmo (dot) com. If you have Private Messaging enabled here at ENWorld, that works, too.
[h3]3. Subscribe to this thread on ENWorld or else make sure to check it regularly.[/h3]

[h=2]How to Be a Great Gameday GM[/h]
[highlight]You should create a safe, friendly space for your event.[/highlight]
Introduce yourself and help introduce the players to each other. Be accommodating to people with special needs, e.g., someone who needs to sit closer to you in order to hear better. Be sensitive to players who let you know they are uncomfortable with certain topics your game may address; do what you can to make them comfortable. In short, treat your players as you would guests in your home.

[highlight]You should be aware of how long your event lasts.[/highlight]
Four hours is the ideal minimum. Morning events should end with enough time left to allow you and your players to get lunch and spend some time shopping before the start of afternoon event slot. Afternoon events should keep both the Metra schedules and the store's hours in mind.

[highlight]You should come to Gameday prepared to run your event[/highlight] matter how many people have signed up for it. If you don't want to run your event, let me know as soon as possible, and I will remove it from the schedule.
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[h=2]How to Sign Up For Gameday and Register for Events[/h]
1. Go to and sign up for an account if you do not have one already.

2. Once you have your Warhorn account, go to the Chicago Gameday 40 Warhorn page and register. You should see a Register for this event button in the upper right.


3. Clicking the Register for this event button will bring you to a confirmation screen. Click the Register button at the bottom to confirm your registration.


4. Once you're registered, you can view the event schedule by clicking the link in the left-hand nav area.


5. Once you're on the event schedule page, you'll see Play buttons next to the events with available seats. Click the button for the event in which you'd like to play.


6. You should see a confirmation dialog appear. Click Save to confirm your place in the event.


7. You should return to the event schedule. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all of the events in which you'd like to play. There will be a Withdraw button next to the events for which you have reserved a seat. You can click these buttons to give up your seat in an event.


8. At any time, you can click the Your personal schedule link in the left nav area to view your Gameday 40 schedule.


If you have any problems during sign-up, feel free to contact me.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I'd love to run an RPG in the private room, afternoon/evening slot, (provided I get the requisite number of sign ups by the time you need to make the call) with six seats for adult-folks and using 1E AD&D in my 40 year old homebrew setting of Grymvald. I'm open to hearing what type of adventure folks might prefer using those parameters.


I'd love to run an RPG in the private room, afternoon/evening slot, (provided I get the requisite number of sign ups by the time you need to make the call) with six seats for adult-folks and using 1E AD&D in my 40 year old homebrew setting of Grymvald. I'm open to hearing what type of adventure folks might prefer using those parameters.
So mote it be! Noted in the schedule. Thanks, Mark.

Nev the Deranged

First Post
I'll probably take another crack at Translucent University. Put me down for a morning slot, tentatively. Might switch out if something good comes up.


First Post
Two super teams. One Infinity Stone. Who will have it when the dust clears?
This is a Marvel Heroic Roleplaying event for EIGHT players.
(Marvel Cinematic Universe is considered canon for purposes of this game. I'll have sheets for the Avengers and the Guardians of course, but if there's another character you think you might like to play that would be on one of those sides (like Black Panther or Spiderman or Yondu, let me know.)
Kid Friendy
Evening Slot
Bring fistfuls of dice.


First Post
Buzz, do you think there will be any interest in a D&D 5th Edition adventure? If so, I can run either an Adventurer's League session or something homebrewed.

Vyvyan Basterd

Time: morning slot
Game system: "Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying" - A MHRP/D&D/PF Hack
Event Title: Burnt Offerings

Description: "WE BE GOBLINS - YOU BE FOOD!" Five years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Sandpoint eagerly anticipate the Swallowtail Festival to commemorate the consecration of the town's new temple. At the height of the ceremony, disaster strikes!

Pre-generated characters will be available or you may create a starting character using the rules in the attached document. The document assumes you are familiar with Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and the fantasy roleplaying genre.

An image: up to you Buzz
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 4
Table Preference: I'd prefer the private room, but as long as I'm not at a tall table I'm good.


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Buzz, do you think there will be any interest in a D&D 5th Edition adventure? If so, I can run either an Adventurer's League session or something homebrewed.

A Gameday regular was PM'ing me lust a few weeks ago asking about 5e games in the area, so: could be! You are more than welcome to run some 5e for us.

Voidrunner's Codex

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