Chicago Gameday 41 is July 11th: run an event or come to play!

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Possible AM Event

Assuming my wife doesnt have to work, I would like to run the following if possible:

Time: AM 0930
Game system: HiBRiD/Ite' Gamine Engine v2.2
Event Title: Big Showdown in Little Canyonside
Description: You thought the Kumi-te was gonna be tough.....wait til the Goth Kids get a hold of you! Choose a butt-kicker from some of the cheesiest 80's action movies, lock & load your biga** guns, warm up those fists & feet of fury, & let’s get Cinematic! Bring a d20 & a desire to get macho! This game is based (loosely) on 80's (and 90's) action movies. Over the top action is the name of the game. The system used for this event, the HiBRiD/Ite' Gaming Engine, favors heroic action over number crunching, fast combat and action resolution over rules-lawyering, and only requires a single 20-sided die to play. If you are familiar with FUDGE, FADAD, SRD, or any d20-based system, than you already know the rules; you just need to let go and have fun!
An image: one you wish associated with your event description, or else state that you are happy to leave that up to me;
Content Rating: As family-oriented as guns and Kung-fu can be!
Number of Players: up to 8
Table Preference: If you need a specific table or want to reserve the private room, say so in your post below. However, please be aware that table assignments may be adjusted depending on the size of your event. View a map of the Games Plus play area

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I already submitted this event to Mark via email, but I would appreciate any feedback in terms of system.

By default I was going to go with Savage Worlds, but Runequest 6 or 13th Age will work equally well for the scenario.

Given past events and what the folks here would be interested in playing, which system do you think would be best received?



Title: The Curtain Falls
System: Savage Worlds
Players: ~6

"The human army was going to break that day against the combined arms of orcs, elves dwarves and all the other civilized races. The battle plans were perfect, the terrain was favorable and the human advance would be stopped once and for all. The lines did not hold. You and a ragtag band of survivors fled the aftermath of the battle, running for days just ahead of the human outriders who were riding down those who could not run and hide as well as you. Ahead lies a small halfling village, promising a brief respite from the relentless pursuit as well as the ever thickening mist and the unseasonable chill that is now in the air... Why does it seem to be getting so dark? It is only noon..."

. By default I was going to go with Savage Worlds, but Runequest 6 or 13th Age will work equally well for the scenario.

Given past events and what the folks here would be interested in playing, which system do you think would be best received?

I'd be interested in playing any of these systems to try them out. In general, games with a bit lighter rule sets seem to go over better at game days in my experience. (Unless you're running something intentionally difficult like Synnibar.)


First Post
Put me down for APOCALYPSE WORLD: THE LONGEST ROAD in the Morning, a guzzoline-fueled romp inspired by Mad Max. Full writeup to come!


Oh, morning, I suppose. I'm usually too fried by the afternoon to facilitate effectively.

Assuming my wife doesnt have to work, I would like to run the following if possible: HiBRiD/Ite' Gamine Engine v2.2

By default I was going to go with Savage Worlds, but Runequest 6 or 13th Age will work equally well for the scenario.

I would run whichever system you will have the most fun facilitating.

Let me snag an afternoon slot. Not sure what I'm running quite yet.

Put me down for APOCALYPSE WORLD: THE LONGEST ROAD in the Morning, a guzzoline-fueled romp inspired by Mad Max. Full writeup to come!


First Post
I Was A Teenage Creature

Okay, my Crew and I have to sort out making our own meet-up happen at some point anyway, so let's go with the Gen Con prep for now and add SPN later if the morning remains open or has a cancellation.

Time: PM slot
System: I Was A Teenage Creature
Title: Family Tree Forest Fire
Description: Things are getting bad in Signal Lakes. That's to be expected when your town is the western tip of the Bermuda Triangle, but lately, they've been getting even worse. The local werewolf pack that has countered paranormal activity for over a century was recently slain, and the effects are starting to show. Rogue Hunters from out of town killed the O'Brien Pack, and it looks like they might not consider themselves finished, yet. Given that you're a teenage creature in Signal Lakes, you and your family and friends might be in trouble...

I WAS A TEENAGE CREATURE is a narrative-focused urban fantasy RPG where it doesn't matter how strong your werewolf is, or how fast his vampire is, or how beautiful her fae is; what matters is how each of these characters feels, why they're doing a thing instead of how capable they are of achieving it. Adolescence is hard anywhere, but in a place like Signal Lakes, where you might struggle with what it means to be human, as well as coming of age, not to mention worrying about things that go bump in the night? Well, if you survive, you'll be able to claim: "I Was A Teenage Creature".

More info is available here.
Image: Splash.jpg
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 5
Table Preference: Table D is preferred, but by no means required.
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